OXP old
This page show the state of play in August 2010
It was obsoleted by A-Z pages and then became even more obsolete with the OXP List
[hide]What are OXPs?
An OXP (Oolite eXpansion Pack) is an enhancement to the game Oolite. Typically, an OXP is downloaded as a ZIP file, which is expanded and placed in Oolite's AddOns folder. On the Mac the OXP is a shown as an application, which takes the form of the icon shown here. On Windows the OXP appears as a normal folder ending ".oxp". An OXP could be a new game object (such as a ship, space station or a moon), a mission, or a combination of several elements. OXPs can use all of the facilities of Oolite, including some that are not used in the standard, unexpanded game. Whatever your OS, you need to move the OXP into Oolite's AddOns folder. Oolite will only read an OXP if you move the .oxp folder (or Application on the Mac) into Oolite's AddOns folder.
Downloading OXPs
On this page you will find download links to all the OXPs. The download will create a .ZIP file. Unzip it and a new folder will appear. Open this folder and you will see a folder ending .oxp and usually a README file. Move the folder ending .oxp into the Oolite AddOns folder. Next time you load up Oolite the new features added by the OXP will be added to the game. Be sure to read the README file, as this will tell you what the OXP does. If you are updating an old version of an OXP on Oolite 1.69.1 onwards, hold down the SHIFT key whilst Oolite loads up for the first time after installing in order to ensure the cache is updated.
Below you will see a table of all the OXPs set out in alphabetical order. The link in the first column will take you to a Wiki Page giving you information on the OXP and a download link. If no Wiki page is currently available for the OXP, the link will take you directly to a download link.
The links in the next column will take you to Wiki Pages giving information on ships or stations added by the OXP. Many of the Mission OXPs will contain lots of other ships, stations or weapons that are not listed here. The Wiki only gives information on the Ships listed in the galaxy wide "Jane's Spacecraft". Many military, criminal and corporate powers do not make information on the craft they build or use available to the galactic public! Below the Main Table is a list of download links to all the OXPs broken down by category.
Most OXPs can also be found at The Oolite Satellite Resource Site (Oosat2) or the older Captain Hack OoSat Site (Oosat1). Please note however that neither of these sites have been updated for a long time, nor will they be. All updating is now done on this page of the Wiki. You should use the link shown on this page to get the latest version of the OXP. For example, the versions of Assassins.oxp, Ionics.oxp, Thargoid Wars.oxp and Spyhunter.oxp on the Captain Hack site are old versions (and contain bugs). The links on this page will take you to the latest versions.
Table of all OXPs
Information / Download | Ships | Stations | Short Description |
Aegidian's Specials | Mussurana | Ships. The powerful Mussurana and an improved Asp. | |
Aegidian's X-Ships | Python ET Special | Ships. An improved Python, the experimental Cobra Mk II, the Asp Mark II Special and the Sidewinder Special. | |
Amen Brick's Pirate Clan One: The Blitzspears (NEW 07/08) | Assassin, Hoodlum, Mugger, Scoundrel and Spiv | Ships. The first of the Pan-Galaxy Outlaw clans to rise through the leadership of some diabolical criminal genius. What are his, or indeed hers or, further indeed, its future plans? Will their nefarious example be followed by others? The answers are out there...
All ships in this version are playable. Future versions (probably modular for memory saving reasons) will have more clans, the ability to join clans (if I master the arcane art of programming), stations and missions. Stay untuned, folks. | |
Amen Brick's Megaships v1.2 (Amended 07/08) | The Battleship, The Biodome, The Cruiseship, The Hospitalship, The Supercargo, The Superlifter and the Yacht:Amen Class | Ships. Graceful giants cross the galaxies before our eyes. The forlorn Biodome, destined to forever wander the Ooniverse. The Cruiseship taking citizens to holiday planets. The Supercargo ferrying aid to the needy. The private Yacht filled with luxury and the prosaic Superlifter than helps giant ships get to their new homes or their final resting place. Now amended to make spectacular explosions as they try to dock less likely (sorry!) | |
Amiga Replacement Sounds | Sound Set, based on the sound set used in the Amiga version of the original Elite. | ||
Anarchies.oxp | Hacker Viper
Salvager Phoenix Salvager Tugger |
Hacker Outpost
Sentinel Station Renegade_Station|Renegade Station |
Feature/Ships/Stations. Complete overhaul of Oolite's legal rating system. It gets harder to become clean again. But there are some new ways to achieve this as well: Hacker Outposts can be found in the higher tech Anarchy systems, the criminals willing to clear a fugitive's legal record. For a price of course! Salvage Gangs are spread all over the Ooniverse, providing good equipment deals. Those in Anarchy systems offer a service similar to the Hacker Outposts as well. Sentinel Stations are placed in some of the worst Anarchies. But beware! Some of them have been overthrown by the pirates and are now Renegade Stations. Good news for the pirates among the players, because these are as close to a safe-haven for you as it gets! All of these also feature their own ships. |
Anti-Missile System | Equipment. Adds the anti-missile system, designed to offer a defence against non-standard missiles via automatically firing interceptor darts (6 per launcher, replenishable). Requires Missile Analyser OXP by Eric Walch. | ||
Aphid Escort Service | Ships. Adds the stylish Aphid escort service. | ||
Aquatics | Manta Ray, Shark, Man O' War, Box Escort, Conger Cargo Hauler, Hawksbill Fuel Tanker, HammerHead Hauler Carrier, Barracuda, Leviathan System Platform, Orca Destroyer | Ships/mission/station. Ships from the Aquarian Shipbuilding Corporation of Aqualina, G3. Also includes a brand new station (the Aquarian Shipbuilding Corp. HQ) plus a mission based out of it. And who knows, there may be a few more surprises in there too... | |
Armoured Transport Type 1 | Gaundlet Armoured Transport Type 1 | Ships. Convoys of well armed craft ferry gold and other valuables through the space lanes. Only a pirate with an Iron Ass would dream of attempting a robbery! | |
Assassins Guild V1.3 (Updated) | Deamon Cruiser | Navy Station | Missions / Ships / Stations / Planets. 21 missions involving murder to order in Galaxy 7, available to experienced Commanders amoral enough to gain admittance to the sinister Assassins Guild. Updated from the versions on Oosat1 & Oosat2. |
