The Traders Almanach
The Traders Almanach is supposed to be based on the personal notes of the seasoned and experienced trader Cmdr. James "Mercury" Kilbery. This guy has seen all the systems in the eight galaxies, including Oresrati in the emote seven o'clock corner of galaxy sector eight - at least thats a common rumor about this person. Commander Kilbery can not be queried on the correctness of the abovementioned statements as he is supposed to be lost in witchspace.
Memory sticks with more or less complete variations of The Traders Almanach can be found on almost every trading ship on the universe.
(This is a work in progress - the following excerpts are provided with the request to look for syntactic mistakes - I am no native speaker, and the Almanach is generated by a program, both being a potential source for bad English. Once the Galaxy Guide is established, the long list will be shortened down to a few "gems". Contact user treczoks on the Oolite Bulletin Board to complain :-) )
- 1 Tibedied
- 2 Qube
- 3 Leleer
- 4 Biarge
- 5 Xequerin
- 6 Tiraor
- 7 Rabedira
- 8 Lave
- 9 Zaatxe
- 10 Diusreza
- 11 Teaatis
- 12 Riinus
- 13 Esbiza
- 14 Ontimaxe
- 15 Cebetela
- 16 Ceedra
- 17 Rizala
- 18 Atriso
- 19 Teanrebi
- 20 Azaqu
- 21 Retila
- 22 Sotiqu
- 23 Inleus
- 24 Onrira
- 25 Ceinzala
- 26 Biisza
- 27 Legees
- 28 Quator
- 29 Arexe
- 30 Atrabiin
- 31 Usanat
- 32 Xeesle
- 33 Oreseren
- 34 Inera
- 35 Inus
- 36 Isence
- 37 Reesdice
- 38 Terea
- 39 Orgetibe
- 40 Reorte
- 41 Ququor
- 42 Geinona
- 43 Anarlaqu
- 44 Oresri
- 45 Esesla
- 46 Socelage
- 47 Riedquat
- 48 Gerege
- 49 Usle
- 50 Malama
- 51 Aesbion
- 52 Alaza
- 53 Xeaqu
- 54 Raoror
- 55 Ororqu
- 56 Leesti
- 57 Geisgeza
- 58 Zainlabi
- 59 Uscela
- 60 Isveve
- 61 Tioranin
- 62 Learorce
- 63 Esusti
- 64 Ususor
- 65 Maregeis
- 66 Aate
- 67 Sori
- 68 Cemave
- 69 Arusqudi
- 70 Eredve
- 71 Regeatge
- 72 Edinso
- 73 Ra
- 74 Aronar
- 75 Arraesso
- 76 Cevege
- 77 Orteve
- 78 Geerra
- 79 Soinuste
- 80 Erlage
- 81 Xeaan
- 82 Veis
- 83 Ensoreus
- 84 Riveis
- 85 Bivea
- 86 Ermaso
- 87 Velete
- 88 Engema
- 89 Atrienxe
- 90 Beusrior
- 91 Ontiat
- 92 Atarza
- 93 Arazaes
- 94 Xeeranre
- 95 Quzadi
- 96 Isti
- 97 Digebiti
- 98 Leoned
- 99 Enzaer
- 100 Teraed
- 101 Vetitice
- 102 Laenin
- 103 Beraanxe
- 104 Atage
- 105 Veisti
- 106 Zaerla
- 107 Esredice
- 108 Beor
- 109 Orso
- 110 Usatqura
- 111 Erbiti
- 112 Reinen
- 113 Ininbi
- 114 Erlaza
- 115 Celabile
- 116 Ribiso
- 117 Qudira
- 118 Isdibi
- 119 Gequre
- 120 Rarere
- 121 Aerater
- 122 Atbevete
- 123 Bioris
- 124 Raale
- 125 Tionisla
- 126 Encereso
- 127 Anerbe
- 128 Gelaed
- 129 Onusorle
- 130 Zaonce
- 131 Diquer
- 132 Zadies
- 133 Entizadi
- 134 Esanbe
- 135 Usralaat
- 136 Anlere
- 137 Teveri
- 138 Sotiera
- 139 Ededleen
- 140 Inonri
- 141 Esbeus
- 142 Lerelace
- 143 Eszaraxe
- 144 Anbeen
- 145 Biorle
- 146 Anisor
- 147 Usrarema
- 148 Diso
- 149 Riraes
- 150 Orrira
- 151 Xeer
- 152 Ceesxe
- 153 Isatre
- 154 Aona
- 155 Isinor
- 156 Uszaa
- 157 Aanbiat
- 158 Bemaera
- 159 Inines
- 160 Edzaon
- 161 Leritean
- 162 Veale
- 163 Edle
- 164 Anlama
- 165 Ribilebi
- 166 Relaes
- 167 Dizaoner
- 168 Razaar
- 169 Enonla
- 170 Isanlequ
- 171 Tibecea
- 172 Sotera
- 173 Esveor
- 174 Esteonbi
- 175 Xeesenri
- 176 Oresle
- 177 Ervein
- 178 Larais
- 179 Anxebiza
- 180 Diedar
- 181 Eninre
- 182 Bibe
- 183 Diquxe
- 184 Sorace
- 185 Anxeonis
- 186 Riantiat
- 187 Zarece
- 188 Maesin
- 189 Tibionis
- 190 Gelegeus
- 191 Diora
- 192 Rigeti
- 193 Begeabi
- 194 Orrere
- 195 Beti
- 196 Gerete
- 197 Qucerere
- 198 Xeoner
- 199 Xezaor
- 200 Ritila
- 201 Edorte
- 202 Zaalela
- 203 Biisorte
- 204 Beesor
- 205 Oresqu
- 206 Xeququti
- 207 Maises
- 208 Bierle
- 209 Arzaso
- 210 Teen
- 211 Riredi
- 212 Teorge
- 213 Vebege
- 214 Xeenle
- 215 Arxeza
- 216 Edreor
- 217 Esgerean
- 218 Ditiza
- 219 Anle
- 220 Onisqu
- 221 Aleusqu
- 222 Zasoceat
- 223 Rilace
- 224 Beenri
- 225 Laeden
- 226 Mariar
- 227 Riiser
- 228 Qutiri
- 229 Biramabi
- 230 Soorbi
- 231 Solageon
- 232 Tiquat
- 233 Rexebe
- 234 Qubeen
- 235 Cetiisqu
- 236 Rebia
- 237 Ordima
- 238 Aruszati
- 239 Zaleriza
- 240 Zasoer
- 241 Raleen
- 242 Qurave
- 243 Atrebibi
- 244 Teesdi
- 245 Ararus
- 246 Ara
- 247 Tianve
- 248 Quorte
- 249 Soladies
- 250 Maxeedso
- 251 Xexedi
- 252 Xexeti
- 253 Tiinlebi
- 254 Rateedar
- 255 Onlema
- 256 Orerve
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Whatever you buy, move them to Azaqu. And I would buy firearms, microprocessors and bulldozers in that order for this trip. My guesstimate is: the Tibediedian firearms sell there with a gain of roughly 28 to 38%.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Best would be to buy bargain TV dinners or casks of 'Noer' - a liquor they distill only in Qube - and haul them to Raleen. They give you about 100 to 110%, at least in Raleen. Additionally, those TV dinners can also be sold well enough in Edzaon.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Best would be to buy nutri-pills or liquors and transport them to Aona. Best take these tasteless nutri-pills, they give a decent 37 to 45%. Additionally, these tasteless nutri-pills can also be sold well enough in Rabedira, Entizadi, or Usrarema.
If every Credit counts, try this: Best choice in Biarge is to move either firearms or computers to Biramabi. There is a good chance that the Biargese firearms give you a margin of about 57 to 64% - at least that's what a guy told me. On a second thought, you can also ship the Biargese firearms to Encereso, although they give you not as many credits there.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Best choice in Xequerin is to transport either microprocessors or firearms to Riveis or Diedar. With a little lower gain you can also haul the those microprocessors I mentioned to Anxeonis.
