Military Laser
From Elite Wiki
Military Lasers are the height of laser sophistication. They use high energy laser beams firing continuously to produce devastating effects, but are subsequently much more prone to overheating. It is effective out to a maximum range of 30,000 metres, beyond scanner range.
Sales Pitch
Range and penetration twice as effective as the Ingram Model M1928A2 Beam Laser. This is Lance & Ferman's entre into the laser market. Hitherto known for their highly effective and relatively cheap missile systems, in the military laser they have in effect created a whole new laser market. The LF90 is the current computer-aided model and comes with x4SUSAT sights.
Cost: 6000.0 ₢. Techlevel: 11
- See Guide to Accuracy OXPs for a list of OXPs which help aiming!
- Weapon Laws OXP restricts sales of the various lasers in the more stable government systems. In Galaxy 1, Military lasers will only be found in TL12 systems: Biarge, Gerete, Teraed & TL11 systems: Cemave, Xezaor & Zasoceat.
- Laser Combat Reimagined OXP rejigs all the lasers and gives them minor improvements against the military laser.
- New lasers OXP introduces another 2 varieties of military laser
- Laser Cooler helps cool down lasers
- Laser Booster OXP empowers lasers further but at the risk of breakage
- See also: Laser tactics to make the best use of your military laser.
Oolite Equipment