Enhanced Passenger Contracts
This OXP aims to expand on passenger contracts in a number of ways.
- The player will occasionally receive comms messages from passengers in a variety of situations.
- Some passengers will now have a stipulation that they do not want a rough ride. Get involved in too much fighting, and throw the ship around too much, and your final payment will be reduced by 50%.
- Some passengers will have a stipulation that they do not want to dock at GalCop stations in systems with a particular government (eg Anarchies). If you do, the contract will be cancelled.
- Some passengers will have a stipulation that they do not want to dock at GalCop stations in systems where a particular species (eg Rodents) are the primary inhabitant. If you do, the contract will be cancelled.
- Some passengers will have a stipulation that they do not want to dock at a GalCop station in a particular system (eg Lave, Tionisla). If you do, the contract will be cancelled.
- Some passengers will offer a bonus amount if the player docks at GalCop stations in particular systems before reaching the final destination.
- If you have the Broadcast Comms MFD available, you might find that sometimes passengers will change their minds. You might get a request from a passenger to take them to a different destination to the one you signed up for. You'll have the option of accepting the new destination (which comes with a bonus payment), or to keep the contract the way it was.
- If you have the Bounty System installed, some passengers might have a stipulation that they do not want to be scanned by police or bounty hunters at any time during transit. If you get scanned, the final payment will be reduced by 75%.
- Again, if you have the Bounty System installed, passengers can have a bounty amount, and if police discover that bounty during a scan in certain systems, you may receive a small penalty to your offender status.
You can control what types of contracts will be created, and whether any of the comms messages will be sent, by changing settings made available through Library Config. The settings are:
A:Government-type restrictions | passengers indicating they don't want to visit systems of a particular government type. |
B:Species-type restrictions | passengers indicating they don't want to visit systems with particular inhabitants. |
C:System restrictions | passengers indicating they don't want to visit particular systems. |
D:Bonus systems | passengers offering bonuses for visiting particular systems before the final destination. |
E:Passenger bounties | passenger can have bounties (visible or hidden) which can be picked up by police warrant scanners. |
F:No bounty scan restrictions | passengers indicating they do not want your ship scanned with a warrant scanner. |
G:Smooth flight restrictions | passengers indicating they want their journey to be without any combat in it. |
H:Mid-flight changes | passengers changing their minds about their destination somewhere along the way. |
I:Passenger comms | passengers will send comms messages to the player in certain conditions. |
Setting a value to "1" turns the option on. Setting it to "0" turns it off. Turning all values to 0 will render the OXP inoperative, and the types of passenger contracts generated will be identical to the core passenger contract system.
Once a contract setting is turned off, it will take until your next jump for available contracts to reflect the changes. However, the setting will have an immediate impact on existing contracts (ie if you turn off the "Government-type restrictions" after accepting a contract of this type, no government-type checking will take place).
Required OXP's
The following OXP's are listed as required:
- Bulletin Board System (1.6) - Required as all passenger missions are accessed through this interface.
Recommended OXP's
The following OXP's are listed as recommended, in that additional text and/or gameplay options will become available if they are installed.
- Broadcast Comms MFD (v1.2.8)
- Bounty System (v0.4.1)
- Email System (v1.7.4)
- Library OXP (v1.4)
Download EnhancedPassengerContracts.oxz v0.4 (downloaded 0 times).
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
Version History
- Fixed JS referencing error.
- Removed PhraseGen code, reverted to original name generation code, to reduce the size of the code base.
- Better timer handling.
- Initial release.
Quick Facts
Version | Released | License | Features | Category | Author(s) | Feedback |
0.4 | 2022-12-14 | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 | Contracts | Missions OXPs | phkb | Oolite BB |