If every Credit counts, try this: Best choice in Tiraor is to haul either antique Tiraorian hunting crossbows or memory banks to Atrebibi or Teesdi. The first goods sell there usually with a gain of 55 to 63% (I found that information in a pirates logbook around Uscela). On a second thought, you can also transport those crossbows to Zainlabi, Usralaat, or Edzaon, although they give you not as many credits there.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best choice in Rabedira is to transport either memory banks or antique Rabediran hunting crossbows to Atriso. The trip to Atriso is best, indeed, and gives you a gain of 22 creds for each ton. With a little lower gain you can also ship the those memory banks to Qucerere.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: You can't make a mistake with buying Lavese bacons here. You've got the choice to move them to Zaonce with a good plus of 80 to 90%, with Leesti being the second choice in destinations and Orerve last.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Best choice in Zaatxe is to transport either caskets with Zaatxese duel pistols or memory chips to Alaza. That first choice is good and yields 56 to 63% for your account. With a little lower gain you can also transport the those pistols to Celabile or Edreor.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Best choice in Diusreza is to move either caskets with Diusrezan duel pistols or microprocessors to Zaerla or Rigeti. I'd say those pistols are best, indeed, and will propably sell with a profit of 39 to 47% in Rigeti. On a second thought, you can also move those pistols to Tioranin or Aerater, although they give you not as many credits there.
If every Credit counts, try this: Best would be to buy Teaatisian breads or barrels with Teaatisian gin and ship them to Larais. I'd say those breads are best, naturally, and will propably sell with a profit of 47 to 54% in Larais. Additionally, those breads can also be sold well enough in Legees.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best choice in Riinus is to move either memory chips or antique Riinusian hunting crossbows to Usatqura, Raale, or Aanbiat. A few years ago, I shipped 15 tons of the memory chips from Riinus to Aanbiat, and sold it with a plus of 502 Credits. With a little lower gain you can also ship the the memory chips to Xeaqu or Sotiera.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Regardless which of my suggested items you buy, Qudira should be your destination. And I would buy memory chips, antique Esbizan hunting crossbows and Esbizan furniture items made from real wood - in that order. Each ton gives about 39 Credits more there than you pay here for the stuff.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: When you are going to move food containers, sell them in Mariar with a plus of Mariar,, or in Vebege, which give you less - at least that's what a pilot from Tiquat told me. On a second glance, you could also haul caskets with Ontimaxese duel pistols to Ribiso or Biramabi.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best choice in Cebetela is to haul either memory banks or Cebetelan 'Biondi-guns' to Velete. And those memory banks are decent, giving you a rake-off of 22 Credits per unit. With a little lower gain you can also haul the those memory banks to Anerbe.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Biggest bang for the credit in Ceedra is nutri-pills to Tibecea or Diquxe. Second is firearms to Isdibi or Zaleriza. And third is memory banks to Isdibi or Zaleriza.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best choice in Rizala is to transport either memory chips or caskets with Rizalan duel pistols to Geisgeza or Riantiat. Third choice, but still ok, is furs to Zasoceat.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: When you are going to ship furs, sell them in Ensoreus, quite the best you can get in Atriso or in Rabedira, which give you less. On a second glance, you could also transport memory banks to Ararus.
My trading tip for small money: You can't make a mistake with buying odd Teanrebiian 'Onthce pies' here. You've got the choice to move them to Anle or Tianve, which give you about 230 to 260% in Anle, with Ededleen being the second choice in destinations and Oreseren last.
My trading tip for small money: You can't make a mistake with buying Azaquan bacons here. You've got the choice to move them to Edinso or Relaes with a decent plus of 110 to 140%, with Tibedied being the second choice in destinations and Quator last.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Regardless which of my suggested items you buy, Bibe should be your destination. And I would buy microprocessors, firearms and Retilan musical instruments - in that order. Each ton gives about 22 Credits more there than you pay here for the stuff.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Regardless which of my suggested items you buy, Esusti or Inonri should be your destination. And I would buy odd Sotiquan furs, brandy bottles and radioactive isotopes - in that order. There is a good chance that those furs give you a margin of about 21 Cr./ton (I found that information in a pirates logbook around Usrarema).
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Best choice in Inleus is to haul either memory banks or Inleusian 'Ge-guns' to Velete. There is a good chance that those memory banks give you a margin of about 27 Cr./ton. On a second thought, you can also ship those memory banks to Anerbe, although they give you not as many credits there.
If every Credit counts, try this: Best choice in Onrira is to move either firearms or computers to Erlaza. They give you about 55 to 64%, at least in Erlaza. With a little lower gain you can also move the the Onriran firearms to Larais.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: You can't do anything wrong with buying Ceinzalan cheeses here. You've got the choice to move them to Cemave, a quite nice bargain at 70 to 80%, with Arxeza being the second choice in destinations and Ara last. There are credits to earn, if you know what to sell where.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Best would be to buy antique Biiszan hunting crossbows or memory banks and transport them to Eszaraxe, Xeesenri, Gelegeus, or Beenri. To haul Biiszan breads to Xeenle is somewhere inbetween.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Best choice in Legees is to transport either Legeesian cheeses or bottles of the famous liquor they call 'Bemaarle' to Larais. Third choice, but still ok, is firearms to Teaatis or Laeden.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Best would be to buy antique Quatorian hunting crossbows or memory banks and transport them to Reorte, Ra, Begeabi, or Orrere. This trip could bring you 27 to 34% on average. To transport fabulous Quatorian 'Etab pies' to Relaes is somewhere inbetween.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Best choice in Arexe is to ship either caskets with Arexese duel pistols or computers to Geisgeza. The first give you a good 50 to 58% when you sell them in Geisgeza, so I was told in a bar in Riedquat. With a little lower gain you can also ship the those pistols to Regeatge or Riveis.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Best choice in Atrabiin is to ship either microprocessors or antique Atrabiinian hunting crossbows to Anarlaqu. Propably those microprocessors I mentioned sell there with a gain of roughly 27 Credits for each ton. With a little lower gain you can also haul the those microprocessors I mentioned to Rilace or Maxeedso.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: You can't do anything wrong with buying Usanatian cheeses here. You've got the choice to move them to Entizadi for a good 120 to 150% profit, with Cetiisqu being the second choice in destinations and Soladies last.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best choice in Xeesle is to transport either microprocessors or caskets with Xeeslese duel pistols to Isinor or Ararus. If I remember correctly, I bought 30 tons of those microprocessors I mentioned here and sold them with a plus of 669 Credits in Ararus. On a second thought, you can also haul those microprocessors I mentioned to Esesla, Ontiat, Bemaera, or Zaalela, although they give you not as many credits there.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Oreseren is to move either memory banks or caskets with Oreserenian duel pistols to Teanrebi. Each ton gives about 22 Credits more there than you pay here for the stuff. On a second thought, you can also haul those memory banks to Alaza or Anerbe, although they give you not as many credits there.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Best choice in Inera is to move either memory banks or firearms to Raale or Aanbiat. The trip to Raale or Aanbiat is best, indeed, and gives you a gain of 39 creds for each ton, so I was told in a bar in Bibe. With a little lower gain you can also move the those memory banks to Sotiera.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: You can't do anything wrong with buying nutri-pills here. You've got the choice to move them to Aleusqu with a good plus of 170 to 200%, with Biisorte being the second choice in destinations and Anxeonis last.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best choice in Isence is to haul either memory chips or firearms to Zarece. The trip to Zarece is best, naturally, and gives you a gain of 39 creds for each ton. With a little lower gain you can also haul the the memory chips to Reinen.
My trading tip for small money: You can't do anything wrong with buying food containers here. You've got the choice to move them to Xezaor with a plus of Xezaor,, with Arexe or Anisor being the second choice in destinations and Erbiti last.
My trading tip for small money: Best would be to buy Terean breads or liquors and move them to Xexedi. The first give you a good 95 to 105% when you sell them in Xexedi. Additionally, those breads can also be sold well enough in Usle or Maregeis.
My trading tip for small money: You can't make a mistake with buying Orgetibese cheeses here. You've got the choice to move them to Esteonbi, a quite nice bargain at 200 to 230%, with Raoror or Ara being the second choice in destinations and Ceinzala last.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best would be to buy Reortese coats or barrels containing the strange wine from the sloping hills of Reorte and transport them to Relaes. And each ton of those coats returns a plus of 21 Credits for you on that trip. Additionally, those coats can also be sold well enough in Quator or Uszaa.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Best would be to buy food containers or casks of 'Abouou' - a liquor they distill only in Ququor - and move them to Raleen. And they sell quite nice, and give you 65 to 75%. Additionally, those food containers can also be sold well enough in Retila or Ininbi.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Best choice in Geinona is to haul either computers or Geinonan 'Se-guns' to Ermaso. Each ton gives about 22 Credits more there than you pay here for the stuff. With a little lower gain you can also haul the the computers to Solageon or Quorte.
