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Overview over Galaxy Sector 2
![Sector2 OverViewMap.png](/img_auth.php/8/8b/Sector2_OverViewMap.png)
Systems in Galaxy Sector 2
See Systems in Galaxy Sector 2
Routes and Regions
There are six mayor space lanes in Galaxy Sector 2:
- Spaceway L1 runs from Veerge to Laatso and Vezaaes
- Spaceway L2 runs from Ceinerxe to Veerge.
- Spaceway L3 runs from Ceinerxe to Isonza.
- The Tomoka Run runs from Atzaxe to Ceinerxe.
- The Maorin Pass runs from Maorin to Resori.
- Erlage Corridor or "Butchers Row" runs from Ustile to Esrece.
There are eleven established Regions in Galaxy Sector 2: