Creator of the fantastic shader ships. Griff has been a major influence on the improvement of the Oolite aesthetic. The current Vanilla game ships and stations are all his.
The improved Vanilla game retextures: Normal and Specular+Gloss Maps for Oolite v1.88+ are improved versions of his, and he is currently working on a new series for the new graphics capabilities of Oolite v.1.92: griff SpecGloss ships - his new Sidewinder is out.
For example see the normalmapped ship remakes thread on the Oolite BBS.
Download Link
Griff Industries - Gallery and download links.
Quite a number of Griff's creations were converted to act as mods for Freelancer by Gibbon/WarGibbon. See here ("Genesis" mod, 2018), here (YouTube, 2011) & here (Gibbon's Bulletin Board)
A small handful of Griff's beauties (chosen by Cholmondely)
Griff's Cobra (Scuffed) - see Decal