If every Credit counts, try this: You can't do anything wrong with buying Anarlaquan sushi dinners here. You've got the choice to move them to Vetitice or Zadies with a plus of Vetitice,, with Inonri being the second choice in destinations and Atrabiin, Biorle, or Enonla last.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Fill your ship with fur coats and transport them either to Lerelace or Xexedi, as this is the best you can get here, or to Eninre, Riredi, or Riiser, which is third rank here. Somewhere in the middle between them is to haul computers to Laenin.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Whatever you buy, haul them to Xeesle. And I would buy food containers, beers made using the strange Eseslan hops and shoes in that order for this trip. There is a good chance that those food containers give you a margin of about 80 to 90%.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Fill your ship with Socelagese coats and transport them either to Ororqu, quite the best you can get in Socelage, or to Gerege, Biorle, or Enonla, which is third rank here. Somewhere in the middle between them is to transport memory chips to Razaar (I found that information in a pirates logbook around Soorbi).
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best would be to buy fabulous Riedquatian furs or barrels containing the odd wine from the sloping hills of Riedquat and move them to Leesti. Additionally, those furs can also be sold well enough in Uszaa or Orerve.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Gerege is to haul either computers or caskets with Geregese duel pistols to Teen. And each ton of the computers returns a plus of 27 Credits for you on that trip (I found that information in a pirates logbook around Edinso). With a little lower gain you can also transport the the computers to Xeaqu.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Best choice in Usle is to transport either memory banks or Uslese 'Ge-guns' to Laenin. I once sold 30 tons of those memory banks in Laenin, and reaped a profit of 669 Credits. With a little lower gain you can also move the those memory banks to Esbeus or Xeoner.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Best choice in Malama is to haul either firearms or computers to Qudira. Propably the Malaman firearms sell there with a gain of roughly 70 to 80% (I found that information in a pirates logbook around Leleer). On a second thought, you can also move the Malaman firearms to Alaza, although they give you not as many credits there.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Regardless which of my suggested items you buy, Zarece should be your destination. And I would buy microprocessors, firearms and luxuries - in that order. I'd say those microprocessors I mentioned are best, naturally, and will propably sell with a profit of 22 Credits for each and every ton you move.
If every Credit counts, try this: You can't do anything wrong with buying Alazan sushi dinners here. You've got the choice to move them to Zaatxe, Malama, Inines, Anle, or Tianve for a decent 140 to 170% profit, with Ededleen being the second choice in destinations and Oreseren last. You see, wherever you go to from here, there is money to be made.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: You can't do anything wrong with buying famous Xeaquan furs here. You've got the choice to move them to Riinus, Ororqu, or Rexebe, as this is the best you can get here, with Gerege being the second choice in destinations and Learorce, Gelaed, or Orrira last.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Raoror is to transport either memory banks or caskets with Raororian duel pistols to Orgetibe or Isti. And each ton of those memory banks returns a plus of 27 Credits for you on that trip, so I was told in a bar in Xeesenri. On a second thought, you can also move those memory banks to Rebia, although they give you not as many credits there.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Best choice in Ororqu is to move either memory chips or Ororquan 'En-guns' to Usatqura, Raale, Aanbiat, or Teen. With a little lower gain you can also transport the the memory chips to Xeaqu.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best choice in Leesti is to transport either memory chips or firearms to Riedquat. The first give you a good 27 creds gain per ton when you sell them, so I was told in a bar in Entizadi. With a little lower gain you can also ship the the memory chips to Diso.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: You can't make a mistake with buying Geisgezan bacons here. You've got the choice to move them to Arexe or Beesor, a decent bargain at 190 to 220%, with Maises being the second choice in destinations and Xeaan or Atarza last.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Best choice in Zainlabi is to transport either microprocessors or caskets with Zainlabian duel pistols to Diedar, Atrebibi, or Teesdi. On a closer look, transporting Zainlabian coats to Tiraor is also a viable alternative.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: You can't do anything wrong with buying Uscelan cheeses here. You've got the choice to move them to Xexedi - in Xexedi, the get you a decent 100 to 110% profit -, with Beusrior being the second choice in destinations and Usle or Maregeis last.
If every Credit counts, try this: Best would be to buy Isvevese bacons or bottles of the odd liquor they call 'En' and ship them to Aleusqu. That first choice is good and yields 170 to 200% for your account. Additionally, those breads can also be sold well enough in Biisorte or Xeenle.
If every Credit counts, try this: You can't make a mistake with buying nutri-pills here. You've got the choice to move them to Teraed or Zasoceat for a quite nice 150 to 180% profit, with Atbevete being the second choice in destinations and Diusreza last.
My trading tip for small money: Best would be to buy Learorcese 'At-guns' or memory chips and ship them to Usatqura, Raale, or Teen. That first choice is decent and yields 26 to 34% for your account - at least that's what a barkeeper told me confidentially. To move bargain TV dinners to Ororqu or Rexebe is somewhere inbetween. There are credits to earn, if you know what to sell where.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best choice in Esusti is to move either microprocessors or firearms to Sotiqu. And the first wares are decent - they give you a profit of 33 Credits for each ton. On a second thought, you can also transport those microprocessors I mentioned to Solageon, although they give you not as many credits there.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: You can't make a mistake with buying Ususorian sushi dinners here. You've got the choice to move them to Gerete for a good 230 to 260% profit, with Edle being the second choice in destinations and Arazaes last.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best choice in Maregeis is to haul either memory banks or caskets with Maregeisian duel pistols to Laenin. Actually, that 'bit more' is about 22 Credits gain for each ton. On a second thought, you can also move those memory banks to Esbeus, although they give you not as many credits there.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Regardless which of my suggested items you buy, Qudira should be your destination. And I would buy memory banks, firearms and Aatese musical instruments - in that order.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Biggest bang for the credit in Sori is fabulous Soriian 'Enata' pies' to Tibecea. Second is firearms to Isdibi. And third is memory chips to Isdibi.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Best choice in Cemave is to ship either firearms or microprocessors to Sotera. My guesstimate is: the Cemavese firearms sell there with a gain of roughly 45 to 53%. With a little lower gain you can also move the the Cemavese firearms to Ceinzala.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Best would be to buy food containers or vodka bottles and ship them to Ara. I'd say those food containers are best, of course, and will propably sell with a profit of 100 to 110% in Ara. Additionally, those food containers can also be sold well enough in Veisti or Onisqu.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Whatever you buy, haul them to Gequre. And I would buy caskets with Eredvese duel pistols, memory banks and hydraulic lifters in that order for this trip. The first goods sell there usually with a gain of 28 to 37%.
My trading tip for small money: You can't do anything wrong with buying nutri-pills here. You've got the choice to move them to Gerete with a plus of Gerete,, with Arexe, Edle, or Beesor being the second choice in destinations and Maises last.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Regardless which of my suggested items you buy, Azaqu should be your destination. And I would buy computers, Edinsoese 'Stet-guns' and Edinsoese furniture items made from real wood - in that order.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best would be to buy Ran coats or bottles of the odd liquor they call 'Bimath' and haul them to Relaes. There is a good chance that those coats give you a margin of about 21 Cr./ton. Additionally, those coats can also be sold well enough in Quator or Uszaa.
If every Credit counts, try this: Best choice in Aronar is to ship either antique Aronarian hunting crossbows or memory chips to Isinor. And they sell decent, and give you 38 to 47%. With a little lower gain you can also move the those crossbows to Ontiat.
My trading tip for small money: You can't do anything wrong with buying Arraessoese bacons here. You've got the choice to move them to Onlema with a good plus of 240 to 270%, with Soorbi or Qubeen being the second choice in destinations and Qube last.
My trading tip for small money: Whatever you buy, transport them to Isti. And I would buy firearms, computers and hydraulic lifters in that order for this trip. And they give you a quite nice gain of 51 to 58%, by the way (I found that information in a pirates logbook around Leritean). There are credits to earn, if you know what to sell where.
If every Credit counts, try this: Best would be to buy food containers or casks containing Ortevese single malt whiskey and transport them to Dizaoner. Additionally, those food containers can also be sold well enough in Sorace.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best would be to buy furs or containers of 'Lo', the fabulous beer only made in Geerra, and transport them to Rateedar. Additionally, those furs can also be sold well enough in Digebiti.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Soinuste is to ship either microprocessors or firearms to Qudira. If I remember correctly, I bought 35 tons of those microprocessors I mentioned here and sold them with a plus of 976 Credits in Qudira. With a little lower gain you can also haul the those microprocessors I mentioned to Teveri.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Erlage is to ship either memory chips or Erlagese 'Biseusar-guns' to Xeesenri or Rigeti. On a second thought, you can also ship the memory chips to Aerater, although they give you not as many credits there.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best choice in Xeaan is to haul either computers or Xeaanian 'Cemanu-guns' to Geisgeza. The first give you a quite nice 22 creds gain per ton when you sell them. With a little lower gain you can also ship the the computers to Regeatge.
