P.A. Groove Stations OXP
From Elite Wiki
An OXP for Oolite that adds
- a new 'Coriolis Station' model with 6 different texture variations
- a new 'Dodo Station' model with 4 different texture variations
- a new 'Ico Station' model with 4 different texture variations to the game.
For the background information behind these stations: P.A. Groove Stations backgrounds
- Models/shaders and OXP stucture by Griff
- All textures created by P.A. Groove
- Special thanks to Commander McLane for 'recoding' work to make it compatible with future releases of Oolite.
- Backgrounds by P.A. Groove
P.A. Groove Stations OXP v1.3 Latest version uploaded 21/05/2008
For installation see the Read-me in the .zip
- P.A. Groove Stations backgrounds
- This OXP is discussed on the Oolite boards in the thread Standard Station Textures
- This OXP is now part of the Stations for Extra Planets OXZ downloadable through the in-game Expansions Manager