Scanner Target Selector
Allows selection of targets using your flight controls to move a cursor around the scanner display
Alternative means of selecting targets by moving a flashing cursor around the scanner display.
The OXP automatically adds a primeable equipment which, when activated, switches your flight controls to move the cursor (roll for left/right, pitch for forward/back, yaw for up/down; sorry if that's confusing).
Match it with the desired target and press 'N' again to select.
The standard method of acquiring a target is to fly your crosshairs over it. With small, distant ships this can be quite difficult. But modern targeting systems have an alternative mode which uses the ship's flight control inputs to move a cursor around the scanner display, selecting targets by superimposing the cursor on them; although seldom used by most pilots, it may be helpful in such circumstances.
- Prime the 'Scanner Target Selector' equipment (should be awarded automatically at startup).
- Press 'n' to activate.
- Use the following controls to move the flashing cursor which appears in the centre of your scanner:
- Pitch up/down -> move fore/aft
- Roll left/right -> move left/right
- Yaw left/right -> move down/up
When you have superimposed the cursor on your desired target, press 'n' again to acquire it. If it is not close enough (the limit is 5km) you will get a console message saying 'No target found' instead.
- Author: Ngalo
- License: CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0
- OXP Version: 1.0 (2016)
- Oolite version: 1.80 or newer
Click here: File:Oolite.oxp.Ngalo.scanner-target-selector.oxz
- Guide to Accuracy OXPs - compare this OXP with the Military Targeting System, the Fast Target Selector and the Target System Plugins
- Priming Equipment
- IFF System
- BB Thread (2016)