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Stabilised MegaForce Usage Gear (SMUG) is the traditional set-up for your ship's lasers. It enables any of the following collection to be mounted on your ship.

Name Type Subtype Range Damage/s Damage
Energy Damage Delay Heat TL Cost
Color Description Available in
Ingram 1919A4 Pulse Range 12.5 30 2.1 0.8 15 0.5 7 4 400 Red Budget All worlds
Ergon A17 Pulse Cool-running 10 32.5 2.1 0.6 13 0.4 6 5 420 Red Budget Bird worlds
Ingram 1867GC1 MegaBlast Defence Power 12.5 50 3.75 0.5 15 0.3 4 6 600 Orange Slow heat up, reasonable fire-rate All worlds
Dual 22-18 Defence Speed 14 60 3 0.8 12 0.2 4 6 900 Orange Slow heat up, reasonable fire-rate Feline worlds
Hassoni Variscan Budget 15 45 2.25 0.8 18 0.4 8 4 950 Brown Multi-purpose including mining Frog worlds
Volt Variscan Power 18 50 2.85 0.8 20 0.4 7 5 1500 Brown Multi-purpose including mining Lobster worlds
Ingram M1928A2 Beam Range 15 60 1.9 0.5 6 0.1 3.2 5 1000 Yellow Rapid-fire All worlds
Ergon A19 Beam Cool-running 14 60 2 0.4 6 0.1 3 6 1200 Yellow Rapid-fire Bird worlds
Hassoni-Kruger HK1-GCW Burst Budget 18 100 2 1.4 20 0.2 10 9 2000 Green Dogfighting Humanoid worlds
ColtMaster CM4 Burst Power 16 125 5 1.5 25 0.2 5 13 10000 Green Dogfighting Insect worlds
Hassoni HiRad Bolt Power 25 60 3.75 0.9 30 0.5 8 10 4000 Cyan Sniping Frog worlds
ColtMaster CM2 Star Laser Bolt Power 25 47 3.5 1 14 0.3 4 8 2500 Cyan Sniping Insect worlds
Kruger Model ARM64 Mining Standard 12.5 20 5 1.4 50 2.5 10 11 800 Blue Specialist for mining Human worlds
JK-1 Mining Standard 8 8 2 1.4 20 2.5 10 6 300 Blue Specialist for mining Rodent worlds
Lance & Ferman LF90 Military Range 30 120 2.82 1.1 12 0.1 4.25 11 6000 Magenta Combat versatility Human worlds
Ergon A28 Military Cool-running 25 120 3.7 1.5 12 0.1 3.25 12 7000 Magenta Combat versatility Bird worlds

Über Lasers

Unrestricted Beam Emission Regulator (ÜBER) laser coupler enables high powered/silly lasers:

Name Type Subtype Range Damage/s Damage
Energy Damage Delay Heat TL Cost
Color Availability hints
Frontier-Newton Yr1993 'PlasmaCharger' Pulse Uber 12.5 70 10 0.8 35 0.5 7 5 800 Green Frontier... Newtonian... Zero-G...
Williams PewPew 1982 ('R'-type model) Defence Uber 12.5 100 15 0.5 30 0.3 2 7 1200 Rose Williams... Defender... Scrolling Shooter...
ZeusCorp 'Thunderbolt' VariScan Uber 15 90 4.5 0.8 36 0.4 8 6 1900 Light yellow Zeus... Legends... Poets...
Lucas ILM 'NegForce(SithField) Generator' Beam Uber 15 120 3.75 0.5 12 0.1 3.2 7 1000 Pink George... Film School... Arts Graduate...
QVC 'Ubertron 4000' Burst Uber 18 200 8 1.4 40 0.2 5 10 2000 White QVC... Shopping Channel... Household goods...
DeXM-trope 'DoomLens' Bolt Uber 25 133 10 1.0 40 0.3 4 15 8000 Black Doom... Mt.Doom... Volcano...
Anderson ITC 'Belter' Sp.(1999) Mining Uber 12.5 100 100 1.4 100 1.0 10 11 7000 Azure Space 1999... Questionable seismic effects on moon... Earthquakes...
RimmerAce Quadcooled 'ImpasseResolver' Military Uber 30 200 10.7 1.1 20 0.1 2.25 11 12000 Blue-green Ace Rimmer... Red Dwarf... Sci-fi sit-com...

Not every laser is available in every system. Once you've found a few of the standard ones you'll likely know where to look for the others. As for the 'uber' lasers they're distributed differently but you can likely work out where to look.

Of course you can find them by accident or alternatively you might be in a suitable place but find that the tech level is too low.

All of them can be found in the appropriate main stations (rather needing to land at the planetary base, for example!).


This OXP also includes the following lasers from above: