Ship Configuration OXP

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(Redirected from Ship Configuration)
F5 ship details screen showing extended list of ship equipment
F3 screen (top level - white line at top enables access to configuration)
F3 screen (second level - showing equipment categories)
"Engines" from the third level are detailed in the next screen shot

Special Notice

This OXP makes significant changes to how the game works. Please take the time to read the documentation before you install it.


This OXP aims to make the process of configuring your ship more deliberate. Instead of just adding more and more equipment without any implications, equipment will now use space, and the total weight of all equipment and cargo will have a bearing on performance. Decisions can now be made about how to best configure your ship for the role you want to play. If you want to configure your ship for trading, do you sacrifice engine performance or energy for cargo space? If you want to be a bounty hunter, what equipment do you swap out to make room for better shields, or do you change down to a beam laser to lighten the ship? Almost all equipment (including OXP equipment items) have space and weight considerations, and it is up to you to work out the best balance for the role you want to take.


  • Space: there is only so much space in your space-ship!
  • Weight: Weight increases result in slower turning rates (pitch, roll and yaw), and reduces the maximum speed.
  • Heat also plays a more important role in gameplay. Firing your lasers continually will slowly heat up your ship, as will using your injectors, using the cloaking device, and being hit with a laser blast when your shields are down. Care needs to be taken so that your ship doesn't overheat.
For instance, attempting to run away from an enemy ship on full injectors will heat up your ship to the point where you will begin to take damage.
  • Breakability: Note that almost all of this equipment apart from Electricity buses is now breakable.

Important Note for New Players

When you first load a saved game with this OXP installed, the calculated space for your installed equipment may require cargo space allocation. In this situation, any cargo in your hold may be removed. If the cargo needs to be removed to make way for equipment, it will be sold and the credits refunded to you.

Equipment Space and Cargo Space

Each ship has a standard amount of equipment space available to it, with a maximum of 40t in the largest ships. Once that space is filled, some cargo space can be re-allocated as equipment space. In ships with small cargo holds (less than 10t) all the cargo space can be reallocated as equipment space. For larger vessels, up to 75% of their cargo hold can be allocated, to a maximum of 40t. The process of allocating cargo space to equipment space is automatic - when you install a piece of equipment that exceeds the standard equipment space, cargo space will automatically be allocated. The following table provides details on how much equipment space is available:

Ship typeStandard
Asp Mark II30t0t30t
Boa Class Cruiser35t40t75t
Cobra Mark I15t10t25t
Cobra Mark III120t15t35t
Cobra Mark III220t26t46t
Moray Star Boat15t7t22t
Moray Medical Boat215t11t26t
Orbital Shuttle15t22t37t

1 Note: without cargo bay extension installed
2 Note: with cargo bay extension installed.

The Ship Comparison OXP will display the equipment space and convertible cargo space values for most ships in the game.

Ship Configuration Screen

To make changes to the configuration of your ship, go to the F3 Equip Ship screen and select the "Ship Configuration" item from the list.

An example screenshot showing engine configuration options

At the top of the screen are a number of values which will change as you make configuration choices via the menus:

CashThis is your current credit balance
Equipment spaceThe first number is the total amount of equipment space currently in use.
The amount in brackets is the total amount of equipment space currently available on the ship.
Cargo space allocationThe first number is the amount of cargo space currently being partitioned for equipment use.
The amount in brackets is how much of the cargo hold can be partitioned for equipment use.
Total equipment weightThis is the total weight of all installed equipment items plus cargo.
Bus overload chanceThis is the chance of encountering a bus overload situation with your current equipment loadout.
ThrustThis is the estimated maximum thrust your ship can achieve based on the current weight profile of your ship.
The number in brackets is the standard thrust value for this ship as declared by the manufacturer.
SpeedThis is the estimated maximum speed your ship can achieve based on the current weight profile of your ship.
The number in brackets is the standard maximum speed value for this ship as declared by the manufacturer.
PitchThis is the estimated maximum pitch value your ship can achieve based on the current weight profile of your ship.
The number in brackets is the standard pitch value for this ship as declared by the manufacturer.
RollThis is the estimated maximum roll value your ship can achieve based on the current weight profile of your ship.
The number in brackets is the standard roll value for this ship as declared by the manufacturer.

As you make changes to various parts of your ship the values at the top of the screen will change to reflect the estimated performance.

The configuration of your ship is divided up into 13 main areas: Engines, Hyperdrive, Thrusters, Boosters, Energy, Shields (forward and aft), Fuel Injection, Fuel Scoops, Heat Shields, Armour (forward and aft) and Electrical. The electrical system comprises of the main electrical bus, plus couplings for engines, hyperdrive, thrusters, boosters, energy banks, and forward and aft shields. Weapons are still installed via the F3 Equip Ship interfaces, but as you will see, your weapon choices will have a bearing on the performance of your ship.

  • Items in the list colored orange can be installed.
  • Items in the list colored green are the ones currently installed. The negative value in the "Cost" column indicates the refund you will receive when this item is swapped out for another.
  • Items in the list colored red are the ones currently installed, but are damaged. You should get this item repaired as soon as possible. You will only get 50% of the cost of the item if you replace it.
  • Items in the list colored light grey can be installed, but are above the class level of the electrical coupling currently installed for that subsystem. There would be a risk of bus * overload by installing this item.
  • Items in the list colored dark grey can be installed only when the electrical coupling for that subsystem is upgraded.

Please note that you must have sufficient credit to purchase a new item before any refund for existing equipment can be applied. The purchase happens before the refund, so you need to have enough credit for the purchase.