Asteroid Storm | Feature / Mission. Adds lots of different types of Asteroids to the Universe. A Mission is also included, well suited to a novice Commander. A well known station in Galaxy 1 comes under threat from a large asteroid strike. The updated version fixes a bug that meant that only one new type of asteroid was being added. Now the intended twelve varieties appear in game. Note: this OXP does not work in Oolite v.1.74+. | ||
Aurora | Aurora | BigTraders. Huge passenger ships for the wealthiest in society. | |
Automatic Chaff System ![]() |
Equipment. An enhanced chaff-based missile countermeasure system by Wyvern, based on Thargoid's AMS and Ramirez's Chaff Dispenser. | ||
Baakili Far Trader | Baakili Far Trader | Ships. Adds a dockable Alien ship. | |
Bandersnatch v1.1 | Bandersnatch | Ships. Adds a pirate capital vessel armed with plasma turrets. (Bugfixed at November 2009) | |
Bank of the Black Monks | Black Monk Gunship | Black Monk Monastery | Feature / Mission. Monks aboard well armed stations appear in advanced systems. Loans are offered, defaulters will be exterminated! Two versions of the OXP are available, the Non-Shader Bank of the Black Monks OXP' and the 'Shady Bank of the Black Monks OXP'. The Non-Shader Version will run on all versions of Oolite. The Shady version uses Shaders and requires Version 1.71 or higher of Oolite. Slow Systems will struggle to run the Shady Version, so if you find installing it is slowing your system down too much, then try the Non-Shady Version. |
Behemoth | Behemoth | Ships. Adds a dockable Navy Cruiser. Updated from the version on Oosat1. | |
Behemoths - Shadered (By ADCK) | Ships. Based on the above oxp, but with 2 new behemoths and shaders (Includes shaders which require Oolite 1.69 or later) | ||
Behemoth Spacewar | Patch. Adds intelligence to the Behemoth and brings a combat with Thargoids | ||
Big Ships | Ships (ish). Adds the new role "bigTrader" to the game, designed for large ships which are unable to dock with stations due to their size. Also includes an AI which can be used for such ships, but DOES NOT include any ships of its own. | ||
Boa II Clipper Class | Boa II Clipper Class | Ships. A development of the Boa Class Cruiser, adding a third engine making it faster, at the cost of 25 TC of cargo space. | |
Boomslang | Boomslang | Ships. Adds a mid-range multi-role ship. Used by pirates and traders alike. | |
Bounty Scanner | Equipment. The Bounty Scanner adds bounty details (if any) to the targeting lock-box display when locked onto other ships. | ||
Bulk Haulers by ADCK | Ships. Adds many Bulk Haulers to the game, including a retextured version of Aegidians Bulk Hauler as seen in the Oolite video on YouTube, which until recently has not been available to the public. (Requires Big Ships and Includes shaders which require Oolite 1.69 or later) | ||
BuoyRepair1.02.5 | Armadillo Controller Guanako |
Buoy Repair Facility | Feature. Repair company for defect or destroyed nav-beacons (Updated 7/10/2009). |
Caduceus | Caduceus | Ships. Adds the very expensive (and deadly) Caduceus, which has six broadside-mounted auto-targeting plasma cannons. | |
Capisastra | Capisastra Defender | Ships. Capisatra pirates appear in Galaxy 4. More Information. | |
Captured Thargons | Equipment. Gives the possibility for player ships to carry and launch captured and reprogrammed Thargon robot fighters | ||
Cargo & Wrecks V1.4 (Updated April 2009) | Cargo. Adds lots of different types of cargo canisters. | ||
Cataclysm | Mission. "Cataclysm.oxp is a mission OXP that takes up the threads of the native Constrictor Hunt and Thargoid Plans missions, and sends you on a mission far bigger than anything you have done for the Navy so far. It gives you the opportunity to re-visit places you have visited before, and re-meet people you had contact with during these missions. And of course it will let you meet various other people, and lead you to a lot of new places, some of which you probably haven't visited before." | ||
Clear Skies | Utility. Reduces nebula effects. Handy if your system is finding it hard to run Oolite. | ||
Chopped Cobra | Cobra Mk 3.5 | Ships. A slightly faster and tougher variation on the classic Cobra Mk III, at the price of a reduced cargo bay. | |
Cobra Clipper SAR | Cobra Clipper SAR | Ships. A custom Cobra Mk III to rescue stranded Commanders. | |
Cobra Mk III Njx | Cobra III NjX | Ships. A faster, tougher variation on the Classic Cobra Mk III. | |
Commies v2.10 ![]() |
Ray Mk I | Astro Mines | Ships / Stations. Commie systems have their own police forces, transports, stations and miners. |
Compact HUD | Alternative HUD. | ||
Condor | Condor | Ships. A very powerful police and Navy Cruiser. | |
Custom Sounds | Sound Set. The largest of the currently available sound sets, this pack replaces or adds over 40 sounds, featuring additional music and extensive use of a calm female computer voice to warn the Commander of alarming events. | ||
Dark Wheel Cobra - | Dark Wheel Cobra | Ships. A custom Cobra Mk III model, as seen on the cover of the Elite Manual. | |
Deep Space Dredger 2.3 | Sabre | Deep Space Dredger | Ships / Stations. Adds dockable Space Dredgers to the space lanes, defended by a squad of Saber fighters. Version 2.3 has new, improved textures. |
Deep Space Pirates | Feature. Normally in Oolite ships do not appear outside the space lanes. This OXP adds ships outside the space lanes. As no police patrols extend this far out pirates and other unpleasant characters can be found in deep space. | ||
Deepspace Ships | Oolite Ships replacement set. Replaces the default ships with new textures. | ||
Deposed 1.3.4 | Mission. A series of missions set in Galaxy 4 for an experienced Commander. This version is now mission-offering. compatible with other OXPs. | ||
Dictators | Imperial Censor | Imperial AstroFactory | Ships / Stations. Dictatorship systems gain their own police forces, supply craft and stations. |
Diso | Navy Station | Planets / Stations. Extra planets and stations are added to the Diso system in Galaxy 1. | |
Display Reputation v1.1 | Feature. Displays your passenger and contract reputation in your ship's manifest. | ||
Dr HUD Cobra Mk III version, Custom version | Alternative HUD. | ||
Docking Clearance | Feature. Sets the docking clearance on for all stations in Oolite. Click on this link for further explanation. | ||
Dr HUD Cobra Mk III version, Custom version | Alternative HUD. | ||
Dragon Assault Craft (Updated 9/8/08) | Dragon Assault Craft | Ships / Equipment. Adds the Dragon Assault Craft, a heavy combat ship available in several different paint-jobs. Also adds the Military Smart Missile, an improved Hard Head Missile with more bang for your Credit. Both the ship and missile are available to the player and NPCs alike. | |
Dragonfly/Firefly S.T | Dragonfly S.T /Firefly S.T | Ships. Adds the Dragonfly S.T and also the much faster Firefly S.T variant. Small fast ideal ship for pirates or bounty hunters. | |
Drones | Weapons. Three new autonomous drones to help the player (and NPCs) in combat. Fire and forget, with targeting taken from the ships scanning computers. Variants are the combat drone (standard fighting drone), the kamikaze drone (upgraded with a low yield warhead) and anti-Thargoid drone (GalCop commission, with stronger lasers and better speed and manoeuvrability, plus battle computer optimisation to seek and destroy Thargoid vessels). All can be recovered and possibly re-used if they survive battle. | ||
Eagle Mk II | Eagle Mk II | Ships. Adds the cheap Eagle Mk II escort vessel in several different versions, including an enhanced SE. | |
Eagles Mk's I to IV (By ADCK) | Adds 4 Eagle Long Range Fighters to the game, There are 8 different colours to each Eagle, and 4 player versions. Made by ADCK. (Includes shaders which require Oolite 1.69 or later) | ||
Energy Equipment | Equipment. The emergency charge device - a pylon-mounted top-up for the ships systems, and the emergency energy unit - an internally fitted automatically triggered top-up when the juice runs low. | ||
ETT Homing Beacon | Equipment. Mark a position in space by deploying a pylon mounted beacon. | ||
Executive Spaceways | Delta Long-Range Escort | Ships. Adds the Executive SpaceWays fleet of ships. Commanders may consult the Executive SpaceWays Sales Brochure for further details. | |
External Views | Utility. Adds better outside views to all the Classic Elite Ships. Warning: Do not use with Oolite 1.70 and above! From Oolite 1.70 onwards improved outside views have been added to the game itself, so you don't need this OXP anymore. Just throw it away. | ||
Far Arm ships | Sunracer Scow |
Ships. This OXP adds 10 ships, inspired by Paul Neurath's Space Rogue to the Ooniverse. There is also a new alien race called the Manchi, who pilot ships of bizarre design. Released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. | |
Far Star | Far Star Murderer | Ships. A mid-range fighter / trader, with a fair sized cargo bay. | |
Farsun v1.05 ![]() |
Utility. Places suns further away from the planet than standard Oolite. New, improved, and fully compatible with Novae! | ||
Fer de Lance NG | Ships. Adds a more powerful version of the Fer de Lance with several custom paint jobs. | ||
Ferdepai | Ferdepai | Ships. Adds a new fighter / trader to Galaxy 2. | |
Fighter HUD Mk. II | Fighter HUD | Alternative HUD. | |
Firewasp | Firewasp | Ships. A fast interceptor. | |
Flying Dutchman | Griff Wireframe Cobra | Feature / Ships. Adds the small chance to meet a Ghost Ship in the Ooniverse. What is it? Some claim that it's the ghost of Commander Peter Jameson, reported lost at the end of the last Thargoid War, others that it is simply a manifestation of all those lost souls who were trapped in the trackless depths of interstellar space. One common story is the trail of bad luck and hideous deaths that follow in the wake of the ship's sightings... | |
Freaky Thargoids | Shader example, requires Oolite 1.69. With this OXP installed, Thargoids will use the new Shaders. | ||
Free Trade Zone | Free Trade Zone | Stations. Adds an independent trading post of dubious legality to Multi-Government systems. | |
Frog Space Rickshaw | Frog Space Rickshaw | Ships. Adds a chatty space taxi service to the safer systems. ![]() | |
Fuel Collector | Equipment. The Fuel Collector enables you to very slowly gather fuel whilst cruising in space, whether en-route to a station, or in interstellar space should a witch-jump malfunction occur. You can also gather any unburnt fuel from destroyed ships as well as tap fuel from derelict or abandoned ships. | ||
Fuel Station | Station. Adds fly-thru Fuel Stations and Fuel Satellites near the witchpoint and along route one. | ||
Fuel Tank | Fuel Tank | Equipment. Mounts in place of a missile, to top up 3 light years of fuel. | |
Galactic Navy | Navy Frigate | Navy Sector Command Station | Ships and Stations. A selection of ships and space stations that adds to the already formidable arsenal of the Galactic Navy. Allows commanders to join the Navy Reserves. Requires the Behemoth OXP. |
Gates | Station. Adds short-cut jump gates to suitable systems, speeding journeys between the main station and witchpoint for a fee of only 250Cr. | ||
Generation Ships | Generation Ships | Ships. The mythical Generation Ships appear from time to time. | |
Globe Station2.0 | Globe Station | Stations. A new type of station appears at advanced systems. (Updated 22/10/2009) | |
Greek Ships | Penelope Class Freighter | Ships. A large trade ship and escorts. Sometimes also used by pirates. | |
Griff ArcElite | Ships. New versions of the native Oolite ships textured & shaded to resemble how they originally appeared in the Acorn Archimedes version of Elite | ||
Griff's Explosion Debris | Flavour. Box.Net link to an OXP that adds new alloy & debris models to exploding ships. The oxp features some cool scripting and AI coding by Thargoid which chains together various types of exploding junk in some pretty dazzling ways. For more information see this thread on the BB. | ||
Griff's Normalmapped Ships ![]() |
This is where you can get your hands on some of the best looking ships for Oolite, using shaders and normal-mapping. See the OXP page for a gallery of all the ships. This OXP requires Version 1.71 of Oolite or higher. | ||
Griffin Mk.II | Griffin Two | Ships. Adds the Griffin Mk II from Frontier. | |
Gritty Coriolis | Stations. The Corolis Station gets a more detailed texture. | ||
G-HUD Mk2 | Alternative HUD. | ||
Hal's Hot Sister | Sound Set, featuring a female cockpit voice. | ||
Hatchling Boyracers | Boy Racer | Ships. The talkative (and often insulting) Boyracers appear in the more advanced systems. | |
Hawksound | Sound Set. Clean sounds. Quality female computer voice, new weapon, damage and some station interface sounds. | ||
Herald | Herald Military Gunboat | Ships. A powerful police and Navy interceptor. | |
Hired Guns | Weapons/Equipment. Gives the chance to agree a contract for a pair of ships to accompany you on your next journey and fight on your behalf alongside you. | ||
Hognose Tugships | Hognose | Ships. The chatty tug ships can be seen towing broken down ships. | |
HoOpy Casino | HoOpy Casino | Stations. HoOpy Casinos appear near the station in advanced systems. Commanders who chose to dock can win or lose credits in games of chance. | |
Hotrods v0.52c, Hotrods v0.52d | Ships. Classic Elite Ships appear with custom paint jobs. Includes also a large number of custom and standard racing vehicles and a spacegang in tiger-getup that doesn't like the player. A rework, and a new name, for Custom Paints & Racers. Replaces Custom Paint Jobs | ||
Hyperradio v1.17 | Equipment. This device gives you the ability to listen to your own music. It is expandable by musicpacks that can be separately installed and compatible to OXPConfig, RepairBots and Snoopers. (Updated 11/02/2010) | ||
Icarus | Icarus | Ships. Adds the Icarus Light Trader from Seldar Shipyards. A small fighter / trader based on blueprints from the lost Solice system. | |
Illicit Unlock | Utility. Allows the player to fly all the Classic Elite Ships. | ||
Illicit Unlock - Griff Version | Utility. Based on the above, Allows the player to fly Griffs pirate/viper Ships. (Requires Griff's Normalmapped Ships ) | ||
Imperial Courier | Imperial Courier | Ships. The powerful Imperial Courier from Frontier, constructed by Seldar Shipyards. Updated from the version on Oosat1. | |
Interstellar help | Feature. Allows you to help out some traders who got stuck in interstellar space without fuel. You will be rewarded. | ||
Ionics 1.2.3 | Ionics Funnelweb | Mission. A series of missions set in Galaxy 2 featuring the Ionics Company of Zaria. More Information here. Updated on 7-4-2009. This version is now compatible with multi-mission offering of other OXPs. | |
Ixian Ships | Ixian Battle Cruiser | Ships. A set of ships from Dune. Used by pirates and traders alike. | |
Jabberwocky | Ships. Adds the powerful Jabberwocky fighter / trader. | ||
JavaScript test | JavaScript scripting example, requires Oolite 1.68. | ||
Kestrel&Falcon v1.71.0 | Kestrel | Ships. Adds a powerful Star Wars style Falcon, used by pirates and traders alike, and an interceptor used by the Police and Navy. Both models are also available on the open market. Improved from the older Kestrel.oxp and Falcon.oxp models, still available from the Benulobiweed main download area. | |
Killit | Weapons. Adds a bunch of insane super weapons. | ||
Kirin | Kirin | Ships. Adds a heavy military hauler, CV and XM versions used by both pirates and traders. | |
Klepto-HUD | Alternative HUD. | ||
Lane Legal Racers | Krait | Ships. Adds NPC versions of ships from different racing teams. | |
Lave v1.71 | Planets. Gives the Lave System a make-over adding all the features described in The Dark Wheel novella included with the original Elite. | ||
Lave Academy | Station. Adds the Lave Academy Orbital station above Lave (and now other planets), with three new mini-game tests of the Commanders' ship skills. | ||
Llama | Llama | Ships. Adds the Llama fighter / trader. Updated from the version of Oosat1 to fix a small bug. | |
Localhero v1.05 | Mission. Adds a mission campaign in the first galaxies. (Updated 9.04.2008) | ||
Long Way Around 1.1 | Mission. A transport mission well suited to the novice in Galaxy 1. | ||
Longshot | Longshot | Ships. Adds the Longshot fighter / trader, regarded by many as a cheaper alternative to the Cobra Mk III. | |
Lovecats 1.2 | Mission. Love and betrayal amongst the feline races of Galaxy 4. A fast ship, fuel injectors, fuel scoops and a hard heart are advised before you tangle with these cats! Version 1.1 missionclash proof. | ||
M-Pack (rusties) | Ships. Adds rusty versions of all the Classic Elite ships. Bargain basement prices, although these old bangers are in a poor condition compared to a brand new model. Engines may be worn out reducing maximum speeds and shield generators are frequently held together with duck-tape. When you try to trade one of these old rust buckets in at the shipyards, you may also find that the trade-in value is reduced. None the less, they are cheap and can still haul cargo between the stars. | ||
Manta | Manta | Ships. Adds the Manta light escort craft. | |
Marett Space Corporation | Adder Mk II | Ships. A collection of fighters and medium traders from Marett Space Corps. | |
Medusa Hud | Alternative HUD. | ||
Mega-Walnut Dashboard | Alternative HUD. | ||
Merlin | Merlin | Ships. An interceptor used by the Police and Navy, but also available on the open market. | |
MildAudio | Sound Set. | ||
Military Fiasco | Basilisk | Mission. A mission for the Navy available to a Commander with more than 1,000 kills. Also equips the Navy with powerful cruisers. Version 2.0 is updated version of the Military OXP over the version on Oosat2. Use this one, as the old version can clash with other Mission OXPs. You must also use the Updated version of Murgh's X-Ships to play this OXP. | |
Military Station | Military Station | Stations. Well armed Military Stations appear in the more advanced systems. | |
Military Stingray | Stingray | Ships. Adds the Military Stingray to the GalCop Navy fleet. Second hand versions are sometimes available on the open market. | |
Milspec HUD | Alternative HUD. Adds targeting aids, emphasis on functionality. | ||
Missiles and Bombs | Equipment. Adds the Cascade stand-off missile, Multiple-warhead anti-Thargoid missile, Frag Mine, Frag Missile, EMP Missile and short-range defence missile to the game. The new weapons are available to the player and NPCs alike. | ||
Missile Rack | Weapons. Pylon mounted racks of three mini-missiles. Smaller and less powerful than standard missiles, but effectively triple the available armaments a ship can carry. | ||
Missionaries v1.1 | Happy Eye Pulpit Pod | Ships. Clerics of four faiths are added to the Universe, spamming Commanders with requests to worship their Gods. | |
Monument | Feature. A monument to famous Commanders can sometimes be seen near the Sun. | ||
Morrigan | Ships. Adds a vast trade ship to the Universe. (v 1.0.1, Bugfixed december 2009) | ||
Murgh's Replacement Sounds | Sound Set. | ||
Murgh's X-Ships | Bandy-Bandy | Ships. A fast courier craft and two light escort ships are added. Updated from the version on Oosat1. You MUST use this version for the Military Fiasco Mission to run properly! | |
Navy Starships | Ships. Arms the Navy with powerful cruisers including a docakable Star Trek style Starship. | ||
New Ships | Hamadryad | Ships. Adds a variety of mining and trade ships seen in previous versions of Elite. | |
Neolite Ships | Oolite ships replacement set. | ||
NG HUD | Alternative HUD. | ||
Nu Vipers | GalCop Viper Mark II | Ships. Increases the types of Viper patrol ships appearing in the space lanes and defending Stations. | |
Nuclear Torpedos | Equipment. Adds some powerful, but slow moving, missiles. | ||
Old Ships | Bushmaster Miner | Ships. A collection of ships from ArcElite and Elite-A. | |
Old Ships 2010 ![]() |
Bushmaster Miner
Monitor 2 |
Ships. A new version of Murgh's Old Ships, retextured by P.A.Groove. Includes a bonus ship, the Monitor 2. | |
Oo-Haul | L-Crate Hauler | Mission. Vast corporate bulk haulers can be seen in the space lanes. Commanders with a respectable Elite rating who chose to dock with a Pi-42 base may also be offered missions to escort one of these haulers safely to its destination. You must also install the Your Ad Here! OXP for this OXP to work properly. | |
Oolite Italiano v1.3 | Miscellaneous. First ever Oolite localization OXP. Requires Oolite v1.73 or later. | ||
Oolite Russian v1.0 | Miscellaneous. The second Oolite localization OXP. Requires Oolite v1.72 or later. | ||
Orb | Orb | Ships. Adds a new alien race, which may (or may not) help GalCop in the battle against the Thargoids. | |
Orbits | Utility. Positions planets on orbits around the sun. | ||
Ore Processor | Equipment. When mounted to a ships fuel scoop systems extracts valuable materials from asteroid fragments. A must for any Commander working as a miner. | ||
Orisis | Orisis | BigTraders. New passenger liners that ferry passengers around. | |
Outrider | Outrider | Ships. A medium fighter produced by the Taranis Corporation. | |
OXPConfig1.08 | Tools/Utility. This tool gives you the ability to configure several oxps. It changes internal (local) settings of the oxps to enable (or disable) logging or audio functions and special settings to recognize errors or to avoid clashes. (Updated 04/09/2009) | ||
Pallas | Pallas | Ships. A fast but lightly shielded fighter. | |
P.A. Groove Stations OXP | Stations. Adds lots of different types of Coriolis and Dodec Stations. | ||
Pelamis | Pelamis | Ships. Adds the Pelamis trade ship. | |
Personalities | Ships. Adds a bunch of unique, well-known personalities to the Ooniverse. Keen to meet yourself in your game (or have others meet yourself in their game)? Submit your own personality in the OXP's thread on the Oolite BBs. | ||
Phoenix | Phoenix | Ships. A strange ship, built from salvaged parts from various Serpent Class ships. | |
Pirate Coves | Pirate Coves | Mission. Some rock hermits in the more dangerous systems have been taken over by pirates. Traders coming too close are likely to be assaulted by scrambled pirates keen to relive them of their cargo. | |
Pirate Traps | Feature. To combat piracy GalCop sometimes deploys dummies of trade ships. Pirates who fire on them have their details transmitted to the police and face large fines. | ||
Planetfall | System. Allows the player to land on and trade at the planets and moons of each system. | ||
Pods | Cargo. Many new varieties of cargo pod, including fuel, missile, bulk, and empty, plus pods which take a couple of goes to scoop, jam in the fuel scoop, explode and even bring a trumble. Designed as a balanced OXP, to add some positives and some negatives to cargo scooping, to give more realism. Those of you who also use the UPS Courier OXP can also download a little add-on to the OXP that applies some of the new pods to UPS ones too (UPS Courier needs to be installed for the add-on to work). | ||
Probe | Equipment. A long-range probe missile, flies away from the ship and scans at ranges of 50km and 100km, reporting ships found back to the ship. It then turns around and comes back, ready for fuel scooping and re-use. | ||
Pteradyne Technologies Ships - (bug fix) | Excalibur | Ships. A powerful combat ship, the Excalibur is offered for sale on the open market. The Paladin is the even tougher Military version, although sometimes these ships fall into the wrong hands. | |
Python Class Cruiser | Python Class Cruiser | Ships. A large powerful trade ship, which can also hold its own in battle. | |
Python Class Cruiser version 2.6 | As above, but features Shaders. Shaders require Oolite 1.69 or later. | ||
Racers | Chicaneer Mk II | Ships. Adds dedicated racing ships to the Universe. Although very fast, these ships are pure racers with no cargo bays and light shields. The focus on pure speed makes them ill-suited to combat or trading roles. | |
Ring Racer | Mission. Corporate Systems Ring Racing League in Galaxy 1. | ||
Racing Rings | Feature. Adds Racing Rings to the Galaxy 1 systems of Lave and Zanoce. Fly through the rings in order and completing the race circuit will transmit the competitors' time. | ||
Ramon's Anaconda | Ramon's Anaconda | Ship. This is a fantastic re-imagining of the Anaconda freighter, made by Ramon, with assistance by Griff. Check out its special features! | |
Random Docking Music ![]() |
Utility. Plays a randomly selected music track on activating docking computers (slow dock), from a list set inside the OXP. | ||
Random Hits Version 1.3.6 Beta (Updated 5/8/09) | GalMine Hopper
GalMine Cargo Drone |
Space Bar | Missions / Ships / Stations / Feature. Adds Seedy Space Bars to the space lanes of all Anarchy Systems. Commanders who chose to dock with one can view a Bulletin Board displaying details of the local Galaxies Most Wanted Criminals. Large bounties are paid for killing or capturing one of these offenders. Missions are procedurally generated using a database of over 40,000 words creating over one trillion different Bulletin Board Advertisements. Missions are therefore effectively never-ending. This OXP requires Version 1.72.2 of Oolite. |
Registration ID | Flavour. All Oolite standard ships now have ID tags.. You need at least Oolite 1.73 and a Graphics card capable of running shaders on a full setting.. | ||
Remorse of Conscience | Remorse Of Conscience | Ships. A trade ship with a large hold, that can hold its own in combat. A good upgrade from the Cobra Mk III. | |
Renegade Pirates V3.0 | Ships / Feature. Adds rare very well armed pirate versions of Classic Elite ships to the more lawless systems. These pirates carry high bounties, but their multiple lasers and plasma cannons will make mince-meat of a young Jameson. Do not install this OXP until you have an Iron Ass! | ||
Renegade Viper + Grass Snake | Renegade Viper | Ships. Sometimes even GalCops are victims of crime, finding their Vipers stolen from the docking berth. The joy-rider gives the stolen Viper a new lick of paint and joins a pirate fleet. Large bounties are paid for ridding the space lanes of these thieves. The Grass Snake is a trade ship with a large hold, often used by pirates. | |
