BigShips OXP
A small (5kb) OXP by Thargoid and Eric Walch. Whilst it does not add any ships of its own to Oolite, it creates the new role of "bigTrader" which other designers of large trader ships may wish to make use of. A populator script is included to add ships of such role to the game, plus an AI is offered which can be used to control those ships and prevent them trying to dock with or launch from the main station.
It is envisioned that makers of such OXPs should include the zip file of this OXP within their own packaging, with a note in the readme that it is a required OXP and should also be installed. Our aim is to prevent too many system populator scripts adding new and large ships to the space lanes, and so making them unbalanced and overcrowded. By using the new "bigTrader" role in place of "trader" any such ship will be selected from the available pool by the common populator in this OXP, and so avoid duplication
OXPs using bigTrader role
This OXP requires version 1.80 of Oolite.
- Downloadable through the in-game Expansions Manager or here: BigShips_1.4.oxz
- BigShips_1.4.oxz from
Previous Version
- Big Ships v1.02 can be downloaded from by clicking on the link.
Version History
- 1.0.0 - Original release.
- 1.0.1 - Added docking acceptance function to AI, for big traders with docking ports.
- 1.0.2 - Amended script to stop spawning in systems going or gone nova.
- 1.3 - Switched to using new populator routines. Added role-categories.plist file to replace pirate-victim-roles.plist.
- Added Library Config option to control the maximum number of traders spawned.
- 1.4 - Fixed issue with not saving the max number of traders setting.
- BB Thread (2007-12)
- Big Ships OXP (2010) - what happens with Big Ships docking at Big Stations? (eg: Superhubs)
- Thargoid's OXP page.
- External Docking System OXP - and see it work with the new rejigged Nuit Space Station OXP