Note that some configurations are not possible at some stations. The techlevel for each configuration item is noted below.


Your engines control how fast your ship flies in normal space. Your level of thrust and maximum speed are dependant on your engines. When damaged, your thrust and speed will be reduced.

Your engines are linked to the fuel injector system - if your engines are damaged, your fuel injectors will not function.

There are 42 different classes of engine:

Class 1A-20% thrust, -7% speed below manufacturers specs, but only uses 1t of space, weighs 1t. (TL1)
Class 1B-30% thrust, -3% speed below manufacturers specs, but only uses 1t of space, weighs 1t. (TL1)
Class 1C-10% thrust, -10% speed below manufacturers specs, but only uses 1t of space, weighs 1t. (TL1)
Class 1D-20% thrust, -7% speed below manufacturers specs, but only uses 0.5t of space, weighs 1t. (TL3)
Class 1E-30% thrust, -3% speed below manufacturers specs, but only uses 0.5t of space, weighs 1t. (TL3)
Class 1F-10% thrust, -10% speed below manufacturers specs, but only uses 0.5t of space, weighs 1t. (TL3)
Class 2AStandard factory-fitted engines, achieves published levels of speed and thrust, uses 2t of space, weighs 2t. (TL1)
Class 2B-10% thrust, +4% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 2t of space, weighs 2t. (TL1)
Class 2C+10% thrust, -4% speed on manufacturers specs, uses 2t of space, weighs 2t. (TL1)
Class 2DStandard factory-fitted engines, achieves published levels of speed and thrust, uses 1t of space, weighs 1t. (TL5)
Class 2E-10% thrust, +4% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 1t of space, weighs 1t. (TL5)
Class 2F+10% thrust, -4% speed on manufacturers specs, uses 1t of space, weighs 1t. (TL5)
Class 3AStandard levels of thrust, +7% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 3t of space, weighs 3t. (TL4)
Class 3B-10% thrust, +12% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 3t of space, weighs 3t. (TL4)
Class 3C+10% thrust, +3% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 3t of space, weighs 3t. (TL4)
Class 3DStandard levels of thrust, +7% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 1.5t of space, weighs 2t. (TL6)
Class 3E-10% thrust, +12% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 1.5t of space, weighs 2t. (TL6)
Class 3F+10% thrust, +3% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 1.5t of space, weighs 2t. (TL6)
Class 4A+20% thrust, +10% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 4t of space, weighs 4t. (TL5)
Class 4B+10% thrust, +15% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 4t of space, weighs 4t. (TL5)
Class 4C+30% thrust, +5% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 4t of space, weighs 4t. (TL5)
Class 4D+20% thrust, +10% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 2t of space, weighs 3t. (TL8)
Class 4E+10% thrust, +15% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 2t of space, weighs 3t. (TL8)
Class 4F+30% thrust, +5% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 2t of space, weighs 3t. (TL8)
Class 5A+20% thrust, +15% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 6t of space, weighs 6t. (TL6)
Class 5B+10% thrust, +20% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 6t of space, weighs 6t. (TL6)
Class 5C+30% thrust, +10% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 6t of space, weighs 6t. (TL6)
Class 5D+20% thrust, +15% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 3t of space, weighs 5t. (TL10)
Class 5E+10% thrust, +20% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 3t of space, weighs 5t. (TL10)
Class 5F+30% thrust, +10% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 3t of space, weighs 5t. (TL10)
Class 6A+40% thrust, +20% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 8t of space, weighs 8t. (TL7)
Class 6B+30% thrust, +25% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 8t of space, weighs 8t. (TL7)
Class 6C+50% thrust, +15% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 8t of space, weighs 8t. (TL7)
Class 6D+40% thrust, +20% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 4t of space, weighs 6t. (TL12)
Class 6E+30% thrust, +25% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 4t of space, weighs 6t. (TL12)
Class 6F+50% thrust, +15% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 4t of space, weighs 6t. (TL12)
Class 7A+40% thrust, +30% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 10t of space, weighs 10t. (TL9)
Class 7B+30% thrust, +35% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 10t of space, weighs 10t. (TL9)
Class 7C+50% thrust, +25% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 10t of space, weighs 10t. (TL9)
Class 7D+40% thrust, +30% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 5t of space, weighs 8t. (TL14)
Class 7E+30% thrust, +35% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 5t of space, weighs 8t. (TL14)
Class 7F+50% thrust, +25% speed over manufacturers specs, uses 5t of space, weighs 8t. (TL14)

Engines of class D, E and F will also contribute to cabin heat.


Hyperdrives control your ability to jump to other systems. When damaged the hyperdrive might start leaking fuel, or it may fail to engage, or if it does engage it might cause a mis-jump.

There are 4 different classes of hyperdrive:

Class 1Takes only 1t of space, but takes 30 seconds to initiate a jump. (TL1)
Class 2Standard issue hyperdrive. Takes 2t of space, and takes 15 seconds to jump. (TL1)
Class 3Takes 5t of space, and takes 10 seconds to jump. (TL7)
Class 4Takes 8t of space, but only takes 5 seconds to jump. (TL13)


Your thrusters control your manoeuvrability, how fast your ship can pitch and roll. When damaged, your pitch and roll rates will be reduced.

