Pteradyne Technologies, Inc.
From Elite Wiki
Pteradyne Technologies (PTI) produces a small number of ships and armoury, much of it aimed at the Bounty Hunting market.
Pteradyne Technologies are more or less small scale, specializing in integration and miniaturisation; for example, standard flight computers would be the size of an average desktop PC. Pteradyne makes units the size of cigarette packs.
They've recently moved their operations from Ceesxe to cover TL13/14 systems (for the supply/demand cost benefits), and now have shipyards and factory platforms spread across The Eight. One of their first ships was the Dragon heavy fighter (which came out in a number of models).
- Dragon assault craft for bounty hunters
- Excalibur scout/escort craft
- Raptors assault fighters for bounty hunters
- Paladin courier craft
- Vendetta heavy attack fighter for bounty hunters