Repair 'Bots | Equipment. A pylon mounted canister of repair nanobots. These can be activated in-flight, when they scan your ship for damaged equipment and attempt to fix an item of it (a random one if multiple items are found). They are reliable for lower tech items, but as the equipment gets more complicated they sometimes struggle. But if all else fails, buy, try and fly again... | ||
Rock Hermit Locator | Equipment. The Rock Hermit Locator is a piece of equipment for your ship to locate Rock Hermits. Useful for miners and Traders.. You need to already have bought the advanced space compass that works in tandem with the RHL ("Rock Hermit Locator"). | ||
Saleza Aeronautics | Bellatrix Cruiser | Ships / Feature. High Tech Corporate States gain their own patrol craft. Some of these ships are also available on the open market. | |
Santa - (alternative lo-end version) | Ships. Just for fun adds a (very rare) Santa Sledge to the space lanes escorted by plasma gun toting reindeer space bikers! | ||
Save Anywhere | Feature. Save Anywhere allows you to save your game at any OXP Station, instead of only at Main Stations, as in the standard game. | ||
Scourge of the Black Baron v1.70 | Mission. A sequel to the Long Way Around mission, featuring combat and transport missions. Well suited to a relative novice in Galaxy 1. | ||
Second Wave | A variety of new alien ship variants. | Ships. Some new variants on the standard Thargoid Warship and Thargon Robot Fighter. | |
Selezen's S-Ships | GalCop SWAT Viper | Ships. In response to increasing piracy GalCop has introduced the SWAT Viper, a beefed up version of the standard Viper. Also adds the peaceful Oresrian Trader. | |
Sell Equipment | Feature / Equipment. Allows you to resell all equipment you bought at an equipment store of suitable techlevel. For a small fee you purchase the "Sell xyz"-option, and are refunded 60 per cent of the original price. | ||
Shady Cobra | Ships. A Shader example (requires Oolite 1.69 or later). Replaces the normal model for the Cobra Mk III with one featuring the new Shaders. | ||
Skrounk All-Stars Limited | All Stars Large Freighter | Ships. A set of ships featuring a large trade ship and a variety of fighters and escorts. | |
Snark | Ships. The Snark is a powerful fighter / trader, often used by pirates and bounty hunters. | ||
Snoopers2.0 | Feature. The galactic news network. Updated 05/02/2010 | ||
Spearhead Interceptor Mk.I | Ships. A pure fighter, fast and nippy but with a weak shield, no cargo bay and can be a twitchy bird to fly. Often used as an escort or part of a pirate fleet acting in a hit an run role. | ||
Spy Hunter | Mission. A mission for the Galactic Navy available to a Commander with a rating of 'Dangerous' or above. Spys from the Empire sometimes infiltrate GalCop space. Commanders wishing to volunteer for hunting duties should visit the Navy base at Inines in Galaxy 1. | ||
Star Wars Ships | A-Wing | Ships. Adds a set of ships from the Star Wars Universe to Oolite. Tie Fighters are occasionally used by GalCop to support Viper patrols, but all ships are available on the open market and may be used by traders, pirates and bounty hunters alike. | |
Status Quo Q-bomb | Feature. Changes the behaviour of Q-bombs according to the Status Quo novel. They don't detonate in gravity wells, like close to planets or suns. | ||
Sung's Detailed Textures | Replacement textures for all Classic Elite Ships. The author's web-site no longer has a link to his textures. The link will download them directly from Lestradae's hosting site. | ||
Sung's Detailed Textures (Shader Version) | Same as the above oxp, only now with shader support. Normal maps & Effects maps by ADCK. (Includes shaders which require Oolite 1.69 or later) | ||
Sunskimmers | Feature. Normally in Oolite ships tend to stick to the space lanes and so are rarely encountered on the way to the Sun. This OXP adds ships to the sun / planet corridor increasing the chance of meeting other ships whilst sun-skimming. | ||
S.T.E | S.T.E | Ships. The S.T.E addon ship a step up from the Cobra III improved trading capabilities also has increased speed over Cobra, is also available in 3 colour options blue, red and yellow. | |
SuperCobra | SuperCobra | Ships. The awesome Super Cobra. A beefed up version of the Cobra Mk III featuring larger engines, more cargo space and stronger shields. | |
Superhub | Superhub | Stations. Traffic congestion in the Ooniverse is growing and while the stations are getting more advanced the market asked for a more radical solution. This solution comes in the form of the Gasec Superhub. The Gasec Superhub is the first station that is capable of transporting itself to it's destination, two engine bays allow the GASEC SR-GD (Space Rotary Galactic Drive) to be fitted. At the destination these engines can be taken out for re-use in other transport missions. v1.2 updated 12th November 2009 | |
Swift | Swift | Ships. As the name implies, a very fast ship often used by pirates or bounty hunters. Although fast, cargo space is limited and the shield is nominal. | |
System Redux | System Redux | Texture the home planet, add a planet/moon combination to each system. | |
TAF Reset | Utility. Resets the Time Acceleration Factor (TAF) to 1.0 upon docking. Requires Oolite v1.73+. | ||
Taranis Corporation HQ | Taranis Corporation HQ | Mission. Adds the vast orbital Taranis Corporation HQ to the Lerelace system in Galaxy 1. A mission is also available for law abiding Commanders with a rating of Competent or better. You must also have the Outrider OXP installed for this OXP to work properly. | |
Target Autolock | Equipment. A software update for the standard scanner targeting enhancement equipment that automatically locks onto attacking ships if you have no prior target selected. | ||
Teretrurus Mk.I | Teretrurus MK.I | Ships. A medium fighter / trader somewhat faster and tougher than the Cobra Mk III, but with a smaller cargo bay. | |
Terrapin Trader | Terrapin | Ships. A medium fighter / trader. A good upgrade from the Cobra Mk III. | |
Tesoura | Tesoura | Ships. A slow, but well shielded trade ship. | |
Thargoid Carrier | Thargoid Carrier | Ships. Arms the Thargoids with a vast carrier capital vessel. Many OXPs increase the fire-power available to the GalCop Navy. If you chose to play with these OXPs installed, then you should really give the Bugs a chance and allow them access to this mighty craft! | |
Thargoid Wars V4.4 (Updated) | Mission. War with the Thargoids intensifies featuring new attack and defense missions. To avoid young Jamesons being out-gunned, the OXP missions will run in all Galaxies except Galaxy 1. Updated from the version on Oosat1. It is important that you use the updated version as the old version will clash with many other missions. | ||