There are 39 different classes of thrusters:

Class 1-5% pitch, -3% roll below manufacturers specs, but uses no space and only weighs 1t. (TL1)
Class 2AStandard factory-fitted thrusters, uses 1t of space, weighs 2t. (TL1)
Class 2B+2% pitch, -2% roll on manufacturers specs, uses 1t of space, weighs 2t. (TL1)
Class 2C-2% pitch, +2% roll on manufacturers specs, uses 1t of space, weighs 2t. (TL1)
Class 2DStandard factory-fitted thrusters, uses 0.5t of space, weighs 2t. (TL3)
Class 2E+2% pitch, -2% roll on manufacturers specs, uses 0.5t of space, weighs 2t. (TL3)
Class 2F-2% pitch, +2% roll on manufacturers specs, uses 0.5t of space, weighs 2t. (TL3)
Class 3A+5% pitch, +5% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 2t of space, weighs 3t. (TL5)
Class 3B+7% pitch, +3% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 2t of space, weighs 3t. (TL5)
Class 3C+3% pitch, +7% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 2t of space, weighs 3t. (TL5)
Class 3D+5% pitch, +5% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 1t of space, weighs 3t. (TL7)
Class 3E+7% pitch, +3% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 1t of space, weighs 3t. (TL7)
Class 3F+3% pitch, +7% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 1t of space, weighs 3t. (TL7)
Class 4A+8% pitch, +8% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 3t of space, weighs 4t. (TL7)
Class 4B+10% pitch, +6% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 3t of space, weighs 4t. (TL7)
Class 4C+6% pitch, +10% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 3t of space, weighs 4t. (TL7)
Class 4D+8% pitch, +8% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 1.5t of space, weighs 4t. (TL9)
Class 4E+10% pitch, +6% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 1.5t of space, weighs 4t. (TL9)
Class 4F+6% pitch, +10% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 1.5t of space, weighs 4t. (TL9)
Class 5A+12% pitch, +12% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 4t of space, weighs 5t. (TL8)
Class 5B+14% pitch, +10% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 4t of space, weighs 5t. (TL8)
Class 5C+10% pitch, +14% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 4t of space, weighs 5t. (TL8)
Class 5D+12% pitch, +12% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 2t of space, weighs 5t. (TL10)
Class 5E+14% pitch, +10% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 2t of space, weighs 5t. (TL10)
Class 5F+10% pitch, +14% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 2t of space, weighs 5t. (TL10)
Class 6A+18% pitch, +18% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 6t of space, weighs 8t. (TL9)
Class 6B+20% pitch, +16% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 6t of space, weighs 8t. (TL9)
Class 6C+16% pitch, +20% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 6t of space, weighs 8t. (TL9)
Class 6D+18% pitch, +18% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 3t of space, weighs 8t. (TL12)
Class 6E+20% pitch, +16% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 3t of space, weighs 8t. (TL12)
Class 6F+16% pitch, +20% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 3t of space, weighs 8t. (TL12)
Class 7A+24% pitch, +24% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 8t of space, weighs 10t. (TL11)
Class 7B+26% pitch, +22% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 8t of space, weighs 10t. (TL11)
Class 7C+22% pitch, +26% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 8t of space, weighs 10t. (TL11)
Class 7D+24% pitch, +24% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 4t of space, weighs 10t. (TL14)
Class 7E+26% pitch, +22% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 4t of space, weighs 10t. (TL14)
Class 7F+22% pitch, +26% roll over manufacturers specs, uses 4t of space, weighs 10t. (TL14)

Thrusters of class D, E and F will also contribute to cabin heat.


Boosters provide a performance increase to both your engines and thrusters. The downside is that you risk overheating your ship if you run over a certain percentage of your maximum speed. For instance, if you have Class 2 boosters installed, which build up heat from 93% of your throttle, then running your engines at more than 93% of their maximum speed will result in your cabin temperature rising. A warning tone will sound and a console message will be displayed when your reach this point during acceleration. When damaged any increase to engine or thruster performance will be lost.

Boosters are only available from hi-tech worlds, and their cost is considerable.

There are 7 different classes of boosters:

Class 1+3% to speed, roll and pitch, uses 1t of space, heat buildup from 97% of throttle. (TL9)
Class 2+6% to speed, roll and pitch, uses 2t of space, heat buildup from 93% of throttle. (TL10)
Class 3+9% to speed, roll and pitch, uses 3t of space, heat buildup from 90% of throttle. (TL11)
Class 4+12% to speed, roll and pitch, uses 4t of space, heat buildup from 87% of throttle. (TL12)
Class 5+15% to speed, roll and pitch, uses 5t of space, heat buildup from 83% of throttle. (TL13)
Class 6+18% to speed, roll and pitch, uses 6t of space, heat buildup from 80% of throttle. (TL14)
Class 7+20% to speed, roll and pitch, uses 7t of space, heat buildup from 77% of throttle. (TL15)


Your ship uses energy to fire lasers, operate the ECM system, and powers a number of other systems on your ship. When your energy falls to zero and your ship is hit by an unshielded laser or missile, your ship will be destroyed. More energy means the ability to absorb more damage before destruction. If your energy banks are damaged, items like the naval energy unit and the extra energy unit (both of which control how fast your energy banks are recharged) will not function. When your energy banks are damaged they will begin to drain until you have only emergency reserves remaining. You should dock immediately for repairs.

Because energy banks are just additional energy storage compartments, and there are few complications with the technology, they can be installed and repaired at any station.

You can install up to 25 energy banks in your ship, if you have space. Each bank of energy uses 1t of space and weighs 1t.

