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From Elite Wiki
- Salamander
- Salamander (Oolite)
- Salamander (classic)
- Salamander (disambiguation)
- Saleza Aeronautics
- Salvage Gang
- Salvage Missile
- Salvager License
- Salvager Rankings
- Sangreli Trader
- Santa
- Sapper
- Sapper Mode
- Sapper Nullifier
- Satellites
- Save Anywhere
- Save In Flight
- Save In Flight OXP
- Save and Jump OXP
- Scanner
- Scanner Alerting Enhancement
- Scanner Targeting Enhancement
- ScavengerAI
- Scavenger Ray
- Scenarios.plist
- Schism
- Schlierenzauer
- Scimitar
- Scorpion Frigate
- Scorpius
- Scoundrel
- Scourge of the Black Baron
- Scout
- Screamer Mine
- Screenbackgrounds.plist
- Script.oos
- Script.plist
- Scripting Oolite with JavaScript
- Scripting Tasks
- Scripts within shipdata
- Scrub
- SecComFinder
- Second-hand ships
- Second FTL Torus
- Second Micro-G Torus
- Second Wave
- Second Wave OXP
- Second Wave Ships
- Secondary Gravity Scanner
- Secretarybird
- Sector1/Aanbiat
- Sector1/Aate
- Sector1/Aerater
- Sector1/Aesbion
- Sector1/Alaza
- Sector1/Aleusqu
- Sector1/Anarlaqu
- Sector1/Anbeen
- Sector1/Anerbe
- Sector1/Anisor
- Sector1/Anlama
- Sector1/Anle
- Sector1/Anlere
- Sector1/Anxebiza
- Sector1/Anxeonis
- Sector1/Aona
- Sector1/Ara
- Sector1/Ararus
- Sector1/Arazaes
- Sector1/Arexe
- Sector1/Aronar
- Sector1/Arraesso
- Sector1/Arusqudi
- Sector1/Aruszati
- Sector1/Arxeza
- Sector1/Arzaso
- Sector1/Atage
- Sector1/Atarza
- Sector1/Atbevete
- Sector1/Atrabiin
- Sector1/Atrebibi
- Sector1/Atrienxe
- Sector1/Atriso
- Sector1/Azaqu
- Sector1/Beenri
- Sector1/Beesor
- Sector1/Begeabi
- Sector1/Bemaera
- Sector1/Beor
- Sector1/Beraanxe
- Sector1/Beti
- Sector1/Beusrior
- Sector1/Biarge
- Sector1/Bibe
- Sector1/Bierle
- Sector1/Biisorte
- Sector1/Biisza
- Sector1/Bioris
- Sector1/Biorle
- Sector1/Biramabi
- Sector1/Bivea
- Sector1/Cebetela
- Sector1/Ceedra
- Sector1/Ceesxe
- Sector1/Ceinzala
- Sector1/Celabile
- Sector1/Cemave
- Sector1/Cetiisqu
- Sector1/Cevege
- Sector1/Diedar
- Sector1/Digebiti
- Sector1/Diora
- Sector1/Diquer
- Sector1/Diquxe
- Sector1/Diso
- Sector1/Ditiza
- Sector1/Diusreza
- Sector1/Dizaoner
- Sector1/Ededleen
- Sector1/Edinso
- Sector1/Edle
- Sector1/Edorte
- Sector1/Edreor
- Sector1/Edzaon
- Sector1/Encereso
- Sector1/Engema
- Sector1/Eninre
- Sector1/Enonla
- Sector1/Ensoreus
- Sector1/Entizadi
- Sector1/Enzaer
- Sector1/Erbiti
- Sector1/Eredve
- Sector1/Erlage
- Sector1/Erlaza
- Sector1/Ermaso
- Sector1/Ervein
- Sector1/Esanbe
- Sector1/Esbeus
- Sector1/Esbiza
- Sector1/Esesla
- Sector1/Esgerean
- Sector1/Esredice
- Sector1/Esteonbi
- Sector1/Esusti
- Sector1/Esveor
- Sector1/Eszaraxe
- Sector1/GalCenter G1 (Region)
- Sector1/Geerra
- Sector1/Geinona
- Sector1/Geisgeza
- Sector1/Gelaed
- Sector1/Gelegeus
- Sector1/Gequre
- Sector1/Gerege
- Sector1/Gerete
- Sector1/Index
- Sector1/Inera
- Sector1/Ininbi
- Sector1/Inines
- Sector1/Inleus
- Sector1/Inonri
- Sector1/Inus
- Sector1/Isanlequ
- Sector1/Isatre
- Sector1/Isdibi
- Sector1/Isence
- Sector1/Isinor
- Sector1/Isti
- Sector1/Isveve
- Sector1/Laeden
- Sector1/Laenin
- Sector1/Larais
- Sector1/Lave
- Sector1/Learorce
- Sector1/Leesti
- Sector1/Legees
- Sector1/Leleer
- Sector1/Leoned
- Sector1/Lerelace
- Sector1/Leritean
- Sector1/Maesin
- Sector1/Maises
- Sector1/Malama
- Sector1/Maregeis
- Sector1/Mariar
- Sector1/Maxeedso
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 1
