3130 MGMT - GalCop begins a programme of retrofitting out-of-date communications equipment on older vessels. At the same time, satellite and comms buoys are upgraded.
- source: Encyclopedia Galactica
And communications companies popped up like mushrooms, offering dubious and sometimes very expensive services, each trying to grab the biggest slice of this new market, swept up by a gold rush fever. Only a handful of news agencies survived the ensuing 'War of Information' - an orgy of mergers, acquisitions, lawsuits and the occasional little bit of terrorism and sabotage - to create today's stable news market that we know and love.
GNN is the successor to Snoopers.
- Four established news agencies. GNN, Rooters, Snoopers and the good old Tionisla Chronicle
- Hot news for the Constrictor Hunt, Nova and Asteroid Storm missions.
- Usable by other oxps.
- Configurable through Library OXP.
OXPs using GNN
- Asteroid Storm
- BlOomberg Markets
- Diplomancy OXP
- GalCop Missions
- The Galactic Almanac OXZ
- UPS Courier
Declarations of Regional/SpaceLane Naming
These were originally introduced in conjunction with BGS-X Mapping, where these features would appear on the F6 chart only after their announcement by Snoopers/GNN. The changes to the F6 chart introduced by Oolite v.1.82 comprehensively clobbered BGS-X.
See What are these "Map-Update" news alerts? (2016)
- API Documentation for OXP developers
- Presuming that the GNN phrase generator was added in from CCL, Cabal Common Library Doc PhraseGen may well be relevant
- Forum
- Latest version needs Oolite v1.88.
- Library 1.7,1.
GNN1.2.oxz (oxz, 4.1 MB)
- Communication
- A news OXP (2006) - fons et origo of all this?
Quick Facts
Version | Released | License | Features | Category | Author(s) | Feedback |
1.2 | 2018-11-21 | CC-by-nc-sa-4.0 | Images, Sounds & Music | Ambience OXPs | DaddyHoggy, Disembodied, Drew & Svengali | BB |