Class "A" energy banks are available at TL13 stations or higher, for around double the cost of their standard class cousins. These energy banks utilise high-yield components to reduce the space required for each energy bank by half. That is, if a Class 9 energy bank uses 9t of space, a Class 9A energy bank will only use 4.5. The units will have the same weight, however.

Also, cabin heat will be increased when using Class "A" energy banks.

It is not possible to "mix-and-match" energy banks. You cannot have 1 set of class 4 energy banks, and another set of class 4A energy banks. They must all be of one type.

The Extra Energy Unit equipment item increases the rate at which your energy banks recharge. It uses 3t of space.
The Naval Energy Unit equipment item also increases the rate at which your energy banks recharge. It uses 5t of space.

Shields (Forward and Aft)

Shields absorb energy from lasers and missiles. Without shields lasers and missiles can damage and cripple your ship. Stronger shields means you can deflect more attacks, but stronger shields take more space. If your shields are damaged, the shield booster or military shield enhancement will not function, and the benefits they supply (stronger shields that recharge faster) will be lost. If your shield is damaged, the energy will drain away until there is no shield strength at all.

However, you may decide to forgo the protection shields provide and remove them entirely. THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED! GalCop advises all pilots to install shields as part of their standard setup. If you have either of the shield boosting equipment items installed, you will not be able to remove your shields. If you decide to remove your shields it is highly recommended that some form of armour is installed to compensate.

Apart from the option of removing your shields entirely, there are 5 different classes of shields:

Class 1Takes 64 points off the standard level of shields, but also reduces space to just 1t. (TL1)
Class 2Standard, factory-fitted shields, uses 2t of space. (TL1)
Class 3Adds 64 points to standard level of shields, uses 3t of space. (TL6)
Class 4Adds 128 points to standard level of shields, uses 4t of space. (TL9)
Class 5Adds 192 points to standard level of shields, uses 5t of space. (TL12)

The Shield Booster equipment item adds 128 points to the shield strength. It uses 4t of space.
The Military Shield Enhancement equipment item adds a further 128 points to the shields, and increases the rate at which they recharge. It uses 6t of space.

Note that while the Shield Booster and Military Shield Enhancement have a cumulative effect (that is, if both are installed the total increase to the shields is 256 points), the various shield classes provide a single increase.

Fuel Injection

Fuel injection systems dump unused Quirium fuel into your engines, giving you a massive boost in speed. If your engines are damaged any fuel injection system will not function.

There are 4 different classes of fuel injection systems:

Class 1Burns 50% more fuel per second, and only provides half the speed boost of Class 2 injectors. Uses 0.5t of space. (TL5)
Class 2Achieves manufacturers declared specifications with regard to fuel burn rate and speed boost. Uses 1t of space. (TL11)
Class 3Burns 40% less fuel per second, and gives a 20% speed improvement over standard Class 2 injectors. Uses 2t of space. (TL12)
Class 4Burns 60% less fuel per second, and gives a 40% speed improvement over standard Class 2 injectors. But uses 4t of space. (TL13)

Fuel Scoops

Fuel scoops give pilots a means of replenishing their fuel supply by scooping fuel gasses from the corona of the sun. Each fuel scoop contains an 'accumulator'. The fuel scoop accumulator is the storage area inside the scoop where gasses are held prior to being converted into fuel. The larger the accumulator, the faster fuel is scooped.

There are 4 classes of fuel scoop available, each one having a different accumulator size:

Class 10.10 ly accumulator. Weighs 2t. This is the standard type of fuel scoop. (TL6)
Class 20.15 ly accumulator. Weigh6 4t. (TL7)
Class 30.20 ly accumulator. Weighs 6t. (TL9)
Class 40.25 ly accumulator. Weight 8t. (TL11)

Heat Shields

Heat shielding protects your ship when flying close to the sun when skimming fuel. Without shielding your ship will heat up quickly and equipment and cargo can be damaged. Heat shielding will keep your ship cooler for longer, allowing you to easily skim fuel without needing to retreat to a safe distance too often. If your heat shield is damaged your ship will be unprotected from the heat of the sun.

There are 4 different classes of heat shielding, none of which provide any protection from laser or missile attacks, but all of which add weight to your ship.

Class 1Adds 0.5 points to the ships base level of protection, but only adds 1t of weight. (TL3)
Class 2Adds 1.0 point to the ships base level of protection. This is the general standard level of heat shielding. Adds 3t of weight. (TL5)
Class 3Adds 1.5 points to the ships base level of protection. Adds 6t of weight. (TL8)
Class 4Adds 2.0 points to the ships base level of protection. Adds 9t of weight. (TL11)
Class 5Adds 2.5 points to the ships base level of protection. Adds 12t of weight. (TL12)
Class 6Adds 3.0 points to the ships base level of protection. Adds 16t of weight. (TL13)

Note: If your ship comes equipped with manufacturer-fitted heat insulation above the industry standard level of 1.0, then installing additional heat shielding will effectively increase your total value. For instance, if your ship comes with a standard level of 6, and you install class 4 heat shields, your effective heat insulation rating is 10.

Armour (Forward and Aft)

Adding armour to your ship can help protect the sensitive equipment contained within when your shields have fallen. Armour can be added to either the front or aft sections of your ship, and you can install different classes of armour in each section.

In total, there are 7 classes of armour you can add to your ship, each with difference weight, strength and damage points.