Thargorn Threat v1.3 (updated) | Terroriser Frigate | Ships. Redresses the game imbalance caused by the number of OXPs arming the Navy with warships. These Thargoid craft are very powerful and re-establish the Thargoid's place as a threat to mankind. Best played with the Behemoth OXP installed, for epic space battles. | |
Tianve | Navy Station | Planets / Stations. Adds scenery, including a pulsar, to the Galaxy 1 system of Tianve. A Station orbits the pulsar and fleets of pleasure liners can be seen taking tourists on flights around the pulsar. There are various adverts in the system, along with two extra 'space lanes', one between the planet and the pulsar and another between the pulsar and the witchpoint. | |
Tiger | Tiger Mark I | Ships. A truly awesome (and very expensive) multi-role craft. | |
Tionisla Orbital Graveyard | Feature. Adds the graveyard to the Galaxy 1 system of Tionisla, as described in the Dark Wheel. Long dead Commanders are buried in their rusting ships amongst monuments, Stars of David, Crucifixes and other religious symbols. Security patrols will make short work of any Commander foolish enough to desecrate the tombs. | ||
Torus Station | Torus Station | Stations. Adds a vast 2001 style space station to very high tech level systems. | |
Total patrol | Feature. Replaces the default police AIs with a totalPatrolAI which lets police ships patrol between all three major points of the system: planet, witchpoint and sun. | ||
Trade Outpost v1.1 | Trade Outpost | Griff trade outpost without ads. | |
Traffic Control | Station upgrade. Adds traffic control personnel to each system main station. They are happy to talk new Commanders (and older ones who've got too reliant on Docking Computers and then lost them) through approaching and manual docking with the station. There's even a cheery goodbye when you leave, just don't dawdle and block the station approach lane! | ||
Trans-Hab Station | Transhab Station | Stations. Adds a large station with rotating arms to some medium tech level systems. | |
Transports | CoachWhip | Ships. Adds more variety to the game. Passenger liners can be seen in the space lanes of the safer systems transporting paying customers to their destinations. Also features Moray Transporters and Large Woma fuel tankers to bring much needed supplies and fuel to space stations. | |
Trident Down | Mission. A series of missions set in Galaxy 4 involving the investigation of a vicious attack on an Trident Shuttle operated by Executive SpaceWays. | ||
U.P.S. Courier | Mission / Feature. The UPS Courier service will randomly offer Commanders the option of taking goods or documents from system to system. Some say experienced Couriers may also be offered combat missions. | ||
Urutu Mk.III | Urutu Mk III | Ships. A medium fighter / trader from Elite-A. | |
Urutu Mk.IV | Urutu Mk IV | Ships. A medium fighter / trader from Elite-A. | |
Vampire | Vampire | Ships. Adds the Purgatori Vampire series of combat ships. A strong combat ship in numerous different versions and paint-jobs. A Military version is used by the police, but several civilian versions of the ship are also available on the open market. Clicking the download link will take you to the sales brochure, where you can inspect further particulars and download the OXP. | |
Vector1.3 | Vector | Mission/Ships. Fast, rare and expensive. And some small surprises - So dive in and have a good time (Updated 31.08.2009) | |
Velocity | Ships. A fast fighter ship. | ||
Venom | Venom | Ships. From Isis Interstellar who previously also made the Vampire. This ship also provides three extra HUDs. | |
Weeviloid | Weeviloid Hunter | Ships. The scout-ship is a light trade ship. The hunter is a fearsome multi-gunned war ship. Little is known about the Weeviloids and many Commanders meeting them have found them hostile. | |
Wiggy's Replacement Sounds | Sound Set. | ||
Welcome Mat | Misc. Software upgrade for the communications systems to expand the information given to the commander on arrival from witchspace into a new system. Augments the system name message with planetary biographical details via the buoy network, plus the latest safety and alien presence information from Galcop. Also fully compatible with OXPConfig. | ||
Wolf Mk.II v3.3 | Wolf Mk II | Ships. Adds the powerful Wolf Mk II, as seen in Elite-A. | |
Wolfwood's Variants v1.5 | Asp Mk I | Ships. A large selection of traders and fighters based on models seen in Classic versions of Elite. The ships strive to be on the same level with original ships and not too powerful in comparison to them. Tested on Oolite v1.70. | |
Xaotik's Replacement Sounds | Sound Set. | ||
Your Ad Here! ![]() |
Sidewinder Pi-42 Security
Sidewinder Tescoo Security Sidewinder Star Security Sidewinder Mall Wart Security Sidewinder Sainsboory's Security |
Pi-42 | Feature. This OXP adds a lot of variety to the Universe. Witch-point and navigation beacons are replaced with giant bill boards displaying adverts.
Every set features 50 different adverts and also adds a different type of constore to the universe (Set A introduces the Pi-42 constore, Set B the Tescoo Ooxpress constore etc). A constore is a dockable commercial base which is added to the space lanes of most systems with a large population. Also from version 4 and above of this oxp each constore has its own security force, the ships of which are skinned in the colours of the store they protect, and billboards will occasionally appear in asteroid fields of Corporate Systems. |
Z-ships | Asp Explorer |
Ships. This OXP adds 4 ships (+variants) to the Ooniverse. Released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. |
All OXPs by Category
Sound Sets
Amiga Replament Sounds
Custom Sounds
Hal's Hot Sister (female cockpit voice)
Murgh's Replacement Sounds
Wiggy's Replacement Sounds
Xaotik's Replacement Sounds (= MildAudio)
Combined Murgh, Wiggy & Xaotik's sounds (Needs oolite 1.73+)
Alternative HUDs
Compact HUD
Deepspace HUD
Dr HUD Cobra Mk.III version, Custom version
Fighter HUD
Medusa HUD
Mega-Walnut Dashboard
Milspec HUD v2 (1.65-1.72) |
Milspec HUD v3 (for 1.73 onwards)
Trek HUD
HUD images here
Dockable Objects
Assassins Guild V1.3
Baakili Far Trader
Bank of the Black Monks
BuoyRepair1.02.5 - Updated (7/10/2009)
Deep Space Dredger
Free Trade Zone
Fuel Station
Globestation2.0 (Updated 22/10/2009)
Gritty Coriolis
HoOpy Casino
Lave Academy
Military Station
Random Hits
Torus Station
Trans-Hab Station
Trade Outpost v1.1
Taranis Corporation HQ
P.A. Groove Stations OXP
Your Ad Here!
More information on the Station images appearing in Oolite can be found here.
