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(Added Wide-Screen HUD's special features)
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Images are below their captions.
'''Images are ''below'' their captions.'''
=== Another HUD ===
A HUD is a Heads-Up Display: ''a transparent display that presents data without requiring users to look away from their usual viewpoints. The origin of the name stems from a pilot being able to view information with the head positioned "up" and looking forward, instead of angled down looking at lower instruments. A HUD also has the advantage that the pilot's eyes do not need to refocus to view the outside after looking at the optically nearer instruments First developed in the 1940s for military aircraft (from Wikipedia).''
[http://aegidian.org/bb/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9462 Another HUD]<br />
As the newer versions of Oolite have allowed more flexibility with modifying HUD elements since the early days of Oolite v.1.20 in 2004! From the halcyon days of Aegidian's Mega-Walnut dashboard (for the Fer-de-Lance), the HUD designers have risen to the challenge. There was a quantum leap under [[User:Cim|Cim]]'s tenure as lead designer, when it was made easier to code new HUDs and the range of possibilities was greatly increased. This extended to [[MFD]]s. This happened with the release of Oolite v.1.79 in 2013/4.
The most striking versions here include the Coluber, Dangerous & Vimana HUDs.
'''Ships with custom HUDs''': Note also that some ships come with their own HUD versions! ''Eg.'': [[Coluber Blue Racer|Coluber Racers]] - Blue, Red, Yellowbelly & Black; also [[Isis Interstellar]] ships, all of [[Simon B's Ships OXP|Simon B's ships]] in Neolite-Wolfies and some of his Waka series, some of Wolfwood's ships such as his [[Asp Explorer (Oolite)]], ''etc''.
'''HUDs not shown here''': Note also that some HUDs are not shown here: [[Killer Wolf's Dynamic HUD]], [https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=16686 Cyan HUD], [https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=12476 Clear HUD], ''etc''. See the [[OXP List]] and its links for more.
'''Experimenting with new HUDs'''
The easiest way into all this is probably using [[HUDSelector]] which comes with 3 more HUDs to try out (extra-large, large & small). It will then help manage most others you download.
=== CB-HUD ===
'''Four points''': <br>
[http://aegidian.org/bb/viewtopic.php?p=141035#p141035 CB-HUD]<br />
1) The game specifies 2 types of HUD: ''small'' (for the [[Adder (Oolite)|Adder]], the [[Cobra Mk.1 (Oolite)|Cobra Mk.1]], ''etc'') and ''regular''. Most of these below do not have a small variant, so you will find that your small ship defaults to the Vanilla game's small ship HUD! <br>
2) The number of MFDs varies with the HUD (from 0 to 15)! MFDs were introduced in 2013/14<br>
3) HUD designers often include icons for their favourite oxp equipments. See Coluber (& Deeper Space), CB (& CRR), Vimana & Z-GrOovY MiLHUD below for examples. <br>
4) A number of HUDS have special features
:* Choice of layouts/colour - Dangerous HUD (fighter cockpit view, hauler cockpit view and glass only view, 6 colours) & Xenon HUD (2 colours)
:* Current Location Display (with Current Risk Notifier) - see Deeper Space HUD
:* Weapon Bays Missile Identifier - see ChupacabraHUD
:* Warning signs for low altitude/energy/shields/high temperature - see Vimana HUD
:* Jump stability meter (counts down to jump) - see Wide-Screen HUD
:* Different compasses for celestial bodies (gravimeter) and for beacons (transponder) - see Wide-Screen HUD
:* Ship's clock emphasised/de-emphasised depending on need  - see Wide-Screen HUD
:* Extra add-on modules (purchasable) with some of the functions of the Combat & Navigation MFD's - see Vimana HUD
:* Sun glare contrast - see Xenon HUD
