
Spara has had a massive influence in Oolite. His dozens of oxp's range from improving Oolite Trade to updating important old favourites from the early days.
Spara's Words
I like to play Oolite with a challenge. That means using as little helping oxps as possible and hardening the game with appropriate oxps. Thats why my commander rarely advances anywhere in the game.
Occasionally, usually while playing, an idea of an oxp might surface. Then it's time to do some OXPing. These are my released and in my opinion usable OXPs.
This hud is fashioned from the default hud. Originally rearrangements done by Tichy, further tweaks by me. It feels like the original, but in my opinion is more logically arranged. It also integrates an ETA display to ASC target to the hud.
Because ADCK's Behemoths oxp is broken, all those nice upgraded models for GalNavy, Behemoths and Thargoids were in danger to be lost. To save those models (and to make Galactic Navy oxp graphically appealing), I ripped the oxp open, extracted the models and repackaged them into four individual oxps. After that I've been resurrecting other Navy related oxps.
After facelifting GalNavy, I took a closer look at the Anarchies oxp by Commander McLane to see if the graphics could be upped a bit. And this is the result.
I missed the docking window one time too much so I created this oxp that plays notify sounds when your docking queue status changes. Most importantly it notifies you when you are cleared to dock.
As a big fan of Breakable 'Standard' Equipment OXPs, I created a breakable equipment of my own. Hopefully this oxp will give some excitement when trying to reach home after being seriously damaged in battle.
I found myself heavily exploiting BlOomberg Markets oxp. BlOomberg raised the price of one commodity in the main station and I started to haul that commodity in from all in-system stations. When other stations' markets dried, I saved and loaded and repeated the process. This oxp changes that by restoring the prices and quantities of non-main station markets when saving/loading.
Idea spawned from the discussion thread of Taxi Galactica. Gives an alternative way of making small pucks in system and adds a reason to visit all those extra dockables you have installed.
I just can't remember all that commodity price data from the OOLITE Reference Sheet, so I created a very simple oxp that overlays the market screen with min, max and average prices
In the core game there is one main station and it's market is visible in the f8 screen. After adding some oxps the game changes so that there are multiple stations in-system. I think that the markets of those stations should be visible just like the main station's market. At least some of the markets. This oxp does that and more.
markerAide started to feel a bit of a immersion killer. I mean it's funny that you know in advance what min, max and average prices will be. That reveals a bit too much of the game mechanics. But I still would like to know something about the prices. This oxp collects market data from the game while you play and shows that information on the market screen. Now those markets feel a bit more alive.
KillerWolf made a very beautiful Sothis Station. I felt that it was lacking something, so I wrote this oxp. This oxp converts those stations to trading centers, adds some New Cargoes functionality and relocates them to high tech corporate systems.
I wanted to have more ships that match Smivs' ShipSet and retextured Aegidian's X-Ships.
It feels a bit of a cheat to start the game with Cobra mk3, then sell it, buy Cobra mk1, iron ass it and start hunting. Switeck's Shipping OXP has some nice save games that allow you to start the game with Adder or Cobra mk1. Oolite 1.77 has some nice new functions that allowed me to turn these save game starts to an oxp. Now, when you start a new game, you can have a nice menu giving you ship choices of varied difficulty.
I wanted a reason to visit those far away planets and I also wanted to put those fine stations people have built some where and not override my current station set.
In the novella Mutabilis by Drew Wagar, Rebecca checks the specs of a Vampire in-flight. That gave me the inspiration to this oxp. This oxp implements a reference library, that allows you to check the specs of other ships.
There is a collector in all of us and now you can collect kills of different ship types in Oolite. This oxp gets better if you have some extra ships installed, so there is more to collect.
I was missing eta and distance information from Talkative Space Compass and this was the result.
Complete List of Spara's OXPs
Spara's list above omits two thirds of his oeuvre.
OXPs for starting games
- Start Choices - more choices for new games (Fast-track, Medium, Hard, Harder, Hauler & Miner)
- Start Advice - some advice for a new player and a simple introductory mission
- Audible Docking Clearance - help with Docking
- Random Player/Ship Name
- Asteroid Tweaks - controls number of asteroids so your CPU can cope with them!
