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Overview over Galaxy Sector 7

Systems in Galaxy Sector 7
- A Aaored Aededle Aenbi Aesarge Agebi Aislaxe Andibia Anenen Angeriri Anisinza Anquarle Anquerbi Antiis Arberi Arceores Areson Argema Arinra Artesore Articeso Arveaa Arzageat Ataer Ataneris Ateslete Atlaeser Atraat Atrexexe Atuszais Atxequ Ausaso
- B Beatle Becedibi Becetela Bedilexe Beerxe Belere Beritere Betidi Betierte Bilain Bionbiin Biorve Bireso
- C Cebeor Ceenrama Ceerti Celaqula Cemaer Ceor Ceraso Ceraxete Cerianon Ceteceso
- D Diatin Dicelaso Dirateri Ditearra Diusace Dizaen
- E Edcea Eded Ededer Edoned Edrilain Enarines Enatzaus Enbean Encezais Enener Enonedar Enqurale Enusbe Enususge Erarrior Erbieder Erdiares Erenra Ertius Erusat Ervean Erxebe Esaan Esaqube Esarxeve Esditi Esisrela Esleve Esreates Esrire Esrixear Essoat Estiri Esverara Esvesoso Eszausve
- G Gebequat Gebeti Gedienza Gegeso Gelesoma Geondi Georinar Geteve Geusxe Gexean
- I Inlabe Inlaoran Inre Inreerar Intean Inzabeza Isanesle Isare Isbianri Isbior Isdilaon Isenes Iserxeer Isesusa Isgeoror Isisan Ismaan Israa Isriveen Isteesge Istiteat Isveedin
- L Labeinla Ladire Laindi Laorusti Laraedle Lativege Lavegere Lavele Lebedixe Lecean Leeden Leeson Leisinma Leriisis Leveti
- M Maanusre Maarbi Maedrebe Mamaanat Mararere Maraus
- O Onanorra Onaran Onarmala Ondira Onerzara Onorti Onteised Ontilain Onusan Oranisen Orbelaxe Oredveus Orermala Oresatra Orinriza Orraes Orramaor Orreedon Orrienar Orxetibe
- Q Quandixe Qudior Qugeza Qulaaon Qulearbi Quonbi Quraa Qureaed Qusoin Qutegequ Quzabibi
- R Raatbi Rabegema Raedre Rainza Raondile Raormaor Rasoso Reatte Reenri Reesquen Reesvere Reonen Reoran Riareror Riaronus Ribeties Ribior Ribiraor Rigete Riorusle
- S Sobeer Sobeteve Sobiatri Soesdiri Soinsoan Soleuser Sorezaan
- T Teabi Teed Tegeonon Tezaxe Tiared Tiarice Tidice Tierus Tilala Timaesin Tiregees Tiso Tivequ Tizaon
- U Usbimaqu Usesen Usleance Usquen Usvera Usxela
- V Veanso Vebian Veed Veesqu Vegeedat Vegeinso Veis Vetebe
- X Xeatrien Xebeuson Xeer Xegearer Xeisa Xeleza Xemariin Xeonar Xeorusge Xeraso Xeusreor Xevexean Xezaerti
- Z Zaanxege Zaati Zaatso Zaed Zaerma Zalaxe Zarareso Zarausxe
See Systems in Galaxy Sector 7 for a detailed list.
- The Galactic Navy has fourteen Sector Command Stations in Galaxy Sector 7: Riareror (SecCom 1), Aislaxe (SecCom 2), Xeorusge (SecCom 3), Qulearbi (SecCom 4), Edoned (SecCom 5), Atuszais (SecCom 6), Erarrior (SecCom 7), Tiarice (SecCom 8), Enarines (SecCom 9), Agebi (SecCom 10), Diusace (SecCom 11), Teed (SecCom 12), Ceraxete (SecCom 13) and Ribior (SecCom 14).
- Assassins Guild: 21 missions involving murder to order. Progress depends on your Elite and Guild Ratings. Also see Victim 11
- Bank of the Black Monks: Deal with the loan sharks. Begins when docked at any Black Monk Monastary.
- Escort Contracts OXP: Allow players to enter into short-term escort contracts with NPC lone wolf traders.
- Galactic Navy: The Galactic Navy needs you. Begins when docked at any SecCom Station.
- Illegal Goods Tweak OXP: Short reward missions offered by rescued ex-slaves.
- LinkG7: Find a way across the great rift.
- Military Fiasco: A mission for the Navy available to a Commander with more than 1000 kills.
- Oo-haul Escort Missions: Escort a hauler safely to its destination. Must be docked at a Constore. Your Ad Here! required.
- Random Hits: Get contracts for bounty hunting at any Seedy Space Bar. Special Missions for successful hunters.
- Rescue Stations: Rescue and recovery missions for contract pilots.
- Thargoid Wars: War with the Thargoids intensifies featuring new attack and defense missions.
- UPS Courier Company: Take goods or documents from system to system and be awarded with combat missions.
- Vector: Special feature - 'Richmans World' - a unusual mission type. Snoopers required.
- Victim 11: A follow-up mission to Assassins Guild that picks up some loose ends.
The Vector Maps
This excellent piece of digital art adds routes and regions to every Galaxy Sector. Vector Map -- print version --US Mirror
Routes and Regions
In Sector 7, there are 5 major Spaceways:
- The Spaceway L1 runs from Cerianon to Oresatra
- The Road runs from Tiared to Zarausxe
- The Far Rift Reach runs from Sobeteve to Xeonar
- The Isisian Detour runs from Maarbi to Isisan
- The Quandixe Connection runs from Enbean to Reoran
There are also 6 established regions in Sector 7: