Category:Oolite scripting
From Elite Wiki
Oolite scripting topics.
- See also Category:Oolite Development
- Oolite Javascript basics - 2022 essay by Massively Locked
- Scripting Oolite with JavaScript contains JenAyton's essays on what your computer does with Javascript (2008) and his own introduction to Oolite's Javascript (2011)
Other References
- is a valuable resource for better knowledge of Javascript.
- is also good
Modern OXPs are written in JavaScript. Specifically oolite.jsVersion 185, an Oolite specific variant of ECMAv5 (2009). It is the same Spidermonkey version (1.8.5 - March 2011) that Firefox 4 shipped with many years ago, but it is a special build for Oolite. This is the version that we have almost always had and it has not changed between versions of the game. It is unlikely to change in the future (due to the immense amount of work involved in tampering with it!).
- Legacy Scripting gives an introduction to javascript's precursor languages (for earlier oxp's)
- Category:OXPDoc: contains relevant documentation for some of the more complex oxp's
- Category:Oolite utilities: links to utilities (including some oxp's)
- Scripters cove (2007-date) is a general Q&A thread for programming issues, brimming with advice and suggestions. Be warned! The version of Javascript used in 2007 is earlier than that canonised for Oolite in 2011 - and which is still used. And there are over 100 pages of it!
- Just a comment on a line of code (2012-13) contains some useful general comments on Javascript programing for Oolite
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.
Pages in category "Oolite scripting"
The following 119 pages are in this category, out of 119 total.
- Oolite coordinate systems
- Oolite debug console TCP protocol
- Oolite JavaScript OM Specification
- Oolite PriorityAI Tutorial
- Oolite Ship Roles
- OXP howto
- OXP howto AI
- OXP howto dockable stations
- OXP howto HUD
- OXP howto model
- OXP howto plist
- OXP howto texture
- OXP mission offering
- OXP NPC Combat AI
- OXP Scripted AI
- OXP scriptInfo
- OXP standards
- ScavengerAI
- Scenarios.plist
- Screenbackgrounds.plist
- Script.oos
- Script.plist
- Scripting Oolite with JavaScript
- Scripting Tasks
- Scripts within shipdata
- SetCoordinates randomizer
- SetPlanetPatrolCoordinates
- Shaders in Oolite
- Shaders in Oolite: uniforms
- Shipdata-overrides.plist
- Shipdata.plist
- Shiplibrary.plist
- Shipyard-overrides.plist
- Shipyard.plist
- ShuttleAI
- Speech pronunciation guide.plist
- Stacked AI
- State machine
- Station Ships
- StationAI
- String expansion
- Structured Legacy Scripts
- SunskimExitAI
- System Populator