- Countdown to Zero - fixes the faulty countdown
- SothisTC - converts Killer Wolf's elegant Sothis station to a Trade Centre for cim's New Cargoes
- Stations for Extra Planets - provides stations for extra planets
- Station Validator remembers the destruction of orbital stations, preventing their magical resurrection on one's next visit to the system.
Rock Hermits
- Hermit Tweaks identifies the variety of Rock Hermit you have just docked at
- Spicy Hermits - amplifies the differences between the varieties of Rock Hermits
- Breakable Life Support System - a missing equipment from the breakable equipment list
- Buyable map - you now have to buy the F6 maps (partial or complete)
- Equipment Aide - version now included in Vanilla game
- Glare Filter - sunglasses!
- Technical Reference Library - A reference library for checking the specs of other ships while in flight
- Trophy Collector - list of kills
- Updating TSC - ETA and distance information (now included in more modern HUDs)
- Aad-HUD - updated version of the Vanilla game HUD
- Failing HUD - As maintenance becomes more urgent, your HUD starts flickering!
- MFD - Manifest - shows what is in your cargo hold
- MFD - Navigation - vital astrogatory information
- Alternate jump range indicator OXP for F6 screen - replaces the less accurate green circle with green lines & links
- Ship Condition - Shows ship maintenance on F5 page.
Penalizing Death
- Iron Man OXP - saves don't work once you have died.
- Higher Guidance OXP - your last save (just before death) has the number of kills halved
- Penalize Death OXP - your last save (just before death) has the number of credits halved
- Commodity Markets provides a buy-sell spread for the commodities on the markets
- In-System Market Restore remembers the in-system market details from your last game
- In-System Taxi adds taxis and jobs ferrying passengers in-system
- In-System Traders adds in-system traders to a solar system with many stations.
- MarketAide - places the vanilla game trade data from the OoliteRS on the F8 screen
- Market Cooldown - as you visit more often, the profit lessens
- Market Inquirer - compares prices at stations within a solar system
- Market Observer - crucial information for doing deals
- Ye Olde Hermit markets - Spara's rejig of the newer sparser rock hermit markets (just miners!) back to the older more profitable version.
YAH (Your Ad here)
I like YAH ads, but the way YAH OXP adds them to the Ooniverse is a bit too much for me. Those huge rotating ad screens just don't cut it for me. So here's a different take. I think it would be much more logical that the screens would be attached to the station rather than floating around. At this point I'm just mocking around testing different solutions. |
(Spara (2015)) |
- Market Ads adds in adverts which "pay" for the Market Observer facilities
- Station Ads decorates system stations with in-game ads.
- Your Ad Here Constores Only suppresses all other buoy billboards added by YAH except for the Constores' own navigation billboards
- Your Ad Here Fuel Station uses ConStores as fuel stations. Be aware that this change makes the game considerably easier by allowing you to refuel right after hyperjump.
- Your Ad Here Gem Casino adds casino games using gems as credits to the Con Stores from Your Ad Here.
- Your Ad Here More Ads - adds another set of ads for YAH
- Anarchies Facelift (now included in the Anarchies OXP)
- Galactic Navy Additions - vital facelift for one of the most major OXPs ever written
- Imperial AstroFactory - facelift
- Random Hits Shipset - Add ships from Random Hits to the Ooniverse for ambiance and challenge (many of these were updated by Spara)
- Spara's X-Ships - facelift for Aegidian's X-Ships
Spara's collections of Goodies
- Old OXP archive (2015)- other people's old OXP's
- Moccasin
- Shrike by CaptSolo - see here
- Fighter HUD
- Shuriken by Mandotech Industries
- Scimitar by Smivs & Griff
- Copperhead Yari - existed in 2012; on the wiki are only Copperhead & Copperhead Mk. II OXP
- Copperhead
- Isis HUD - Killer Wolf's HUD for his Isis ships
- vamp reduxed improved engine flame - (Vampire)
- Spectre - (Staer9 Spectre)
- Phantom - a trader/fighter from Isis Interstellar with external missiles by Killer Wolf
- Accipiter
- Old OXP archive (2021) - Griff's original textures from before v.1.80/2014 and the OXZ format: 3 files:
- Griff shipset resources
- Griff shipset addition
- Griff shipset replace