:* Sound effects - see Dangerous HUD
:* Listings of present equipment - see Z-GrOovY MiLHUD, Vimana HUD, Deeper Space HUD & the Coluber HUDs (these lists are inevitably partial - there is ''so'' much equipment)
:*[[Shield Equalizer And Capacitors OXP|Shield Capacitors gauges]] - see [[ChupacabraHUD]]
=== ChupacabraHUD ===
[http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/ChupacabraHUD ChupacabraHUD]<br />
[[Image:Oolite-numbered-hud.png|800px|thumb|right|'''"Vanilla game" HUD''' <br>
1 Shield Strength (Fore & Aft shields) <br>
2 Level Indicators: Fuel, Cabin Temperature, Laser Temperature & Altitude <br>
3 Pylon Weapon Indicators: Missile (selected), Missile, ECM-Hardened Missile, Quirium Cascade Bomb <br>
4 Aegis Indicator (for aegis of main orbital station) <br>
5 Mass-Lock/Status Indicator (Green, Yellow or Red) <br>
6 Short-Range Scanner <br>
7 Clock <br>
8 Scanner zoom factor <br>
9 Compass <br>
10 Speed Indicator (relative) <br>
11 Roll/Pitch Indicators <br>
12 Energy Banks <br>
Since a joystick is not plugged in, the [[Joysticks and Gamepads|Joystick precision indicator]] is not shown]]
[[File:Simon B's Wolf HUD template.png|thumb|right|800px|An Example of a Ship OXP custom HUD: Simon B's Arachnid OXP "Wolf" HUD (2009)]]
=== Aad HUD ===
[[Aad-HUD|Almost Almost Default HUD!]] by [[User:Spara|Spara]] (2016)<br />
=== Another HUD ===
[https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9462 Another HUD] by NorthenderPNE (2011)<br />
=== CB-HUD ===
[[CB-HUD Mark II]] by [[User:Captain Beatnik|Captain Beatnik]] (2011)<br />
=== ChupacabraHUD ===
[[ChupacabraHUD]] by [[User:CommonSenseOTB|CommonSenseOTB]] (2011)<br />
=== Coluber HUD CH01 ===
[[Coluber HUD CH01]] by [[User:Captain Beatnik|Captain Beatnik]] (2014) & improved by [[User:Norby|Norby]] (2020)<br/>
Screenshot showing the Coluber HUD CH01 on a 2560x1440 pixel (16:9) monitor scaled-down to 1000x563 <br>
=== CombatHUD ===
[[CombatHUD]] - widescreen version (standard version has Comms and Console messages above the dials on either side). By [[User:Smivs|Smivs]] (2014) <br>
Combat HUD (Red Alert mode) <br>
=== Compact HUD ===
=== Compact HUD ===
[[CompactHUD]] by [[User:Aegidian|Aegidian]] (by 2006), updated by [[User:Diziet Sma|Diziet Sma]] (2014)<br>
=== CRR-HUD ===
[https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=11502 CRR-HUD BB] An adaptation of the '''Coluber Red Racer HUD''': see [[Coluber Blue Racer]]. By [[User:Captain Beatnik|Captain Beatnik]] (2012)<br/>
=== Dangerous HUD ===
[[Dangerous HUD]] showing just the '''green''' & '''blue''' variants (not Orange, Pink, Purple & White). by Gsagostinho (2017-8)<br />
=== DeeperSpace HUD ===
[[Deeper Space HUD]] by Pleiadian (2017)<br />
=== Deepspace HUD ===
=== Deepspace HUD ===
[[Deepspace_Ships|Deepspace HUD]]<br />
[[Deepspace_Ships|Deepspace HUD]] by DeepSpace (2009)<br />
=== Deepspace Retro HUD ===
=== Deepspace Retro HUD ===
[[Deepspace_Ships|Deepspace HUD]]<br />
[[Deepspace_Ships|Deepspace HUD]] by DeepSpace (2010)<br />
=== Dr HUD ===
=== Dr HUD ===
[[Dr HUD OXP|Dr HUD]] <br />
[[Dr HUD OXP|Dr HUD]] by [[User:Dr. Nil|Dr. Nil]] (2010)<br />
=== ExtraLarge HUD ===
[[HUDSelector#ExtraLarge_HUD|ExtraLarge HUD]] provide a very large, alert sensitive scanner and custom dials with [[CombatMFD]] but no 16:10 support due to not enough room for the bottom two MFDs. By [[User:Norby|Norby]] (2015)<br />
=== Fighter HUD ===
=== Fighter HUD ===
[[Fighter HUD (Oolite)|Fighter HUD Mk2]]<br />
[[Fighter HUD (Oolite)|Fighter HUD Mk2]] by [[User:CaptKev|CaptKev]] (2008-9)<br />
=== G-HUD ===
=== G-HUD ===
[http://wiki.alioth.net/images/2/2d/G-HUD_Mk2.oxp.zip  ''G-HUD Mk2'']<br  />
[https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?t=4757 ''G-HUD Mk2''] by [[User:Gunney Plym|Gunney Plym]] (2008)<br  />
Mk1 version now superceded.
[http://wiki.alioth.net/images/2/2d/G-HUD_Mk2.oxp.zip  Download]
[http://wiki.alioth.net/images/7/76/G-HUD_Mk2.png  ''Large version of screenshot'']<br />
[http://wiki.alioth.net/images/7/76/G-HUD_Mk2.png  ''Large version of screenshot'']<br />
=== Isis HUD ===
[[Isis HUD]] by [[Killer Wolf]] (2013) <br>
Comes separately or included (as an option) with some Killer Wolf ships (Dominatrix, Werewolf, his newer Venom oxp's).<br>
An old HUD: no MFD's, no [[HUDSelector]] compliance.<br>
[[File:Isis HUD (Killer Wolf).png|600px]]
=== KeeperHUD ===
[[KeeperHUD]] by [[Keeper]] (2016) <br>
[[Image:KeeperHUD mfds.png|600px]]
=== Klepto HUD ===
=== Klepto HUD ===
[[Klepto-HUD OXP]]<br />
[[Klepto-HUD OXP]] by Kleptoid (2006)<br />
=== Large HUD ===
[[HUDSelector#Large_HUD|Large HUD]] looks like the default HUD but with 10 MFDs, custom dials with [[CombatMFD]] and a large alert sensitively colored scanner. By [[User:Norby|Norby]] (2015).<br />
[[Image:LargeHUD9g.png|600px]] <br>
Both 4:3, 16:9 and 16:10 displays are supported, but in 4:3 "only" 8 MFDs are usable.
=== Medusa HUD ===
=== Medusa HUD ===
[http://www.crimsonforge.co.uk/cloister/MedusaHud.oxp.zip ''Medusa HUD'']<br  />
[https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?p=54886#p54886 ''Medusa HUD''] by ClymAngus (2009)<br  />
=== Mega Walnut Dash HUD ===
=== Mega Walnut Dash HUD ===
[[Mega-Walnut Dashboard OXP|Mega-Walnut Dashboard]]<br />
[[Mega-Walnut Dashboard OXP|Mega-Walnut Dashboard]]
Based on the original Fer de Lance HUD of the legendary [[User:Aegidian|Aegidian]] (2005)<br />
=== MilHUD 4000 ===
[[MilHUD 4000]] by [[User: Wildeblood| Wildeblood]] (2012)<br />
=== MilHUD (Military Specification HUD) ===
[[MilSpec HUD OXP|MilSpec HUD]] by [[User:Wyvern|Wyvern]] (2006-11)<br />
=== Milspec HUD ===
=== MillHUD Refit ===
[[MilSpec HUD OXP|MilSpec HUD]]<br />
[https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=17258 MillHUD Refit] by Wolfsstar BH (2015) <br>
Based on Wyvern's MilSpec HUD: HUD Selector compatible, five alert condition colours, 10 MFD's... <br>
[[File:MillHUD refit.png|600px]]
=== Mod HUD ===
=== Mod HUD ===
[[Mod-HUD]]<br />
[[Mod-HUD]] by [[User:CaptSolo|CaptSolo]] (2011-2)<br />
=== Nova Lux HUD ===
[[Nova Lux HUD]] by Vincentz (2015)<br />
[[File:NovaLux HUD (1).png|600px]]<br />
=== Numeric Style HUDs ===
=== Numeric Style HUDs ===
[http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Numeric_Style_HUDs Numeric Style HUDs] or browse viewtopic for current [http://aegidian.org/bb/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9977 information]<br />
[[Numeric Style HUDs]] or browse viewtopic for current [https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9977 information]. By [[User:CommonSenseOTB|CommonSenseOTB]] (2011), updated by [[User:Diziet Sma|Diziet Sma]], [[User:Spara]], [[User:Norby|Norby]] (2015) <br />
Version 2
Version 3<br />
[[Image:NumericHUDv2 1.png]]
[[Image:NumericHUDv3 1.png|600px]]
[[Image:NumericHUDv2 2.png]]
=== OrangED HUD ===
[[OrangED HUD]] has up to 4 MFDs. By [[User:Zireael|Zireael]] (2014) <br>
[[Image:NumericHUDv2 3.png]]
[[File:OrangED HUD.png|600px]]
Version 1.3.2
=== Pie Chart Style HUDs ===
=== Pie Chart Style HUDs ===
[http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Pie_Chart_Style_HUDs Pie Chart Style HUDs] or browse viewtopic for current [http://aegidian.org/bb/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9788 information]<br />
[[Pie Chart Style HUDs]] or browse viewtopic for current [https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=9788 information]. By [[User:CommonSenseOTB|CommonSenseOTB]] (2011)<br />
=== Small HUD ===
[[HUDSelector#Small_HUD|Small HUD]] like the default small HUD but with 10 MFDs. By [[User:Norby|Norby]] (2014)<br>
===Smart HUD===