My trading tip for small money: Biggest bang for the credit in Veis is fabulous Veisian cheeses to Ceesxe. This trip could bring you 39 to 45% on average. Second is firearms to Leoned. And third is microprocessors to Leoned.
My trading tip for small money: Best choice in Ensoreus is to move either Ensoreusian 'Za-guns' or memory chips to Isinor or Ararus. Keep in mind, the first wares are decent - they give you 65 to 75%. On a second thought, you can also move these guns to Ontiat, Bemaera, or Zaalela, although they give you not as many credits there.
If every Credit counts, try this: You can't make a mistake with buying food containers here. You've got the choice to move them to Arexe or Anisor - in Anisor, the get you a decent 110 to 140% profit -, with Xequerin or Atarza being the second choice in destinations and Rizala or Esanbe last.
If every Credit counts, try this: You can't do anything wrong with buying odd Biveaian 'Zadi pies' here. You've got the choice to move them to Enzaer or Teraed - in Teraed, the get you a decent 220 to 250% profit -, with Atbevete being the second choice in destinations and Qurave last.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Best would be to buy Ermasoese bacons or barrels containing the strange wine from the sloping hills of Ermaso and transport them to Geinona. Additionally, those breads can also be sold well enough in Quorte.
My trading tip for small money: You can't make a mistake with buying Veletese cheeses here. You've got the choice to move them to Inleus, Ededleen, or Qurave, which give you about 180 to 210% in Qurave, with Cebetela or Tiquat being the second choice in destinations and Beor last.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Fill your ship with Engeman Esst-fleeces and transport them either to Bierle, as this is the best you can get here, or to Orso, which is third rank here. Somewhere in the middle between them is to haul memory chips to Teveri.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Fill your ship with odd Atrienxeian cheeses and transport them either to Erlage - in Erlage, the get you a good 39 to 47% profit -, or to Orso, which is third rank here. Somewhere in the middle between them is to haul antique Atrienxese hunting crossbows to Xeesenri (I found that information in a pirates logbook around Onrira).
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Best would be to buy caskets with Beusriorian duel pistols or computers and ship them to Uscela or Rilace. To move Beusriorian cheeses to Isence is somewhere inbetween.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best would be to buy Ontiatian Ilon-fleeces or casks of 'Onzain' - a liquor they distill only in Ontiat - and move them to Ensoreus or Qutiri. The first give you a margin of about 21 Cr. per ton. Additionally, those fleeces can also be sold well enough in Aronar.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best choice in Atarza is to move either microprocessors or antique Atarzan hunting crossbows to Geisgeza. Actually, that 'bit more' is about 22 Credits gain for each ton - at least that's what a pilot told me confidentially. On a second thought, you can also ship those microprocessors I mentioned to Riveis or Diedar, although they give you not as many credits there.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Arazaes is to haul either computers or caskets with Arazaesian duel pistols to Ususor. On a closer look, moveing furs to Ceesxe or Gerete is also a viable alternative.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Xeeranre is to transport either memory banks or firearms to Anarlaqu. On a closer look, shiping Xeeranrese Leetsodi-fleeces to Vetitice is also a viable alternative.
If every Credit counts, try this: When you are going to move famous Quzadiian 'Thoncedi pies', sell them in Biarge or Aona with a plus of Biarge,, or in Rabedira, Entizadi, or Usrarema, which give you less - at least that's what a gal from Anxeonis told me. On a second glance, you could also transport firearms to Biramabi.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best would be to buy Istian coats or barrels containing the strange wine from the sloping hills of Isti and move them to Cevege or Esteonbi. Actually, that 'bit more' is about 21 Credits gain for each ton - at least that's what a gal from Biarge told me confidentially. Additionally, those coats can also be sold well enough in Raoror or Ara.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best choice in Digebiti is to move either memory chips or caskets with Digebitian duel pistols to Geerra. I once sold 25 tons of the memory chips in Geerra, and reaped a profit of 560 Credits. On a second thought, you can also haul the memory chips to Anxebiza, although they give you not as many credits there.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best choice in Leoned is to haul either Leonedian coats or containers with the strange Leonedian drink 'On' to Ceesxe. I'd say those coats are best, indeed, and will propably sell with a profit of 21 Credits for each and every ton you ship. On a second thought, you can also transport those coats to Veis, although they give you not as many credits there.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Best choice in Enzaer is to ship either caskets with Enzaerian duel pistols or memory banks to Bivea or Rigeti. Actually, that 'bit more' you can get in Rigeti is about 70 to 80%. With a little lower gain you can also haul the those pistols to Aerater.
If every Credit counts, try this: Best choice in Teraed is to ship either antique Teraedian hunting crossbows or computers to Bivea, Riantiat, or Rigeti. Actually, that 'bit more' you can get in Riantiat is about 65 to 75%. On a second thought, you can also ship those crossbows to Tioranin or Aerater, although they give you not as many credits there.
My trading tip for small money: Best choice in Vetitice is to ship either caskets with Vetiticese duel pistols or memory chips to Anarlaqu. That first choice is quite nice and yields 70 to 80% for your account, so I was told in a bar in Atrienxe. On a second thought, you can also move those pistols to Ribiso, although they give you not as many credits there.
If every Credit counts, try this: You can't make a mistake with buying bargain TV dinners here. You've got the choice to move them to Lerelace or Xexedi, a quite nice bargain at 240 to 270%, with Usle or Maregeis being the second choice in destinations and Tibionis last.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best choice in Beraanxe is to ship either computers or antique Beraanxese hunting crossbows to Teanrebi. Third choice, but still ok, is fabulous Beraanxese furs to Anle or Tianve.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Atage is to ship either microprocessors or Atagese 'Noab-guns' to Leritean. My guesstimate is: each ton of those microprocessors I mentioned sells there with a gain of roughly 22 Credits. On a second thought, you can also ship those microprocessors I mentioned to Bioris, although they give you not as many credits there.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Regardless which of my suggested items you buy, Arusqudi should be your destination. And I would buy memory banks, firearms and Veistian modern art items - in that order.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best would be to buy famous Zaerlan furs or beers and ship them to Diusreza or Aleusqu. Additionally, those furs can also be sold well enough in Biisorte.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Esredice is to ship either memory banks or firearms to Usatqura, Raale, or Aanbiat. They give you about 27 Creds plus for every ton - at least that's what a barkeeper from Cetiisqu told me. With a little lower gain you can also move the those memory banks to Sotiera.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best would be to buy computers or firearms and ship them to Teanrebi or Velete. To ship Beorian Soza-fleeces to Inleus or Ededleen is somewhere inbetween.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best choice in Orso is to transport either microprocessors or firearms to Teveri. Actually, that 'bit more' is about 28 Credits gain for each ton. On a second thought, you can also ship those microprocessors I mentioned to Engema, although they give you not as many credits there.
If every Credit counts, try this: You can't make a mistake with buying food containers here. You've got the choice to move them to Riinus, Ororqu, or Rexebe with a plus of Ororqu,, with Esredice being the second choice in destinations and Learorce, Gelaed, or Orrira last.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Best choice in Erbiti is to haul either antique Erbitian hunting crossbows or computers to Diedar or Solageon. Actually, that 'bit more' you can get in Solageon is about 28 to 36%. With a little lower gain you can also ship the those crossbows to Reesdice.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best would be to buy Reinenian At-fleeces or vodka bottles and move them to Isence or Xexedi. And they give you a decent gain of 21 Credits each ton, by the way. Additionally, those fleeces can also be sold well enough in Eninre, Riredi, or Riiser.
My trading tip for small money: Whatever you buy, transport them to Bibe. And I would buy firearms, microprocessors and bulldozers in that order for this trip. The first give you a quite nice 30 to 38% when you sell them in Bibe. You see, wherever you go to from here, there is money to be made.
My trading tip for small money: You can't do anything wrong with buying nutri-pills here. You've got the choice to move them to Onrira with a quite nice plus of 150 to 180%, with Oresqu being the second choice in destinations and Larais last.