Class 1Lightweight carbon-polymer coating. Armour strength of 100, damage point 85%. Weighs only 2t. (TL3)
Class 2Lightweight aluminium plating. Armour strength 125, damage point 80%. Weighs 7t. (TL5)
Class 3Polycarbonate casing. Armour strength 150, damage point 75%. Weighs 15t. (TL6)
Class 4Composite material. Armour strength 175, damage point 70%. Weighs 25t. (TL8)
Class 5Plasteel plating. Armour strength 200, damage point 60%. Weighs 40t. (TL9)
Class 6Durasteel plating. Armour strength 300, damage point 50%. Weighs 52t. (TL11)
Class 7Titanium plating. Armour strength 400, damage point 40%. Weighs 70t. (TL13)

The strength of the armour defines how well the armour will stand up to attack. When lasers strike unshielded armour, the strength value defines how much of the armour will be depleted. Higher strength values will mean less armour is removed.

The damage point of the armour is the point at which damage to internal components will potentially start to occur. A rating of 85% means that the armour can withstand 15% of damage with no chance that damage will be passed on to equipment. When damage falls below 85%, the chance that equipment will be damaged increases.


The electrical subsystem of your ship consists of a main electrical bus, onto which each secondary system connects via a coupling. There are 7 classes of main bus, and different classes of coupling for each secondary system.

High class level electrical buses are expensive and weigh a considerable amount. Most ships come equipped with at least class 2 electrical buses as standard.

Electrical bus items cannot be damaged. If inappropriate couplings and buses are used and bus overload occurs, damage is instead passed through to any equipment using the bus.

Fuel injectors are powered through the main engine, the engine's power coupling applies to the fuel injectors.
Heat shields are not powered, so do not require a coupling to the electrical system.

Main Electrical Bus

Class 1Can service class 1 couplings. No additional space requirements, and weighs only 1t. (TL1)
Class 2Can service up to class 2 couplings. No additional space requirements, weighs 4t. (TL1)
Class 3Can service up to class 3 couplings. Uses 2t of space, weighs 7t. (TL5)
Class 4Can service up to class 4 couplings. Uses 4t of space, weighs 12t. (TL7)
Class 5Can service up to class 5 couplings. Uses 6t of space, weighs 20t. (TL9)
Class 6Can service up to class 6 couplings. Uses 8t of space, weighs 30t. (TL11)
Class 7Can service up to class 7/8 couplings. Uses 10t of space, weighs 42t. (TL13)

Engine Power Couplings:

Class 1Can service class 1 engines. Weighs 0.1t. (TL1)
Class 2Can service up to class 2 engines. Weighs 0.2t. (TL1)
Class 3Can service up to class 3 engines. Weighs 0.3t. (TL4)
Class 4Can service up to class 4 engines. Weighs 0.4t. (TL5)
Class 5Can service up to class 5 engines. Weighs 0.5t. (TL6)
Class 6Can service up to class 6 engines. Weighs 0.6t. (TL7)
Class 7Can service up to class 7 engines. Weighs 0.7t. (TL9)

Hyperdrive Power Couplings:

Class 1Can service class 1 hyperdrives. Weighs 0.1t. (TL1)
Class 2Can service up to class 2 hyperdrives. Weighs 0.2t. (TL1)
Class 3Can service up to class 3 hyperdrives. Weighs 0.3t. (TL7)
Class 4Can service up to class 4 hyperdrives. Weighs 0.4t. (TL12)

Thruster Power Couplings:

Class 1Can service class 1 thrusters. Weighs 0.1t. (TL1)
Class 2Can service up to class 2 thrusters. Weighs 0.2t. (TL1)
Class 3Can service up to class 3 thrusters. Weighs 0.3t. (TL5)
Class 4Can service up to class 4 thrusters. Weighs 0.4t. (TL7)
Class 5Can service up to class 5 thrusters. Weighs 0.5t. (TL8)
Class 6Can service up to class 6 thrusters. Weighs 0.6t. (TL9)
Class 7Can service up to class 7 thrusters. Weighs 0.7t. (TL11)

Booster Power Couplings:

Class 1Can service class 1 boosters. Weighs 0.1t. (TL1)
Class 2Can service up to class 2 boosters. Weighs 0.2t. (TL1)
Class 3Can service up to class 3 boosters. Weighs 0.3t. (TL5)
Class 4Can service up to class 4 boosters. Weighs 0.4t. (TL7)
Class 5Can service up to class 5 boosters. Weighs 0.5t. (TL8)
Class 6Can service up to class 6 boosters. Weighs 0.6t. (TL9)
Class 7Can service up to class 7 boosters. Weighs 0.7t. (TL11)

Energy Bank Power Couplings:

Class 1Can service up to class 4 energy banks. Weighs 0.1t. (TL1)
Class 2Can service up to class 7 energy banks. Weighs 0.2t. (TL1)
Class 3Can service up to class 10 energy banks. Weighs 0.3t. (TL1)
Class 4Can service up to class 13 energy banks. Weighs 0.4t. (TL1)
Class 5Can service up to class 16 energy banks. Weighs 0.5t. (TL1)
Class 6Can service up to class 19 energy banks. Weighs 0.6t. (TL1)
Class 7Can service up to class 22 energy banks. Weighs 0.7t. (TL1)
Class 8Can service up to class 25 energy banks. Weighs 0.8t. (TL1)

Forward/Aft Shield Power Couplings:

Class 1Can service class 1 shields. Weighs 0.1t. (TL1)
Class 2Can service up to class 2 shields. Weighs 0.2t. (TL1)
Class 3Can service up to class 3 shields. Weighs 0.3t. (TL6)
Class 4Can service up to class 4 shields. Weighs 0.4t. (TL9)
Class 5Can service up to class 5 shields. Weighs 0.5t. (TL12)

Bus Overload

You can install equipment at +1 class level over the level of the coupling, which in turn can be +1 class level over your main bus. However, running equipment over the coupling or bus class levels runs the risk of energy damage being passed through to equipment, even with full shield strength. If a bus overload occurs, damage can be passed on to any equipment item, not just the core systems.