[[SmartHUD]]-widescreen version (standard version has Comms and Console messages above the dials on either side). By [[User:Smivs|Smivs]] (2014). <br>
=== Sniper Camera System HUD ===
=== Sniper Camera System HUD ===
[http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Sniper_Camera_System_HUD Sniper Camera System HUD] or browse viewtopic for current [http://aegidian.org/bb/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=10461 information]<br />
[[Sniper Camera System HUD]] or browse viewtopic for current [https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=10461 information]. By [[User:CommonSenseOTB|CommonSenseOTB]] (2011) <br />
=== Steampunk HUD ===
[[Steampunk HUD]] by [[Killer Wolf]] (2010).<br />
=== SW (CAI/DAI) HUD ===
[[SWHUDDAI]] by [[User:Stranger|Stranger]] (2018-9)
:Stranger's World ''Default'' Altimeter HUD for the vanilla game <br />
:Stranger's World ''Customised'' Altimeter HUD for "Stranger's World" games <br />
[[File:SW HUD.png|600px]]
=== Trek HUD ===
[[Trek HUD]] by Barabis (2008)<br />
=== Steampunk HUD ===
[http://www.purgatori.net/Steampunk%20HUD.htm Steampunk HUD]<br />
=== Venom Cockpit HUD ===
[[Isis Interstellar]]'s HUD for their [[Venom]] line of ships.<br>
Three versions are supplied: standard (as below), mahogany & walnut burr <br>
=== Vimana HUD ===
[[Vimana HUD]] by Gnievmir (2019)<br />
[[File:Vimana Hud info.png|600px]]
=== Vimana-X HUD ===
[[Vimana HUD]] by [[User:Phkb|Phkb]] (2023)<br />
[[File:Vimanax hud.png|600px]]
Modifiable from the [[F4 page (ship and system interfaces)|Docked F4 Screen]] (Vimana-X Settings)
=== Wide-Screen HUD ===
[[Wide-Screen HUD]] by [[User:Wildeblood|Wildeblood]] (2013)<br />
=== Wolfwood HUD ===
[http://wiki.alioth.net/images/0/06/Wolfs_variants.zip ''Wolfwood HUD''] by [[Wolfwood Interstellar Technologies|Wolfwood]] (2006)<br />
Note: the image shows an Imperial Cruiser even though at bottom right it says "Cobra Mk III". Note the Imperial Cruiser has increased energy banks and missiles. But this gives you an idea of what it looks like.
===Xenon HUD===
[[Xenon_HUD|Xenon HUD]] by [[User:Phkb|Phkb]] (2015-9)<br/>
=== Yet Another HUD ===
[http://www.palmski.plus.com/Plagiarist_Hud_v0.2.zip ''Yet Another HUD v0.2''] /
[https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?t=8406 Oolite BBS Discussion]<br /><br />
Also known as the Plagiarism HUD, due to shamefully stealing parts from Trek HUD, MilHUD and GenericHUD. By Palmski (2010)<br />
<br />Condition Critical:<br />
=== Z-GrOovY MiLHUD ===
[[Z-GrOovY MiLHUD]] by Dertien (2013) <br>
[[Image:Dertien Explanation.png|thumb|left|600px|Yellow condition displayed, showing legend]]
=== Trek HUD ===
<div style="clear:both"></div>
[http://wiki.alioth.net/images/d/d9/TrekHud.zip  ''Trek HUD'']<br />
=== Wolfwood HUD ===
== Tweaks ==
[http://wiki.alioth.net/images/0/06/Wolfs_variants.zip ''Wolfwood HUD'']<br />
Note: the image shows an Imperial Cruiser even though at bottom right it says "Cobra Mk III". Note the Imperial Cruiser has increased energy banks and missles. But this gives you an idea of what it looks like.
*Tweak to 'dock' an older HUD so that it does not overlap the bottom of the F2-F8 screens while docked [https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?p=231730#p231730 see here]. By phkb (2014)
*Tweak to customise a HUD's altimeter to allow for the [[Strangers World]] gravity wells. See code at the bottom of the first post [https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=20047 here]. By '''Stranger''' (2018)
*[[How to tweak OXZ's]]
== Links ==
*[[HUDSelector]] - a HUD manager
*[https://bb.oolite.space/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5724 The HUD-shop] (2009-10)
*[https://iandigaming.blogspot.com/2024/03/oolite-hud-display-showcase.html I and I's HUD display showcase] (2024)
[[Category:HUDs OXPs| ]]

Latest revision as of 00:28, 12 February 2025

Images are below their captions.

A HUD is a Heads-Up Display: a transparent display that presents data without requiring users to look away from their usual viewpoints. The origin of the name stems from a pilot being able to view information with the head positioned "up" and looking forward, instead of angled down looking at lower instruments. A HUD also has the advantage that the pilot's eyes do not need to refocus to view the outside after looking at the optically nearer instruments First developed in the 1940s for military aircraft (from Wikipedia).

As the newer versions of Oolite have allowed more flexibility with modifying HUD elements since the early days of Oolite v.1.20 in 2004! From the halcyon days of Aegidian's Mega-Walnut dashboard (for the Fer-de-Lance), the HUD designers have risen to the challenge. There was a quantum leap under Cim's tenure as lead designer, when it was made easier to code new HUDs and the range of possibilities was greatly increased. This extended to MFDs. This happened with the release of Oolite v.1.79 in 2013/4.

The most striking versions here include the Coluber, Dangerous & Vimana HUDs.

Ships with custom HUDs: Note also that some ships come with their own HUD versions! Eg.: Coluber Racers - Blue, Red, Yellowbelly & Black; also Isis Interstellar ships, all of Simon B's ships in Neolite-Wolfies and some of his Waka series, some of Wolfwood's ships such as his Asp Explorer (Oolite), etc.

HUDs not shown here: Note also that some HUDs are not shown here: Killer Wolf's Dynamic HUD, Cyan HUD, Clear HUD, etc. See the OXP List and its links for more.

Experimenting with new HUDs The easiest way into all this is probably using HUDSelector which comes with 3 more HUDs to try out (extra-large, large & small). It will then help manage most others you download.

