List of Lost OXP's
From Elite Wiki
The following OXP's seem to be lost with no working download links.
[hide]Activities OXP's
- Alternative Ooniverses OXP: Wildeblood (2011). Re-configures the Galactic Hyperdrive OXP, with charts and destinations set in an alternative ooniverse.
- Mafia.oxp: DocWild (2007, beta version, download link broken). A career in the Mafia
- PsychOo OXP: Smivs (2010, download link removed). Oolite 6th Birthday present
- System Demux (Oolite) - historic oxp, CaptKev & Kaks (2008-11) - download link broken
- System Redux (Oolite) - historic oxp, DrBeeb (2010-11) - download link broken
Ambience OXP's
- Famous Planets OXP - the original version 1.1 of this had music for visiting the 10 specific systems included in FP (Lave, Zaonce, Reorte, Tionisla, Tianve, Teraed, Leesti, Isinor, Diso, Lerelace). This music was removed in the later versions, as was the custom city-scape texture for G1 Xexedi. Download links broken.
- There was also Teread HD - a high definition high-tech planet texture
- There might also have been a city-scape texture for G5 Tetiri which was never included. But see Famous Planets Overhaul (FPO) which rectifies/improves on some of this.
- See RELEASED: Famous Planets v1.1. with music packs (2008) for the details
- Lave-colour.oxz (Eric Walch, 2014) - fixing the new colour of Lave in v.1.80 so that it matches the F7 screen description
- Solar Systems OXP (Frame, 2008+) - and watch this
- There are several others which were important in their day (but not now): Plannets.oxp, SystemRedux, SystemDemux - all with low density textures from 2006-8.
- Engine Sound oxp (Streb2001, 2015) Engine sound varies in volume with throttle setting, an experimental injector whine, a sci-fi warp-coil hum for the torus drive, beefed-up laser sound with subtle but highly satisfying thud!
Dockable OXP's
- (WIP) HPC Solaris Station - Screens 17-09-2014: Dertien (2014), no links
- Staer9's refinery station & tankers - even the screen shots have been lost! (2011)
- PlanetFall with Landing Strip: Eric Walch (2008, link broken).
Equipment OXP's
- AI Combat Assistant OXP Wildeblood (2012) does not work with modern Oolite
- Autotrack OXP Wildeblood (2012) murdered by updating to windows 7
- AWACS test User:Ramirez (2012) Long-distance scanning system
- Sensible GalDrive OXP Wildeblood (2011) A permanent Galactic Hyperdrive
- Lave's HUD as tweaked by Snork (2010-11): never published?
- External Missiles HUD (2011) - .oxp not published (by CSOTB)
- Yet another HUD: Palmski (2010, download link broken).
- Retro HUD: Deepspace (see bottom of page, c. 2009, download link broken)
- CommonSenseOTB was working on a number of new HUDs (2011: Needle HUD - and the External Missiles HUD above) - see Viewtopics of Interest
- Mystery HUD in 2010 screen shot - might it be one of the one mentioned above?
Mechanics OXP's
- Balance Test OXP: User:Cim (2014) weakens the pirates of Oolite v.1.80 to make them easier to deal with
- Criminal Record OXP: Wildeblood (2012) different criminal records for each galaxy
- OXPShipRegulator: Svengali (2009) regulates how oxp ships are added to your Ooniverse
- Sensible Lasers OXP: Wildeblood (2011) Sell your lasers! This was eventually incorporated into the vanilla game code. One presumes it was originally part of the Some Sensible Tweaks thread.
Miscellaneous OXP's
- (WIP) LibPlanetInfo 0.1 authored by Cim (2012) to sort out conflicts on the F7 planet description screen
Mission OXP's
- RIFT.oxp: Jamesonson (2016) - deliver a parcel across the Great Rift in Galaxy 7
Retexture OXP's
- CustomShips.oxp CSOTB (2013) - Ships whose (procedurally-generated) paintwork shows damage - works with CustomShields
Ship OXP's
- Missing RX/D! ships: Commander Xairon (2012 Navy ships missing)
- Babylon 5 ships: see User:Frame for links to his YouTube videos & BB posts
- Borg.oxp: by RyanHoots (2011, no links)
- Buzzer/buzzer wowbagger: _ds_ (2009 Web presence gone, LGPL v2.1 applies to oxp)
- Capital player ship with detachable docking module Smivs's Goliath (2012-13)
- Constrictor 2 by V12 (2014 download link broken).
- Event Horizon: Mystery Ship for mission by V12 (2014, link broken)
- Kintari: Feline ships by Davidtq (2008)
- Project 705 Lyra class fast crafts: suite of 3 ships by V12 (2014, link broken)
- Ryan's Bonus Ship Pack: 6 ships by RyanHoots (2012)
- Seraphim Police Viper replacement OXP: by Shipbuilder (2010 download link broken)
- Shipbuilder's unfinished OXP's - tanker, liner, turrets, etc (2013).
- Shipbuilder's unfinished slavers for Diziet Sma's concept OXP (2012).
- Solar Sail: BlauJ (2012)
- Storm class multirole craft by V12 (2014, link broken)
- Storm Shipyards: Storm (2012) No links. Vanilla ships, Jackal, Coyote, stations etc.
- Storm's Komodo carrier: Storm's original HIMSN carrier - and the smaller Perenties carrier (2012)
- Tetra Yacht: Submersible (2013 download link broken). A glitter ship.
- Turbo Anaconda: Commander MacSeumas (2011 download link broken). A balanced faster Anaconda.
- Typhoon class freighter by V12 (2014 download link broken). Unarmed, with 6 giant supercharged engines, can easy accelerate to 0.6 LM with cargo of 300 tons.
- DSE Wyvern - Test Flight (2011) Übership.
- XaanderKyyp Shipyards (2006) Opus Chaotica (pictured) & Hona.