Equipment Space Extensions

In high-tech worlds you can purchase an equipment space extension that does not use cargo space. This involves some reconfiguration of existing equipment racks to allow the extension to be fitted. Only small-to-medium-sized ships can have these extensions fitted, and while more than one can be fitted, there is a maximum allowance of two extensions in any ship.

The extensions come in the following sizes:

1tAdds 3t of weight (TL11)
2tAdds 5t of weight (TL12)
5tAdds 10t of weight (TL13)

Note: Because equipment extensions result in a more tightly arranged configuration of your equipment, there will be a noticeable increase in cabin temperature when these items are installed.

Selling Equipment

An interface has been provided where all equipment that takes space or weight can be sold and removed from your ship. Only equipment items that do not have dependant items can be sold (eg. you can't sell the Extra Energy Unit if you have the Naval Energy Unit installed, you can't sell a passenger berth if you have a passenger inside it). Selling equipment can reduce the equipment space required as well as reducing weight profile of your ship. The sale price of equipment is 85% of the original price.

Storing Equipment and Cargo

As an alternative to selling the equipment, every main station has a self-storage facility into which your excess equipment can be transferred. If you choose to store equipment, an F4 interface screen, "Storage facility management", will be available that will show you all the equipment you have stored at this station or any other station. Equipment stored in the current station can be either sold or reinstalled. Equipment stored in other stations can be sold or transferred to the current station, after paying a transfer fee, but depending on the length of the trip and the number of dangerous systems the transfer ship must take to reach the current system, you may end up losing the equipment.

Most cargo can also be stored in the facilities, and transferred between them. After selecting "Storage facility management", you will have an option to transfer cargo from your hold into the facility.

Note: Storage facilities are only available at the main station in each system. If you dock at any other station the F4 interface screen will instead read "Storage facility information" and will provide details of what equipment and cargo you have in storage at the main station.

Note: It is not possible to store upgrades to engines, thrusters, boosters, hyperdrive, shields, or any electrical equipment. Storage of these items is prohibited by station authorities due to safety considerations, as some untrained and unskilled pilots have taken it upon themselves to reinstall their equipment outside of station oversight with unfortunate results.

Note: Slaves, firearms and narcotics cannot be stored in any facility, by GalCop law.

Current Equipment List

This option lists all items installed in your ship that have either a space or weight requirement on your ship. The list is ordered with the largest items at the top, so you can always see what equipment is taking up the most space.

Equipment Specifications

A new interface is now available on the F4 screen, entitled "View equipment specifications". This interface screen lists all possible equipment items available to the player, and the tech level, space and weight requirements of each item. Note, however, these items may or may not be available for purchase at your station, or indeed even in the system. These items are purely available somewhere in the galaxy, and the list explains what you can expect in terms of space and weight.

The following table lists all the standard equipment and the space/weight requirements for each:

Equipment ItemSpaceWeight
Standard Missile0.0t0.1t
ECM-Hardened Missile0.0t0.3t
Quirium Cascade Mine0.0t0.2t
Pulse Laser0.0t1.0t
Beam Laser0.0t2.0t
Mining Laser0.0t1.5t
Military Laser0.0t3.0t
E.C.M. System1.0t1.0t
Large Cargo Bay0.0t5.0t
Fuel Scoops0.0t2.0t
Escape Pod0.0t1.0t
Extra Energy Unit3.0t3.0t
Naval Energy Unit5.0t5.0t
Docking Computer1.0t1.0t
Galactic Hyperdrive1.0t1.0t
Cloaking Device1.0t1.0t
Advanced Space Compass0.0t1.0t
Wormhole Scanner0.0t1.0t
Shield Boosters4.0t4.0t
Military Shield Enhancement6.0t6.0t

Any standard equipment item not in this list will have zero space and weight requirements.

Most OXP equipment has been categorised individually. If an item is not recognised by the system, it will assume a value of 1t of space, and 1t of weight. The spreadsheet file provided with the game package, "EquipmentSpecifications.ods" (OpenDocument format) contains a list of all known OXP equipment item keys and related space/weight requirements, as well as a list of all equipment keys that are considered to have no space/weight factor at all.

Cabin Temperature and Heat Sinks

A number of different activities and events will now impact on cabin temperature. These are:

  • Use of your hyperdrive
  • Laser temperature
  • Use of fuel injectors
  • Use of cloaking device
  • Laser hits on an unshielded hull
  • Running your ship with an overloaded electrical bus

Each of these things on their own probably won't cook your ship, but if you combine two or three of them at the same time you can expect to see your cabin temperature reach dangerous levels quickly.

Therefore care must be taken to (a) select appropriate lasers, engines and thrusters for the roles you want to perform, and (b) be careful how you use your lasers, fuel injectors and the cloaking device to avoid overheating your cabin and potentially causing catastrophic damage to your ship.

Note: Entering hyperspace with high levels of heat increases your chance of having a misjump.

To help with controlling cabin temperature, heat sinks can be purchased at all tech level 2 systems and above. You can purchase several heat sinks, but each one takes up 1t of cargo space, and adds 2t of weight.