Four points:
1) The game specifies 2 types of HUD: small (for the Adder, the Cobra Mk.1, etc) and regular. Most of these below do not have a small variant, so you will find that your small ship defaults to the Vanilla game's small ship HUD!
2) The number of MFDs varies with the HUD (from 0 to 15)! MFDs were introduced in 2013/14
3) HUD designers often include icons for their favourite oxp equipments. See Coluber (& Deeper Space), CB (& CRR), Vimana & Z-GrOovY MiLHUD below for examples.
4) A number of HUDS have special features

  • Choice of layouts/colour - Dangerous HUD (fighter cockpit view, hauler cockpit view and glass only view, 6 colours) & Xenon HUD (2 colours)
  • Current Location Display (with Current Risk Notifier) - see Deeper Space HUD
  • Weapon Bays Missile Identifier - see ChupacabraHUD
  • Warning signs for low altitude/energy/shields/high temperature - see Vimana HUD
  • Jump stability meter (counts down to jump) - see Wide-Screen HUD
  • Different compasses for celestial bodies (gravimeter) and for beacons (transponder) - see Wide-Screen HUD
  • Ship's clock emphasised/de-emphasised depending on need - see Wide-Screen HUD
  • Extra add-on modules (purchasable) with some of the functions of the Combat & Navigation MFD's - see Vimana HUD
  • Sun glare contrast - see Xenon HUD
  • Sound effects - see Dangerous HUD
  • Listings of present equipment - see Z-GrOovY MiLHUD, Vimana HUD, Deeper Space HUD & the Coluber HUDs (these lists are inevitably partial - there is so much equipment)
  • Shield Capacitors gauges - see ChupacabraHUD

"Vanilla game" HUD
1 Shield Strength (Fore & Aft shields)
2 Level Indicators: Fuel, Cabin Temperature, Laser Temperature & Altitude
3 Pylon Weapon Indicators: Missile (selected), Missile, ECM-Hardened Missile, Quirium Cascade Bomb
4 Aegis Indicator (for aegis of main orbital station)
5 Mass-Lock/Status Indicator (Green, Yellow or Red)
6 Short-Range Scanner
7 Clock
8 Scanner zoom factor
9 Compass
10 Speed Indicator (relative)
11 Roll/Pitch Indicators
12 Energy Banks
Since a joystick is not plugged in, the Joystick precision indicator is not shown
An Example of a Ship OXP custom HUD: Simon B's Arachnid OXP "Wolf" HUD (2009)


Almost Almost Default HUD! by Spara (2016)
Aad-hud normal.png

Another HUD

Another HUD by NorthenderPNE (2011)


CB-HUD Mark II by Captain Beatnik (2011)
CB-HUD 2011-09-25.jpg


ChupacabraHUD by CommonSenseOTB (2011)

Coluber HUD CH01

Coluber HUD CH01 by Captain Beatnik (2014) & improved by Norby (2020)
Screenshot showing the Coluber HUD CH01 on a 2560x1440 pixel (16:9) monitor scaled-down to 1000x563
15wo9 coluber hud ch01.png


CombatHUD - widescreen version (standard version has Comms and Console messages above the dials on either side). By Smivs (2014)
Combat HUD (Red Alert mode)

Compact HUD

CompactHUD by Aegidian (by 2006), updated by Diziet Sma (2014)


CRR-HUD BB An adaptation of the Coluber Red Racer HUD: see Coluber Blue Racer. By Captain Beatnik (2012)
Crr hud pic 001.png

Dangerous HUD

Dangerous HUD showing just the green & blue variants (not Orange, Pink, Purple & White). by Gsagostinho (2017-8)

DeeperSpace HUD

Deeper Space HUD by Pleiadian (2017)

Deepspace HUD

Deepspace HUD by DeepSpace (2009)

Deepspace Retro HUD

Deepspace HUD by DeepSpace (2010)


Dr HUD by Dr. Nil (2010)

ExtraLarge HUD

ExtraLarge HUD provide a very large, alert sensitive scanner and custom dials with CombatMFD but no 16:10 support due to not enough room for the bottom two MFDs. By Norby (2015)

Fighter HUD

Fighter HUD Mk2 by CaptKev (2008-9)


G-HUD Mk2 by Gunney Plym (2008)
Download Large version of screenshot
G-HUD Mk2 resize.png

Isis HUD

Isis HUD by Killer Wolf (2013)
Comes separately or included (as an option) with some Killer Wolf ships (Dominatrix, Werewolf, his newer Venom oxp's).
An old HUD: no MFD's, no HUDSelector compliance.
Isis HUD (Killer Wolf).png


KeeperHUD by Keeper (2016)
KeeperHUD mfds.png

Klepto HUD

Klepto-HUD OXP by Kleptoid (2006)

Large HUD

Large HUD looks like the default HUD but with 10 MFDs, custom dials with CombatMFD and a large alert sensitively colored scanner. By Norby (2015).
Both 4:3, 16:9 and 16:10 displays are supported, but in 4:3 "only" 8 MFDs are usable.