My trading tip for small money: Whatever you buy, haul them to Zaatxe, Malama, Inines, Anle, or Tianve. And I would buy Celabilese bacons, Celabilese beers and silk bales in that order for this trip. That first choice is decent and yields 65 to 75% for your account - at least that's what a barkeeper from Riredi told me.
If every Credit counts, try this: You can't do anything wrong with buying Ribisoese breads here. You've got the choice to move them to Vetitice, a quite nice bargain at 130 to 160%, with Inonri or Rateedar being the second choice in destinations and Mariar last.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: You can't do anything wrong with buying Qudiran bacons here. You've got the choice to move them to Esbiza, Malama, Inines, or Bierle, a quite nice bargain at 220 to 250%, with Soinuste being the second choice in destinations and Aate last. There are credits to earn, if you know what to sell where.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best would be to buy furs or wines and haul them to Tibecea or Diquxe. Additionally, those furs can also be sold well enough in Ceedra or Sori.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: You can't make a mistake with buying nutri-pills here. You've got the choice to move them to Arzaso or Esgerean with a plus of Esgerean,, with Eredve or Xeququti being the second choice in destinations and Diora last.
My trading tip for small money: You can't do anything wrong with buying food containers here. You've got the choice to move them to Ervein, Arzaso, or Esgerean with a plus of Esgerean,, with Oresle being the second choice in destinations and Diora last.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: You can't make a mistake with buying fur coats here. You've got the choice to move them to Erlage, Enzaer, or Teraed with a good plus per ton of 21.0 Credits, with Atbevete being the second choice in destinations and Diusreza or Qurave last.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Atbevete is to haul either memory banks or Atbevetese 'Inat-guns' to Bivea or Rigeti. My guesstimate is: each ton of those memory banks sells there with a gain of roughly 33 Credits. On a second thought, you can also ship those memory banks to Tioranin or Aerater, although they give you not as many credits there.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Best would be to buy Biorisian Restab-fleeces or bottles of the odd liquor they call 'Nuso' and haul them to Arzaso. Additionally, those fleeces can also be sold well enough in Atage.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: You can't do anything wrong with buying Raalese coats here. You've got the choice to move them to Inera with a quite nice plus per ton of 25.0 Credits, with Riinus, Ororqu, Dizaoner, or Rexebe being the second choice in destinations and Esredice last.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Best choice in Tionisla is to ship either computers or antique Tionislan hunting crossbows to Isinor. They give you about 33 Creds plus for every ton. With a little lower gain you can also haul the the computers to Bemaera or Zaalela.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: You can't make a mistake with buying famous Enceresoian 'Usinlest pies' here. You've got the choice to move them to Biarge with a decent plus of 100 to 110%, with Rateedar being the second choice in destinations and Onusorle or Mariar last.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: You can't make a mistake with buying Anerbese bacons here. You've got the choice to move them to Inleus or Ededleen, a decent bargain at 105 to 115%, with Cebetela, Oreseren, or Tiquat being the second choice in destinations and Beraanxe last.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Best choice in Gelaed is to transport either memory chips or caskets with Gelaedian duel pistols to Usatqura, Raale, or Aanbiat. And each ton of the memory chips returns a plus of 22 Credits for you on that trip - at least that's what a trader from Isveve told me confidentially. On a second thought, you can also transport the memory chips to Xeaqu or Sotiera, although they give you not as many credits there.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Best choice in Onusorle is to haul either caskets with Onusorlese duel pistols or memory banks to Biramabi. The first give you a margin of about 30 to 36%, at least in Biramabi. On a second thought, you can also move those pistols to Encereso, although they give you not as many credits there.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Zaonce is to transport either computers or antique Zaoncese hunting crossbows to Isinor. Actually, that 'bit more' is about 33 Credits gain for each ton (I found that information in a pirates logbook around Qube). With a little lower gain you can also move the the computers to Bemaera.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Fill your ship with fur coats and haul them either to Riinus or Ororqu, quite the best you can get in Diquer, or to Gerege, which is third rank here. Somewhere in the middle between them is to move computers to Usatqura, Aanbiat, or Razaar - at least that's what a gal from Usanat told me confidentially.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best choice in Zadies is to ship either memory chips or firearms to Anarlaqu or Razaar. The first give you a decent 39 creds gain per ton when you sell them (I found that information in a pirates logbook around Lerelace). On a second thought, you can also transport the memory chips to Maxeedso, although they give you not as many credits there.
My trading tip for small money: Best choice in Entizadi is to transport either firearms or memory chips to Usanat. Actually, that 'bit more' you can get in Usanat is about 43 to 51%. On a second thought, you can also transport the Entizadian firearms to Qucerere, although they give you not as many credits there.
If every Credit counts, try this: Best choice in Esanbe is to ship either nutri-pills or containers with the famous Esanbese drink 'Ince' to Anisor. The first goods sell there usually with a gain of 50 to 60%. With a little lower gain you can also move the these tasteless nutri-pills to Xequerin, Zainlabi, or Atarza.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best would be to buy Usralaatian coats or wines and haul them to Tiraor. Additionally, those coats can also be sold well enough in Ervein.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: When you are going to move furs, sell them in Gerete or Zasoceat, quite the best you can get in Anlere or in Edle, which give you less. On a second glance, you could also move computers to Ususor or Riantiat.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: You can't do anything wrong with buying furs here. You've got the choice to move them to Bierle, each ton a good bargain at 21.0 Credits gain, with Orso being the second choice in destinations and Soinuste last.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: You can't make a mistake with buying Sotieran coats here. You've got the choice to move them to Inera with a quite nice plus per ton of 21.0 Credits, with Riinus or Dizaoner being the second choice in destinations and Esredice or Sorace last.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Best choice in Ededleen is to haul either computers or caskets with Ededleenian duel pistols to Teanrebi or Velete. A few years ago, I shipped 35 tons of the computers from Ededleen to Teanrebi, and sold it with a plus of 976 Credits. With a little lower gain you can also ship the the computers to Alaza or Anerbe.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Best choice in Inonri is to transport either Inonrian 'Re-guns' or memory banks to Sotiqu or Anarlaqu. My guesstimate is: these guns sell there with a gain of roughly 50 to 59%. On a second thought, you can also move these guns to Ribiso, although they give you not as many credits there.
My trading tip for small money: You can't do anything wrong with buying nutri-pills here. You've got the choice to move them to Lerelace or Xexedi - in Lerelace, the get you a quite nice 140 to 170% profit -, with Usle or Maregeis being the second choice in destinations and Tibionis last.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Best choice in Lerelace is to haul either Lerelacese 'Atab-guns' or memory banks to Laenin. Keep in mind, the first wares are good - they give you 70 to 80%. On a second thought, you can also transport these guns to Esbeus or Xeoner, although they give you not as many credits there.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Best would be to buy Eszaraxese coats or Eszaraxese liquors and ship them to Xeenle. Additionally, those coats can also be sold well enough in Biisza.
If every Credit counts, try this: Fill your ship with bargain TV dinners and haul them either to Gerege for a good 33 to 40% profit, or to Veis, which is third rank here. Somewhere in the middle between them is to ship firearms to Teen or Ordima. You see, wherever you go to from here, there is money to be made.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Best choice in Biorle is to transport either firearms or memory banks to Anarlaqu or Razaar. My guesstimate is: the Biorlese firearms sell there with a gain of roughly 39 to 45%. On a second thought, you can also ship the Biorlese firearms to Socelage or Maxeedso, although they give you not as many credits there.
If every Credit counts, try this: Best choice in Anisor is to ship either antique Anisorian hunting crossbows or memory banks to Riveis or Diedar. With a little lower gain you can also ship the those crossbows to Reesdice.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Best choice in Usrarema is to haul either microprocessors or firearms to Qucerere. On a second thought, you can also move those microprocessors I mentioned to Leleer or Quzadi, although they give you not as many credits there.
If every Credit counts, try this: Best would be to buy bargain TV dinners or barrels containing the famous wine from the sloping hills of Diso and transport them to Leesti. This trip could bring you 105 to 115% on average. Additionally, those TV dinners can also be sold well enough in Uszaa or Orerve.
If every Credit counts, try this: Whatever you buy, haul them to Bibe. And I would buy Riraesian 'Enthlo-guns', memory banks and bulldozers in that order for this trip. The first goods sell there usually with a gain of 28 to 37% (I found that information in a pirates logbook around Rabedira).