Customisations by Government (or Tech Level)
The Feudal States
Random Hits
Snoopers2.0 (Updated 05/02/2010)
Other System Objects
Assassins Guild V1.3
Fuel Station
Lave v1.70
Lave Academy
Pirate Coves
Pirate Traps
Racing Rings
Ring Racer
Tionisla Orbital Graveyard
Traffic Control
Your Ad Here!
Assassins Guild V1.3
Asteroid Storm 1.52
Blackjacks Bullion
Deposed 1.3.4
Ionics v.1.2.3
Lave Academy
Localhero v1.05 (Updated 27.04.2008)
Long Way Around 1.1
Lovecats 1.2
Military Fiasco V2.3
Random Hits
Scourge of the Black Baron v1.70
Spy Hunter
Taranis Corporation HQ
Thargoid Wars V4.4 (Updated)
Trident Down
U.P.S. Courier
Vector1.3 (Updated 31.08.2009)
More information on the numerous Oolite Missions can be found here.
Ship Systems
Anti-Missile System
Auto-Chaff System
Captured Thargons
ETT Homing Beacon
External Views
Energy Equipment
Fuel Tank
Hired Guns
Hyperradio v1.17
Killit™ insta-death super weapons
Missile Analyser
Misjump Analyser
Missiles and Bombs
Missile Rack
Nuclear Torpedos
Ore Processor
Repair 'Bots
Rock Hermit Locator
Sell equipment
Status Quo Q-bomb
Target Autolock
Target Reticle
Welcome Mat
Ships and Ship Variants
See below for ship names and stats.
Aegidian's Specials
Aegidian's X-Ships
Amen Brick's Pirate Clan One: The Blitzspears v1.0 (new 07/08)
Amen Brick's Megaships v1.1 (new 07/08)
Aphid Escort Service
Armoured Transport Type 1
Baakili Far Trader
Behemoths - Shadered (By ADCK)(Includes shaders which require Oolite 1.69 or later)
Big Ships
Boa Class Cruiser
Boa II Clipper Class
Bulk Haulers (By ADCK)(Requires Big Ships and Includes shaders which require Oolite 1.69 or later)
Clear Skies
Cobra 3.5 (chopped Cobra)
Cobra Clipper SAR
Cobra Mk.III Njx
Custom Paint Jobs
Dark Wheel Cobra - (alternative lo-end version)
Deepspace Ships
Dragon Assault Craft (Updated 9/8/08)
Eagle Mk.II
Eagles Mk's I to IV (by ADCK) (Includes shaders which require Oolite 1.69 or later)
ETT Homing Beacon
Executive Spaceways
Far Arm ships
Far Star
Fer de Lance NG
Flying Dutchman
Freaky Thargoids (shader example, requires Oolite 1.69 or later)
Frog Space Rickshaw
Galactic Navy
Generation Ships
Greek Ships
Griff ArcElite Ships
Griffin Mk.II
Griff Krait
Hatchling Boyracers
Hognose Tugships
Hotrods v0.52c, Hotrods v0.52d
Illicit Unlock
Imperial Courier
Interstellar Help
Ixian Ships
Kestrel&Falcon v1.71.0
Lane Legal Racers
M-Pack (rusties)
Marett Space Corporation
Missionaries v1.1
Murgh's X-Ships
Navy Starships
New Ships
Neolite Ships
Nu Vipers
Old Ships
Pteradyne Technologies Ships - (bug fix)
Python Class Cruiser
Python Class Cruiser version 2.6 (Includes shaders which require Oolite 1.69 or later)
Ramon's Anaconda
Remorse of Conscience
Renegade Pirates (Wait until you have an Iron Ass before installing this OXP!)
Renegade Viper + Grass Snake
Saleza Aeronautics
Santa - (alternative lo-end version)
Second Wave
Selezen's S-Ships
Shady Cobra
Skrounk All-Stars Limited
Spearhead Interceptor Mk.I
Star Wars Ships
Sung's Detailed Textures
Sung's Detailed Textures (Shader Version) (Includes shaders which require Oolite 1.69 or later)
Super Cobra
Teretrurus Mk.I
Terrapin Trader
Thargoid Carrier
Thargorn Threat v1.3 (updated)
Urutu Mk.III
Urutu Mk.IV
Vector1.3 (Updated 31.08.2009)
Wolf Mk.II v3.3
Wolfwood's Variants v1.5
Ship data table here
More information on the Ships appearing in Oolite can be found here.
Other objects and miscellaneous eyecandy
Asteroid Storm
Cargo & Wrecks v1.4
Famous_planets_oxp and FP Expansion packs
Farsun v1.05
Hyperradio v1.17 (Updated 11/02/2010)
Oolite German v0.3
Oolite Italiano v1.3
Oolite Russian v1.0
Oolite en français
Pods UPS Pack
Snoopers2.0 (Updated 05/02/2010)
Registration ID
Installing an OXP
Unzip the OXP and place it in the folder named AddOns. Sometimes the zipped files contain several folders, make sure you only copy the folder -or file for Macintoshes- ending with .oxp into the AddOns folder. This folder is found in different locations, depending on the platform:
Mac OS X
Found in the folder that contains the Oolite application.
Troubleshooting: If you get an error saying "The item could not be moved because "AddOns" cannot be modified", that can happen if you weren't the user that installed Oolite. The solution is to put the OXP's of your choice in ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/ instead (you may need to create this folder). The error could also be triggered because you’re running from the disk image, you’ll need to copy the game somewhere else. Having done so, if you still get the error, use the Get Info command on the AddOns folder, open the Ownership & Permissions pane and check that it says You Can: Read & Write.
The OXP directory can be found in $HOME/.Oolite/AddOns. for all current versions of OOlite
If the installable package was used (post Jan 06) then the AddOns folder needs to be created in C:\Programs Files\Oolite. Note that this applies if the default installation location is used. If the install location is changed then use the path to the Oolite folder that corresponds to your installation. If the GNUStep dedicated versions (pre-Jan 2006) is used, then the AddOns folder must be created in the oolite.app folder.
After unzipping the file, make sure that it is the OXP folder that put into the AddOns directory - some zipped OXPs can contain a top level folder with a readMe file, and the actual OXP folder is a level further down. If this is the case, move the item with the .oxp extension into the AddOns folder.
If you purchase a ship that is an OXP ship and save the game, you will only be able to load that commander as long as this OXP is installed in AddOns. If it's not, Oolite will give you an error instead of trying to load the commander.
Creating an OXP
It is intended to be easy to create expansion packs. With a few simple tools, a player can make small or big changes, and customize the gaming experience.