To deploy a heat sink, first prime the "Heat Sink Control" item by using the Shift-N key sequence, then press "N" to activate it. Up to approximately 25% of your cabin temperature can be jettisoned in this way, dependant on the size of your ship. For larger ships this value will be closer to 10%.

You can also set the heat sink control to automatically deploy heat sinks whenever your cabin temperature reaches 75% of maximum. To do this, prime the "Heat Sink Control" and then select "B" to change the mode from "Manual control" to "Automatic control".

Heat sinks can be damaged, and cannot be used when in a damaged state.

Heat Shields also help with cabin heat. Higher levels of heat shield will slow the rate at which cabin temperature builds up.

Heat Sink Availability

Techlevel: 2
Price: 30 cr. 

3rd Party Interfaces


Equipment Space and Power to Weight Ratio

Overriding the calculation of equipment space and the power to weight ratio for a particular ship can be done in two ways.

1. Via Javascript
To add an override for a particular ship type, add the code to a "startUp" script similar to the following:

 var sc = worldScripts.ShipConfiguration_Core;
 if (sc) {
   sc._shipSpaceExceptions["Fer-de-Lance"] = [18];
   sc._shipPowerToWeight["Fer-de-Lance"] = [1.5];

2. Via scriptInfo in shipdata.plist
To add an override directly in the shipdata.plist file, add the following lines to the "script_info" section:

 "script_info" = {
   "equipment_space" = 18; // how much default equipment space the ship has
   "power_to_weight" = 1.5; // how powerful is the ship compared to its weight? 
     // default of 1, values of 2 or above will mean weight doesn't have as much effect

(You can change the "18" and "1.5" to whatever value is appropriate for the ship).

Non-standard primary roles

If your ship is only ever spawned with a non-standard role (ie. your ship doesn't have one of the core roles attached to it when it is spawned), by default the ship will be given the standard, default level of equipment. However, you can still have the appropriate level of equipment for your ship by adding your unique ship role to the translation list in either of the following ways:

1. Via Javascript
To add a translation for your primary role, add this code to a "startUp" script similar to the following:

 var sc = worldScripts.ShipConfiguration_Core;
 if (sc) {
   // make the primary role "my_ship_role" be equivalent to the core role "trader"
   sc._NPCEquivalents["my_ship_role"] = "trader";

2. Via scriptInfo in shipdata.plist
To add an override directly in the shipdata.plist file, add the following lines to the "script_info" section:

 "script_info" = {
   // make the primary role "my_ship_role" be equivalent to the core role "trader"
   "role_translation" = "my_ship_role|trader";


Overriding the definition of equipment space and weight for a particular piece of equipment can be done in two ways.

1. Via Javascript
Add the following code to a "startUp" script:

 var sc = worldScripts.ShipConfiguration_Core;
 if (sc) sc._equipmentMatrix["EQ_MY_EQUIPMENT_KEY"] = [2.0,2.0];

The first value is space, the second is weight, both in tons.

2. Via scriptInfo in equipment.plist
To add an override directly in the equipment.plist file, add the following lines to the "script_info" section:

 "script_info" = {
   "equipment_space" = 2.0; // value in tons
   "equipment_weight" = 2.0; // value in tons

Setting both values to zero will mean the equipment is ignored by the system.

Standard logic:

  • Missiles take no space, but weigh at least 0.1t.
  • Pylon mounted items take no space, but add weight.
  • Equipment that uses cargo space won't use equipment space, but weight might not be 1:1. That is, a 5t cargo spot might weigh 8t.
  • Weapons (lasers) generally take no space, but increasing power and/or range means more weight. Uber weapons (designed for capital ships) may actually use equipment space.

Equipment Heat

It is possible to add a heat value into the heat calculation for when OXP equipment is in operation by using the "player.ship.script.thirdPartyHeat" property. The following script should be used as a template for OXP equipment scripts:

 "use strict";        = "MyEquipmentOXP_ScriptName";
 this.description = "Activation and control script for equipment with heat properties.";
 this.licence     = "CC BY-NC-SA 3.0";
 this._inOperation = false;    
 // the equipment may use a different method for determining when it is engaged or not.
 this._heatAmount = 0.8;       
 // centralised value for heat exchange
 // 0.8 will make the cabin temp rise very slowly. 
 // lower numbers may not be visible on their own.
 // ie if this is the only piece of equipment generating heat.
 // higher numbers will make heat rise more quickly.
 this.playerWillEnterWitchspace = function() {
   // assuming the equipment will cease operation during a jump
   if (this._inOperation == true) {
     this._inOperation = false;
     if (player.ship.script.thirdPartyHeat > 0) 
       player.ship.script.thirdPartyHeat -= this._heatAmount;
 this.equipmentDamaged = function(equipKey) {
   if (equipKey == "EQ_MY_EQUIPMENT_KEY" && this._inOperation == true && 
     player.ship.script.thirdPartyHeat > 0) {
     this._inOperation = false;
     if (player.ship.script.thirdPartyHeat > 0) 
       player.ship.script.thirdPartyHeat -= this._heatAmount;
 this.activated = function() {
   // assuming the equipment is started and stopped by the "n" Activate key
   if (this._InOperation == true) {
     this._inOperation = false;
     if (player.ship.script.thirdPartyHeat > 0) 
       player.ship.script.thirdPartyHeat -= this._heatAmount;
   this._inOperation = true;
   if (player.ship.script.thirdPartyHeat >= 0) 
     player.ship.script.thirdPartyHeat += this._heatAmount;

Special Note

Parts of this OXP borrows heavily from Capt Murphy's set of Breakable equipment OXP's, specifically:

  • Breakable Energy Unit
  • Breakable Engines
  • Breakable Shield Generators
  • Breakable Witchdrive

Most of the logic from those OXP's is incorporated in this OXP, and therefore those OXP's have been flagged as incompatible with this one. To use this OXP you must remove those OXP's from your AddOns folder, or via the in-game manager.