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 10
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 11
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 12
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 13
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 14
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 2
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 3
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 4
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 5
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 6
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 7
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 8
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 9
- Sector1/Onisqu
- Sector1/Onlema
- Sector1/Onrira
- Sector1/Ontiat
- Sector1/Ontimaxe
- Sector1/Onusorle
- Sector1/Ordima
- Sector1/Orerve
- Sector1/Oreseren
- Sector1/Oresle
- Sector1/Oresqu
- Sector1/Oresri
- Sector1/Orgetibe
- Sector1/Ororqu
- Sector1/Orrere
- Sector1/Orrira
- Sector1/Orso
- Sector1/Orteve
- Sector1/Quator
- Sector1/Qube
- Sector1/Qubeen
- Sector1/Qucerere
- Sector1/Qudira
- Sector1/Quorte
- Sector1/Ququor
- Sector1/Qurave
- Sector1/Qutiri
- Sector1/Quzadi
- Sector1/Ra
- Sector1/Raale
- Sector1/Rabedira
- Sector1/Raleen
- Sector1/Raoror
- Sector1/Rarere
- Sector1/Rateedar
- Sector1/Razaar
- Sector1/Rebia
- Sector1/Reesdice
- Sector1/Regeatge
- Sector1/Reinen
- Sector1/Relaes
- Sector1/Reorte
- Sector1/Retila
- Sector1/Rexebe
- Sector1/Riantiat
- Sector1/Ribilebi
- Sector1/Ribiso
- Sector1/Riedquat
- Sector1/Rigeti
- Sector1/Riinus
- Sector1/Riiser
- Sector1/Rilace
- Sector1/Riraes
- Sector1/Riredi
- Sector1/Ritila
- Sector1/Riveis
- Sector1/Rizala
- Sector1/Socelage
- Sector1/Soinuste
- Sector1/Soladies
- Sector1/Solageon
- Sector1/Soorbi
- Sector1/Sorace
- Sector1/Sori
- Sector1/Sotera
- Sector1/Sotiera
- Sector1/Sotiqu
- Sector1/Spaceway L1 (Route)
- Sector1/Spaceway L2 (Route)
- Sector1/Spaceway L3 (Route)
- Sector1/Spaceway L4 (Route)
- Sector1/Systems in Galaxy Sector 1
- Sector1/Teaatis
- Sector1/Teanrebi
- Sector1/Teen
- Sector1/Teesdi
- Sector1/Teorge
- Sector1/Teraed
- Sector1/Teraed Region (Region)
- Sector1/Terea
- Sector1/Teveri
- Sector1/The Devil's Triangle (Region)
- Sector1/The Devils Triangle (Region)
- Sector1/The Iron Stars (Region)
- Sector1/The Old Worlds (Region)
- Sector1/The Pulsar Worlds (Region)
- Sector1/The Royal Houses of Santaari
- Sector1/The Tortuga Expanse (Region)
- Sector1/Tianve
- Sector1/Tibecea
- Sector1/Tibedied
- Sector1/Tibionis
- Sector1/Tiinlebi
- Sector1/Tionisla
- Sector1/Tioranin
- Sector1/Tiquat
- Sector1/Tiraor
- Sector1/Usanat
- Sector1/Usatqura
- Sector1/Uscela
- Sector1/Usle
- Sector1/Usralaat
- Sector1/Usrarema
- Sector1/Ususor
- Sector1/Uszaa
- Sector1/Veale
- Sector1/Vebege
- Sector1/Veis
- Sector1/Veisti
- Sector1/Velete
- Sector1/Vetitice
- Sector1/Xeaan
- Sector1/Xeaqu
- Sector1/Xeenle
- Sector1/Xeer
- Sector1/Xeeranre
- Sector1/Xeesenri
- Sector1/Xeesle
- Sector1/Xeoner
- Sector1/Xequerin
- Sector1/Xeququti
- Sector1/Xexedi
- Sector1/Xexedi Cluster (Region)
- Sector1/Xexeti
- Sector1/Xezaor
- Sector1/Zaalela
- Sector1/Zaatxe
- Sector1/Zadies
- Sector1/Zaerla
- Sector1/Zainlabi
- Sector1/Zaleriza
- Sector1/Zaonce
- Sector1/Zarece
- Sector1/Zasoceat
- Sector1/Zasoer
- Sector2/Aanan
- Sector2/Aanteso
- Sector2/Aatenbe
- Sector2/Abege
- Sector2/Aesaus
- Sector2/Aleri
- Sector2/Amaxe
- Sector2/Anama
- Sector2/Anbexeat