LongWay OXP
The Long Way Round is an early Oolite mission that plays in Galaxy 1. The journey starts at the planet in Biarge.
Download Link
Download LongWayRound.oxz v2.1
Previous Versions
Download Long Way v1.1 OXP. Alternate download on capnhack.com here.
Difficulty Rating
"Easy". The ships appearing in the OXP are within the power-range of the standard set of ships. You wouldn't need a full Iron Ass to take them on, but you should have some basic upgrades fitted such as a Beam Laser, fuel injectors, an energy unit and perhaps a shield booster.
Update Notes
The version posted on the Wiki is the latest version of this OXP. (Updated 8/6/2021).
v.2.1 Released June 2021. Tweak to the runScreen method to make compatible with XenonUI.
v.2.0 Released April 2018. Converted plist script file to JavaScript, updated ship model to Griff-based version, converted XML-based plist files to OpenStep format.
v.1.1 Released April 2009. Added anti-mission clash code. Should now work simultaneously with other mission offering OXPs.
v.1.0 Initial release by Aegidian (a.k.a Giles Williams, the author of the Oolite game engine).
Installing and Playing
To play the OXZ version, simply copy the file into your AddOns folder. Or download directly from within the game using the download manager.
To play the OXP, unzip the download file. This will create a folder named "LongWay Vx.x". Open this folder and you will see a folder named "LongWay.oxp" and a readme. Move the LongWay.oxp folder to AddOns. As with all OXPs, its the folder ending .oxp that you need to put in Oolite's AddOns folder, otherwise Oolite will not read it.
The Sequel
The Long Way Round has a sequel, the Scourge of the Black Baron.
Quick Facts
Version | Released | License | Features | Category | Author(s) | Feedback |
2.1 | 2021-06-08 | CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 | Ships | Missions OXPs | aegidian | Oolite BB |