Category:OXP Lists

From Elite Wiki

These are lists of .oxps of varying degrees of antiquity. They contain a brief description.

Note that the Guide to Accuracy OXP's and the Guide to Ambient OXP's also include a comparison of the various oxp's detailed there.

OXP Ratings

There have been two attempts to categorise OXPs in terms of the impact that they have on the game.

  • Svengali's OXP Level indicators give an idea as to how experienced you need to be to survive adding this oxp!
Click below for a list of each set of smivistically tagged oxp's
These OXPs make your game much more tough
These OXPs make your game a bit tougher
These OXPs have minimal effect on the difficulty of your game - ie they might just change how things look, for example...
These OXPs make things a bit easier
These OXPs make things much easier
Currently some 350 of the 1100 OXPs are categorised in this way

Old OXP's

Try Oosat - (Oolite Satellite Resources: dates back to the end of 2006). Oosat 2 has been sadly lost.

And, for interest, two lists of recommendations of early 2006 OXPS

There are also links to older collections at the bottom of the page of the Guide to Unlisted OXPs

In a nutshell

  • There are two long Lists of OXPs not on the in-game Expansions Manager (some 400 or so)
  • OXP List (the original OXP List: 2010 - date)
  • Guide to Unlisted OXPs (new list but with many lost OXPs on it - and also links to collections by Maestri such as Griff, Spara, Norby, Svengali, Killer Wolf, etc.)
  • The Guides contain analyses of the relevant OXPs

OXP analysis

  • For devotees of The Dark Side, Hiran's Oolite-Expansion_Catalogue is here (updated regularly)