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Fill your ship with bargain TV dinners and haul them either to Inera for a quite nice 37 to 46% profit, or to Rexebe, which is third rank here. Somewhere in the middle between them is to ship Orriran 'Gese-guns' to Usatqura or Raale.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: You can't make a mistake with buying Xeerian sushi dinners here. You've got the choice to move them to Xezaor with a plus of Xezaor,, with Esusti being the second choice in destinations and Erbiti last. You see, wherever you go to from here, there is money to be made.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Best choice in Ceesxe is to transport either firearms or microprocessors to Leoned. There is a good chance that the Ceesxese firearms give you a margin of about 55 to 64%. On a second thought, you can also haul the Ceesxese firearms to Arazaes, although they give you not as many credits there.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Biggest bang for the credit in Isatre is Isatrese cheeses to Rexebe. Second is firearms to Learorce. And third is memory banks to Learorce.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Best choice in Aona is to haul either microprocessors or antique Aonan hunting crossbows to Biramabi. I'd say those microprocessors I mentioned are best, naturally, and will propably sell with a profit of 33 Credits for each and every ton you haul. With a little lower gain you can also haul the those microprocessors I mentioned to Qucerere.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: You can't make a mistake with buying fur coats here. You've got the choice to move them to Ensoreus or Qutiri each ton for a good profit of 25.0 creds, with Tionisla or Zaonce being the second choice in destinations and Aronar last.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Uszaa is to move either memory banks or firearms to Reorte, Riedquat, Ra, or Orrere. I once sold 30 tons of those memory banks in Riedquat, and reaped a profit of 669 Credits. On a second thought, you can also transport those memory banks to Diso or Zasoer, although they give you not as many credits there.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: You can't do anything wrong with buying Aanbiatian breads here. You've got the choice to move them to Inera for a quite nice 230 to 260% profit, with Riinus, Ororqu, Dizaoner, or Rexebe being the second choice in destinations and Esredice last.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: You can't make a mistake with buying Bemaeran bacons here. You've got the choice to move them to Ensoreus or Qutiri for a good 140 to 170% profit, with Tionisla or Zaonce being the second choice in destinations and Xeesle last.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Best choice in Inines is to ship either firearms or microprocessors to Qudira. And they sell decent, and give you 65 to 75%. With a little lower gain you can also transport the the Ininesian firearms to Alaza.
My trading tip for small money: Biggest bang for the credit in Edzaon is bargain TV dinners to Tiraor or Raleen. And they sell good, and give you 37 to 47%. Second is firearms to Maesin. And third is microprocessors to Maesin.
My trading tip for small money: Best would be to buy food containers or Leriteanian wines and haul them to Arzaso. And they sell quite nice, and give you 200 to 230%. Additionally, those food containers can also be sold well enough in Atage.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: When you are going to transport food containers, sell them in Arexe, Edle, or Beesor with a plus of Arexe,, or in Maises, which give you less. On a second glance, you could also haul caskets with Vealese duel pistols to Geisgeza.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Best choice in Edle is to move either microprocessors or firearms to Ususor. On a second thought, you can also move those microprocessors I mentioned to Regeatge, although they give you not as many credits there.
My trading tip for small money: Best choice in Anlama is to ship either antique Anlaman hunting crossbows or memory chips to Begeabi or Tiinlebi. Keep in mind, the first wares are decent - they give you 65 to 75%. With a little lower gain you can also haul the those crossbows to Ditiza.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Best choice in Ribilebi is to haul either Ribilebian coats or containers of 'Ma', the odd beer only made in Ribilebi, to Zaatxe, Esbiza, or Inines. On a closer look, hauling memory chips to Celabile or Edreor is also a viable alternative.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Relaes is to haul either computers or firearms to Reorte, Ra, or Orrere. I'd say the computers are best, indeed, and will propably sell with a profit of 33 Credits for each and every ton you haul. On a second thought, you can also transport the computers to Azaqu or Zasoer, although they give you not as many credits there.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best choice in Dizaoner is to transport either computers or firearms to Raale or Aanbiat. If I remember correctly, I bought 30 tons of the computers here and sold them with a plus of 1005 Credits in Raale. With a little lower gain you can also transport the the computers to Sotiera.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best would be to buy furs or Razaarian beers and transport them to Zadies. My guesstimate is: each ton of those furs sells there with a gain of roughly 25 Credits. Additionally, those furs can also be sold well enough in Biorle or Enonla.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Enonla is to ship either microprocessors or firearms to Anarlaqu or Razaar. The trip to Anarlaqu or Razaar is best, of course, and gives you a gain of 27 creds for each ton, so I was told in a bar in Biarge. With a little lower gain you can also move the those microprocessors I mentioned to Socelage or Maxeedso.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best choice in Isanlequ is to move either furs or Isanlequan liquors to Biisorte. With a little lower gain you can also haul the those furs to Anxeonis.
If every Credit counts, try this: Whatever you buy, ship them to Isdibi or Zaleriza. And I would buy firearms, memory banks and tractors in that order for this trip.
If every Credit counts, try this: You can't do anything wrong with buying Soteran breads here. You've got the choice to move them to Cemave with a quite nice plus of 100 to 110%, with Arxeza being the second choice in destinations and Onisqu last.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best choice in Esveor is to haul either microprocessors or caskets with Esveorian duel pistols to Usatqura, Raale, or Aanbiat. With a little lower gain you can also haul the those microprocessors I mentioned to Xeaqu, Sotiera, or Xeoner.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Best choice in Esteonbi is to move either antique Esteonbian hunting crossbows or memory banks to Orgetibe, Isti, or Tiinlebi. And those crossbows yield a quite nice 52 to 59% for you - at least that's what a trader told me. On a second thought, you can also ship those crossbows to Rebia, although they give you not as many credits there. There are credits to earn, if you know what to sell where.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: You can't do anything wrong with buying food containers here. You've got the choice to move them to Erlage with a good plus of 230 to 260%, with Aleusqu being the second choice in destinations and Atrienxe or Biisorte last.
My trading tip for small money: Whatever you buy, ship them to Rarere. And I would buy firearms, memory banks and Oreslese sledgehammers in that order for this trip. The first goods sell there usually with a gain of 28 to 36% - at least that's what a trader told me.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Regardless which of my suggested items you buy, Rarere should be your destination. And I would buy memory banks, antique Erveinian hunting crossbows and Erveinian musical instruments - in that order. If I remember correctly, I bought 10 tons of those memory banks here and sold them with a plus of 280 Credits in Rarere.
If every Credit counts, try this: Best would be to buy odd Laraisian cheeses or containers of 'Genu', the famous beer only made in Larais, and haul them to Onrira. The trip to Onrira is best, indeed, and earns you 65 to 75%. Additionally, those cheeses can also be sold well enough in Oresqu.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best would be to buy fur coats or barrels containing the strange wine from the sloping hills of Anxebiza and move them to Inonri or Rateedar. Additionally, these furry coats can also be sold well enough in Digebiti or Mariar.
If every Credit counts, try this: You can't do anything wrong with buying bargain TV dinners here. You've got the choice to move them to Anisor for a good 100 to 130% profit, with Erbiti being the second choice in destinations and Xequerin, Zainlabi, or Atarza last.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Best choice in Eninre is to haul either Eninrese 'Arerbige-guns' or memory chips to Zarece. The first give you a margin of about 38 to 46%, at least in Zarece. On a second thought, you can also ship these guns to Reinen, although they give you not as many credits there.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Bibe is to move either fur coats or containers of 'Et', the fabulous beer only made in Bibe, to Retila, Ininbi, or Riraes. With a little lower gain you can also transport the these furry coats to Ququor.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Regardless which of my suggested items you buy, Isdibi or Zaleriza should be your destination. And I would buy microprocessors, caskets with Diquxese duel pistols and Diquxese furniture items made from real wood - in that order.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Best choice in Sorace is to transport either Soracese 'Senu-guns' or memory chips to Sotiera. My guesstimate is: these guns sell there with a gain of roughly 28 to 38%. Third choice, but still ok, is famous Soraceian 'Etso pies' to Inera.
If every Credit counts, try this: Best choice in Anxeonis is to move either Anxeonisian breads or beers to Xequerin. The first goods sell there usually with a gain of 39 to 45% (I found that information in a pirates logbook around Engema). Third choice, but still ok, is caskets with Anxeonisian duel pistols to Inus, Zaerla, or Isanlequ.
If you can spend some cash, try this: You can't do anything wrong with buying Riantiatian coats here. You've got the choice to move them to Teraed or Zasoceat with a good plus per ton of 25.0 Credits, with Qurave being the second choice in destinations and Tiquat last.
If you can spend some cash, try this: You can't make a mistake with buying famous Zarecese furs here. You've got the choice to move them to Isence - they give you a decent 25.0 creds profit for each ton -, with Eninre being the second choice in destinations and Aesbion last.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best would be to buy fur coats or casks containing Maesinian single malt whiskey and haul them to Raleen or Onlema. Propably these furry coats sell there with a gain of roughly 25 Credits for each ton. Additionally, these furry coats can also be sold well enough in Edzaon.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Tibionis is to move either computers or caskets with Tibionisian duel pistols to Laenin or Zarece. On a closer look, shiping fur coats to Isence or Xexedi is also a viable alternative.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best would be to buy Gelegeusian Enus-fleeces or brandy bottles and haul them to Xeenle. Additionally, those fleeces can also be sold well enough in Biisza.
My trading tip for small money: Biggest bang for the credit in Diora is famous Dioraian cheeses to Ervein, Arzaso, or Esgerean. Second is Dioran 'Stbe-guns' to Gequre or Rarere. And third is computers to Gequre or Rarere.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: You can't do anything wrong with buying odd Rigetian furs here. You've got the choice to move them to Erlage, Enzaer, or Teraed with a quite nice plus per ton of 25.0 Credits, with Atbevete being the second choice in destinations and Diusreza last.
My trading tip for small money: You can't make a mistake with buying Begeabian breads here. You've got the choice to move them to Anlama - in Anlama, the get you a decent 240 to 270% profit -, with Ritila being the second choice in destinations and Quator last.
If every Credit counts, try this: Best would be to buy Orrerese breads or vodka bottles and haul them to Relaes. That first choice is quite nice and yields 190 to 220% for your account - at least that's what a friend told me. Additionally, those breads can also be sold well enough in Quator or Uszaa.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best choice in Beti is to move either furs or beers made using the fabulous Betian hops to Raleen. The first give you a quite nice 21 creds gain per ton when you sell them. With a little lower gain you can also haul the those furs to Edzaon.
If every Credit counts, try this: Best choice in Gerete is to ship either firearms or computers to Ususor. With a little lower gain you can also transport the the Geretese firearms to Regeatge.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best would be to buy furs or wines and ship them to Aona. Additionally, those furs can also be sold well enough in Rabedira, Entizadi, or Usrarema.
If every Credit counts, try this: You can't do anything wrong with buying Xeonerian cheeses here. You've got the choice to move them to Lerelace or Xexedi with a plus of Xexedi,, with Usle being the second choice in destinations and Esveor last. You see, wherever you go to from here, there is money to be made.
If every Credit counts, try this: Best choice in Xezaor is to haul either antique Xezaorian hunting crossbows or microprocessors to Solageon. Best take those crossbows, they give a quite nice 55 to 63%. On a second thought, you can also transport those crossbows to Reesdice or Edorte, although they give you not as many credits there.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best choice in Ritila is to transport either microprocessors or caskets with Ritilan duel pistols to Begeabi or Tiinlebi. They give you about 33 Creds plus for every ton (I found that information in a pirates logbook around Dizaoner). On a second thought, you can also transport those microprocessors I mentioned to Ditiza, although they give you not as many credits there.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Fill your ship with famous Edortese furs and ship them either to Xezaor, as this is the best you can get here, or to Maises, which is third rank here. Somewhere in the middle between them is to haul microprocessors to Ordima.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: You can't make a mistake with buying food containers here. You've got the choice to move them to Ensoreus for a decent 130 to 160% profit, with Tionisla being the second choice in destinations and Xeesle last. You see, wherever you go to from here, there is money to be made.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Regardless which of my suggested items you buy, Inus, Isveve, Zaerla, Isanlequ, or Xeesenri should be your destination. And I would buy computers, antique Biisortese hunting crossbows and Biisortese furniture items made from real wood - in that order. A few years ago, I shipped 15 tons of the computers from Biisorte to Zaerla, and sold it with a plus of 334 Credits.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best choice in Beesor is to ship either memory banks or firearms to Geisgeza. Each ton gives about 33 Credits more there than you pay here for the stuff - at least that's what a fellow from Bierle told me confidentially. With a little lower gain you can also ship the those memory banks to Regeatge.
If every Credit counts, try this: Best choice in Oresqu is to ship either caskets with Oresquan duel pistols or computers to Erlaza. And they sell quite nice, and give you 43 to 51%. On a second thought, you can also haul those pistols to Larais, although they give you not as many credits there.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Regardless which of my suggested items you buy, Gequre should be your destination. And I would buy memory chips, caskets with Xeququtian duel pistols and Xeququtian musical instruments - in that order. Propably the memory chips sell there with a gain of roughly 22 Credits for each ton - at least that's what a pilot told me.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Best choice in Maises is to move either antique Maisesian hunting crossbows or computers to Geisgeza. On a second thought, you can also ship those crossbows to Regeatge, although they give you not as many credits there.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best choice in Bierle is to transport either memory chips or Bierlese 'Ceusst-guns' to Qudira. With a little lower gain you can also move the the memory chips to Teveri.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best choice in Arzaso is to haul either microprocessors or Arzasoese 'Ilusin-guns' to Leritean. And each ton of those microprocessors I mentioned returns a plus of 33 Credits for you on that trip. With a little lower gain you can also ship the those microprocessors I mentioned to Gequre, Rarere, or Bioris.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: You can't make a mistake with buying famous Teenian 'Atetit pies' here. You've got the choice to move them to Ororqu for a good 210 to 240% profit, with Gerege being the second choice in destinations and Learorce last.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Best choice in Riredi is to transport either antique Riredian hunting crossbows or memory chips to Reinen. My guesstimate is: those crossbows sell there with a gain of roughly 30 to 37%. On a second thought, you can also ship those crossbows to Oresri, although they give you not as many credits there.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Regardless which of my suggested items you buy, Riiser or Ara should be your destination. And I would buy fabulous Teorgese furs, beers and plutonium containers - in that order.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Vebege is to move either memory banks or antique Vebegese hunting crossbows to Ribiso or Biramabi. On a second thought, you can also move those memory banks to Encereso or Anxebiza, although they give you not as many credits there.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Regardless which of my suggested items you buy, Isveve, Eszaraxe, Gelegeus, or Beenri should be your destination. And I would buy memory chips, firearms and Xeenlese musical instruments - in that order. That first choice is good and yields 22 Credits per ton, so I was told in a bar in Tionisla.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Best choice in Arxeza is to ship either antique Arxezan hunting crossbows or microprocessors to Sotera. The trip to Sotera is best, indeed, and earns you 34 to 41%, so I was told in a bar in Isence. With a little lower gain you can also ship the those crossbows to Ceinzala.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Whatever you buy, ship them to Zaatxe, Malama, Inines, Anle, or Tianve. And I would buy Edreorian sushi dinners, liquors and clothes in that order for this trip. You'll get about 65 to 75% more in Tianve than you pay here for the stuff.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Regardless which of my suggested items you buy, Gequre or Rarere should be your destination. And I would buy memory banks, caskets with Esgereanian duel pistols and Esgereanian furniture items made from real wood - in that order. Each ton gives about 28 Credits more there than you pay here for the stuff.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best would be to buy furs or beers and haul them to Anlama. My guesstimate is: each ton of those furs sells there with a gain of roughly 21 Credits. Additionally, those furs can also be sold well enough in Ritila.
My trading tip for small money: Best choice in Anle is to move either antique Anlese hunting crossbows or memory chips to Teanrebi. The trip to Teanrebi is best, indeed, and earns you 65 to 75%, so I was told in a bar in Ceedra. On a second thought, you can also haul those crossbows to Alaza, although they give you not as many credits there. There are credits to earn, if you know what to sell where.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Onisqu is to move either computers or caskets with Onisquan duel pistols to Arusqudi. With a little lower gain you can also move the the computers to Sotera.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Best choice in Aleusqu is to haul either antique Aleusquan hunting crossbows or microprocessors to Inus, Isveve, Zaerla, or Xeesenri. They give you about 37 to 47%, at least in Inus. Third choice, but still ok, is nutri-pills to Erlage.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Zasoceat is to move either memory chips or caskets with Zasoceatian duel pistols to Riantiat. Each ton gives about 39 Credits more there than you pay here for the stuff. With a little lower gain you can also transport the the memory chips to Tioranin.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Best would be to buy Rilacese cheeses or vodka bottles and transport them to Atrabiin or Beusrior. Actually, that 'bit more' you can get in Atrabiin is about 59 to 67%. Additionally, those cheeses can also be sold well enough in Usle or Maregeis.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: You can't do anything wrong with buying bargain TV dinners here. You've got the choice to move them to Xeenle for a good 130 to 160% profit, with Biisza being the second choice in destinations and Zaleriza last.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Laeden is to haul either fur coats or Laedenian beers to Larais. On a second thought, you can also transport these furry coats to Legees, although they give you not as many credits there.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Best choice in Mariar is to transport either Mariarian 'No-guns' or computers to Ribiso or Biramabi. There is a good chance that these guns give you a margin of about 29 to 37%. On a second thought, you can also transport these guns to Encereso or Anxebiza, although they give you not as many credits there.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best choice in Riiser is to haul either computers or caskets with Riiserian duel pistols to Reinen or Teorge. The trip to Reinen or Teorge is best, naturally, and gives you a gain of 22 creds for each ton. On a second thought, you can also move the computers to Oresri, although they give you not as many credits there.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Best choice in Qutiri is to ship either caskets with Qutirian duel pistols or memory banks to Isinor. The first give you a margin of about 65 to 75%, at least in Isinor. With a little lower gain you can also move the those pistols to Ontiat or Bemaera.
If every Credit counts, try this: You can't make a mistake with buying fabulous Biramabiian cheeses here. You've got the choice to move them to Biarge or Aona, a quite nice bargain at 140 to 170%, with Onusorle or Mariar being the second choice in destinations and Quzadi or Vebege last.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Regardless which of my suggested items you buy, Arraesso or Xexeti should be your destination. And I would buy memory banks, caskets with Soorbian duel pistols and Soorbian furniture items made from real wood - in that order. A few years ago, I shipped 35 tons of those memory banks from Soorbi to Arraesso, and sold it with a plus of 780 Credits.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: You can't make a mistake with buying Solageonian sushi dinners here. You've got the choice to move them to Xezaor for a quite nice 150 to 180% profit, with Esusti being the second choice in destinations and Erbiti last.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best choice in Tiquat is to move either computers or antique Tiquatian hunting crossbows to Velete or Riantiat. A few years ago, I shipped 15 tons of the computers from Tiquat to Velete, and sold it with a plus of 334 Credits. On a second thought, you can also move the computers to Anerbe, although they give you not as many credits there.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best choice in Rexebe is to haul either microprocessors or firearms to Usatqura, Raale, or Aanbiat. That first choice is quite nice and yields 33 Credits per ton. On a second thought, you can also move those microprocessors I mentioned to Xeaqu, although they give you not as many credits there.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Regardless which of my suggested items you buy, Arraesso or Xexeti should be your destination. And I would buy memory chips, caskets with Qubeenian duel pistols and Qubeenian modern art items - in that order. That first choice is decent and yields 22 Credits per ton.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Regardless which of my suggested items you buy, Usanat should be your destination. And I would buy memory chips, Cetiisquan 'En-guns' and hand-made Cetiisquan sculptures - in that order. There is a good chance that the memory chips give you a margin of about 22 Cr./ton, so I was told in a bar in Usralaat.
My trading tip for small money: You can't do anything wrong with buying Rebian breads here. You've got the choice to move them to Anlama, which give you about 100 to 110% in Anlama, with Esteonbi or Ritila being the second choice in destinations and Raoror or Ara last.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best would be to buy famous Ordiman furs or containers with the strange Ordiman drink 'Stnuzare' and haul them to Anbeen. Additionally, those furs can also be sold well enough in Edorte.
If every Credit counts, try this: When you are going to ship Aruszatian breads, sell them in Xezaor with a quite nice plus of 39 to 46%, or in Esusti or Anisor, which give you less, so I was told in a bar in Bivea. On a second glance, you could also move antique Aruszatian hunting crossbows to Solageon.
My trading tip for small money: Best would be to buy Zalerizan cheeses or barrels containing the fabulous wine from the sloping hills of Zaleriza and ship them to Tibecea or Diquxe. You'll get about 75 to 85% more in Tibecea than you pay here for the stuff (I found that information in a pirates logbook around Isinor). Additionally, those cheeses can also be sold well enough in Ceedra.
If every Credit counts, try this: Best would be to buy Zasoerian breads or Zasoerian wines and haul them to Relaes. There is a good chance that those breads give you a margin of about 110 to 140%. Additionally, those breads can also be sold well enough in Quator or Uszaa.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Best choice in Raleen is to haul either antique Raleenian hunting crossbows or computers to Maesin or Xexeti. There is a good chance that those crossbows give you a margin of about 65 to 75%. On a second thought, you can also ship those crossbows to Beti or Atrebibi, although they give you not as many credits there.
My trading tip for small money: Best choice in Qurave is to haul either antique Quravese hunting crossbows or computers to Bivea, Velete, or Riantiat. And they sell decent, and give you 39 to 47%. On a second thought, you can also haul those crossbows to Aerater, although they give you not as many credits there.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best choice in Atrebibi is to ship either Atrebibian Ceerxe-fleeces or wines to Tiraor or Raleen. The first give you a good 21 creds gain per ton when you sell them. On a second thought, you can also haul those fleeces to Zainlabi or Edzaon, although they give you not as many credits there.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Best would be to buy Teesdian cheeses or barrels containing the odd wine from the sloping hills of Teesdi and move them to Tiraor. Additionally, those cheeses can also be sold well enough in Zainlabi or Edzaon.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best would be to buy fabulous Ararusian furs or liquors and ship them to Ensoreus. Each ton gives about 25 Credits more there than you pay here for the stuff, so I was told in a bar in Sotera. Additionally, those furs can also be sold well enough in Xeesle.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best choice in Ara is to transport either memory chips or firearms to Orgetibe or Isti. Each ton gives about 27 Credits more there than you pay here for the stuff. On a second thought, you can also haul the memory chips to Arusqudi or Teorge, although they give you not as many credits there.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Best choice in Tianve is to haul either memory banks or firearms to Teanrebi. Each ton gives about 39 Credits more there than you pay here for the stuff. With a little lower gain you can also haul the those memory banks to Alaza.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Whatever you buy, transport them to Geinona. And I would buy nutri-pills, vodka bottles and Quortese socks in that order for this trip. My guesstimate is: these tasteless nutri-pills sell there with a gain of roughly 80 to 90%.
If the limiting factor is the size of the cargo bay, you've got to get the best gain per unit: Best choice in Soladies is to haul either memory chips or firearms to Usanat. On a closer look, transporting Soladiesian coats to Cetiisqu is also a viable alternative.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Fill your ship with Maxeedsoese Ouou-fleeces and haul them either to Zadies, quite the best you can get in Maxeedso, or to Atrabiin, Biorle, or Enonla, which is third rank here. Somewhere in the middle between them is to move memory banks to Anarlaqu or Razaar.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best choice in Xexedi is to haul either memory chips or caskets with Xexedian duel pistols to Laenin. Actually, that 'bit more' is about 39 Credits gain for each ton. With a little lower gain you can also move the the memory chips to Reinen, Esbeus, or Xeoner.
If you can spend some cash, try this: Best would be to buy famous Xexetian furs or Xexetian wines and transport them to Raleen or Onlema. Actually, that 'bit more' is about 25 Credits gain for each ton. Additionally, those furs can also be sold well enough in Soorbi or Qubeen.
If there is not much room left in your ship, this is my advice to you: Best would be to buy furs or wines and transport them to Anlama. A few years ago, I shipped 5 tons of those furs from Tiinlebi to Anlama, and sold it with a plus of 126 Credits. Additionally, those furs can also be sold well enough in Esteonbi or Ritila.
Once you've got more Credits to spend, this would be best: Best choice in Rateedar is to transport either memory chips or Rateedarian 'Arersoge-guns' to Geerra or Ribiso. The trip to Geerra or Ribiso is best, of course, and gives you a gain of 28 creds for each ton. On a second thought, you can also ship the memory chips to Encereso or Anxebiza, although they give you not as many credits there.
In a low-cash situation, this is my advice: Whatever you buy, haul them to Arraesso, Maesin, or Xexeti. And I would buy Onleman 'Esthbe-guns', memory banks and mining equipment units in that order for this trip. The first give you a decent 65 to 75% when you sell them in Xexeti.
When cash matters more than cargo capacity, I give you this advice: Fill your ship with Orervese cheeses and transport them either to Onrira for a quite nice 37 to 47% profit, or to Oresqu, which is third rank here. Somewhere in the middle between them is to ship firearms to Riedquat (I found that information in a pirates logbook around Geisgeza).