Category:Galactic Navy
From Elite Wiki

Navy Class Carrier (NCC) from Behemoth

Navy SecCom station from Galactic Navy Facelift
Navy Frigate from Galactic Navy Facelift
This Category page aims to collect all pages related to the Galactic Navy OXP, one of several Navies designed for Oolite.
Be warned: all the Galactic Navy OXP's are old!
The most recent completed work on them was done by Spara - a graphics facelift incorporating shaders in 2014.
Jackiebean was hoping to produce updated retextures in 2018 but was gobbled up by the Witchspace Lobster!
- Galactic Navy OXP gives you the stations, most of the ships and the missions. This OXP is the foundation for everything else (except Behemoth, which is needed for proper functioning).
- Behemoth gives you the remaining essential capital ships - this is the only oxp found on the in-game Expansions Monitor.
- Galactic Navy Additions are a collection of OXP's: Spara's "Galactic Navy Facelift" (retextures) and two destroyers.
- Category:Navies has links to other naval ships, some of which were specifically designed for the Galactic Navy.
- See especially Vampire - Diamondback, Vampire - Diamondback & Werewolf whose lore ties them in with the Galactic Navy's 138th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Planetary & Interstellar), "Damage Inc." (138th SOAR).
- There is also a planetary defence platform: Leviathan Platform, as well as a selection of other capital ships.
Pages in category "Galactic Navy"
The following 86 pages are in this category, out of 86 total.
- Academies
- ADCK's Behemoths
- Behemoth
- Galactic Navy Additions
- Galactic Navy Facelift
- Galactic Navy Spec Ops Walkthrough
- Leviathan
- Navy Asp
- Navy Carrier Group
- Navy Destroyer
- Navy Frigate
- Navy Lander
- Navy Light Destroyer
- Navy Medical Ship
- Navy Minesweeper
- Navy SecCom Station
- Navy Shuttle
- Navy Station
- Navy Transport
- Navy Viper
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 1
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 2
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 3
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 4
- Sector2/Navy Command Station 4
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 5
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 6
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 7
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 8
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 9
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 10
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 11
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 12
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 13
- Sector1/Navy Command Station 14
- Sector2/Navy Command Station 1
- Sector2/Navy Command Station 2
- Sector2/Navy Command Station 3
- Sector2/Navy Command Station 5
- Sector2/Navy Command Station 6
- Sector2/Navy Command Station 7
- Sector2/Navy Command Station 8
- Sector2/Navy Command Station 9
- Sector2/Navy Command Station 10
- Sector2/Navy Command Station 11
- Sector2/Navy Command Station 12
- Sector2/Navy Command Station 13
- Sector2/Navy Command Station 14