Medusa HUD

Medusa HUD by ClymAngus (2009)
Medusa Hud.gif

Mega Walnut Dash HUD

Mega-Walnut Dashboard Based on the original Fer de Lance HUD of the legendary Aegidian (2005)

MilHUD 4000

MilHUD 4000 by Wildeblood (2012)
M4000 police.png

MilHUD (Military Specification HUD)

MilSpec HUD by Wyvern (2006-11)

MillHUD Refit

MillHUD Refit by Wolfsstar BH (2015)
Based on Wyvern's MilSpec HUD: HUD Selector compatible, five alert condition colours, 10 MFD's...
MillHUD refit.png


Mod-HUD by CaptSolo (2011-2)

Nova Lux HUD

Nova Lux HUD by Vincentz (2015)
NovaLux HUD (1).png

Numeric Style HUDs

Numeric Style HUDs or browse viewtopic for current information. By CommonSenseOTB (2011), updated by Diziet Sma, User:Spara, Norby (2015)
Version 3
NumericHUDv3 1.png


OrangED HUD has up to 4 MFDs. By Zireael (2014)
OrangED HUD.png

Pie Chart Style HUDs

Pie Chart Style HUDs or browse viewtopic for current information. By CommonSenseOTB (2011)
PCS HUDv2-3.png

Small HUD

Small HUD like the default small HUD but with 10 MFDs. By Norby (2014)

Smart HUD

SmartHUD-widescreen version (standard version has Comms and Console messages above the dials on either side). By Smivs (2014).

Sniper Camera System HUD

Sniper Camera System HUD or browse viewtopic for current information. By CommonSenseOTB (2011)

Steampunk HUD

Steampunk HUD by Killer Wolf (2010).


SWHUDDAI by Stranger (2018-9)

Stranger's World Default Altimeter HUD for the vanilla game
Stranger's World Customised Altimeter HUD for "Stranger's World" games

SW HUD.png

Trek HUD

Trek HUD by Barabis (2008)

Venom Cockpit HUD

Isis Interstellar's HUD for their Venom line of ships.
Three versions are supplied: standard (as below), mahogany & walnut burr

Vimana HUD

Vimana HUD by Gnievmir (2019)
Vimana Hud info.png

Vimana-X HUD

Vimana HUD by Phkb (2023)
Vimanax hud.png Modifiable from the Docked F4 Screen (Vimana-X Settings)

Wide-Screen HUD

Wide-Screen HUD by Wildeblood (2013)

Wolfwood HUD

Wolfwood HUD by Wolfwood (2006)
Note: the image shows an Imperial Cruiser even though at bottom right it says "Cobra Mk III". Note the Imperial Cruiser has increased energy banks and missiles. But this gives you an idea of what it looks like. Hudwolfwood2.png

Xenon HUD

Xenon HUD by Phkb (2015-9)
XenonHUD Sample.png

Yet Another HUD

Yet Another HUD v0.2 / Oolite BBS Discussion

Also known as the Plagiarism HUD, due to shamefully stealing parts from Trek HUD, MilHUD and GenericHUD. By Palmski (2010)

Condition Critical:
Yet another hud crit.gif


Z-GrOovY MiLHUD by Dertien (2013)

Yellow condition displayed, showing legend


  • Tweak to 'dock' an older HUD so that it does not overlap the bottom of the F2-F8 screens while docked see here. By phkb (2014)
  • Tweak to customise a HUD's altimeter to allow for the Strangers World gravity wells. See code at the bottom of the first post here. By Stranger (2018)
  • How to tweak OXZ's