The Equipment Storage OXP is a requirement for this pack.


Download ShipConfiguration.oxz v1.4.4 (downloaded 1109 times).
Download v1.4.4 (extract OXP folder to AddOns)


This OXP is released under the Creative Commons Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike 3.0 license. To view a copy of this license, visit

Thanks to Redspear, Norby, Devium, Venator Dha, Day, Ngalo, Astrobe and tsoj for their excellent suggestions and testing reports.
Special thanks to Capt Murphy for his excellent set of Breakable equipment OXP's, the logic for which I have incorporated in this OXP.
Also thanks go to Thargoid for his IronHide armour code, which I've borrowed code from, as well as CommonSenseOTB's Custom Shields. You guys rock!

Rocket image from
Themometer image from
Chat image from
Grating image courtesy of Milosh Andrich ( from
Heat sink deployed sound from "Big Door Closed" MP3, sourced from Public Domain.
Booster heat warning sound from "School Fire Alarm" MP3, sourced from Attribution 3.0

Other Relevant OXPs

  • The Vimana-X HUD has been modified to easily manage the heat sink

Version History


  • Small improvements to application of armour and booster variables to ship object.


  • Fixed invalid JS function name.


  • Added some additional items to the ignore equipment list.


  • Fixed issue for ships of mass > 500000, where dumping heat sinks would increase cabin temp instead of reducing it.


  • Added check for situation where the heat sync control mode becomes out of sync with the associate equipment item.
  • Added two missing flags from config options to save game, so they will be restored on game load.
  • Overridden default equipment items (Fuel Scoops, Heat Shields and Fuel Injectors), when added by other means, were not getting the additional Ship Configuration item at the same time.
  • Fix for code that calculates the weight of weapons when no predefined weight is set (Oolite 1.90 now required).
  • Moved core equipment overrides into defined plist.
  • Added interface to allow 3rd party functions to be called back when Ship Config equipment is purchased.
  • Bug fixes.


  • Added ShipVersion equipment items to exclusion lists.
  • Fixed some issues where JS errors could occur if the player ship was destroyed.


  • Corrected compatibility issue with Email system and armour repair items being recorded as equipment removals.


  • Deploying the last heatsink was causing Oolite to crash.
  • Fixed issue where HUD was not being restored after viewing the Ship Configuration screen.


  • Tweaks to the control of the F3 HUD for simpler integration with Xenon HUD (and any other HUD that might want to integrate with Ship Config).
  • Identified "Masslock Compensators", "Power to Engines" and "Hard Way" OXP's as conflicting, and marked them in the manifest.


  • Better use of new functions available in later versions of Oolite.


  • Correction to cabin heat buildup calculation broken by update 1.3.2 :(


  • Adjusted what happens to cabin heat in a nova system, to make it less deadly.
  • More fixes for improved compatibility with Coluber CH01 HUD.


  • Fixed issue with the F3 HUD occasionally causing issues with Xenon UI and the Coluber CH01 HUD.
  • Tweaks to some equipment item names to prevent text overlapping on the F5 screen.


  • Equipment storage system made into separate OXP, which is required by this one.


  • Bug fixes.


  • Ship energy is set to ship max energy whenever this value is updated.
  • Tweaks to info string for settings in Library Config, to prevent text truncation.
  • Updates to some zoom override values.
  • Improved script protection for when the player ejects.
  • Improved compatibility with Fuel Injection Cruise Control OXP.


  • Starting the docking computer while a hyperspace countdown is active will now successfully disengage the heat buildup.
  • Cancelling and then restarting a jump countdown will now display the correct restart time value immediately when restarted.
  • Fixed issue with current page number on equipment specifications screen.
  • Fixed issue where selling equipment from storage was giving player a credit bonus in some circumstances.
  • Fixed issue with "%%" appearing in messages relating to transferred equipment being lost to pirates.
  • Fixed issue where selling equipment was not applying correct refund percentage.
  • Added missing "+heat" notice for Class 19A energy banks.
  • Location of stored equipment was not being displayed correctly after equipment transferred to local system.
  • Added flag to Library Config to control whether restrictions will be applied to NPC ships.


  • Specialised HUD for the F3 screen will now only update the two custom HUD properties when the F3 screen is displayed.


  • Equipment that cannot be sold at a station because of its equivalent tech level will now be displayed in the sell equipment list, but unselectable and with "Low TL" in the cost column.
  • Equipment that cannot be sold because other equipment depends on it will now be displayed in the sell equipment list, but unselectable and with "Required" in the cost column.
  • Fixed bug with assessing cargo space of unknown equipment items that take up cargo space.
  • More script protection for when the player ship is destroyed.
  • Code refactoring.


  • Adjusted equipment space of Night Adder.


  • Removed debug message when selling equipment.
  • Fixed HUD switching issue when using HUD Selector.
Show older

Quick Facts


Minimum Oolite versionCPU usage averageMemory usage averageGPU usage lowisAPIisDocumentedisConfigurable

Config options available through 'Library'
Version Released License Features Category Author(s) Feedback
1.4.4 2022-12-13 CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Ship customisation, equipment Mechanics OXPs phkb Oolite BB

Gameplay and Balance indicator
