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== OXPs ==
== OXPs ==
=== Famous Planets ===
The Bug-Eyed lizards on Lebedixe are of the most friendly life forms you will find anywhere in the eight. As such they have become reasonably noted for their eccentric love of tourists. If it wasn’t for their love also of industry this planet could become the jewel of the seventh, but with a technology level at a low six, it will always be the holiday destination of the working classes.
== Fiction ==
== Fiction ==

Latest revision as of 19:38, 11 February 2025

Logo64 Feudal.png Lebedixe Logo64 MainlyIndustrial.png
Logo TL6.png
GalCat ID: 7:9
Location: 184,185 of GalSector 7
Government: Feudal
Economy: Mainly Industrial
Technology Level: 6
Population: 3.1 Billion
(Large Bug-Eyed Lizards)
Productivity: 7000 MCr
Planet Radius: 3256km
Location of Lebedixe in Sector 7
The world Lebedixe is reasonably noted for its inhabitants' eccentric love for tourists.
Old Galactic Catalogue Entry for 7:9 (Lebedixe)

Witchspace Routes

There are 8 direct Witchspace Routes from/to Lebedixe:

Destination Distance Gov. Eco. TL Pop. Prod
Isriveen 2.8 LY 3Logo64 Dictatorship.png 7Logo64 PoorAgricultural.png 05Logo TL5s.png 2.7 Bln. 0045364536 MCr
Eded 6.8 LY 3Logo64 Dictatorship.png 7Logo64 PoorAgricultural.png 06Logo TL6s.png 3.1 Bln. 0052085208 MCr
Gegeso 3.6 LY 5Logo64 Confederacy.png 6Logo64 AverageAgricultural.png 06Logo TL6s.png 3.2 Bln. 0092169216 MCr
Cemaer 4.8 LY 0Logo64 Anarchy.png 6Logo64 AverageAgricultural.png 02Logo TL2s.png 1.1 Bln. 0014081408 MCr
Onarmala 4.8 LY 1Logo64 Feudal.png 2Logo64 PoorIndustrial.png 09Logo TL9s.png 4.2 Bln. 01152011520 MCr
Ditearra 5.2 LY 6Logo64 Democracy.png 5Logo64 RichAgricultural.png 07Logo TL7s.png 3.6 Bln. 01440014400 MCr
Isbianri 1.6 LY 3Logo64 Dictatorship.png 1Logo64 AverageIndustrial.png 12Logo TL12s.png 4.9 Bln. 02469624696 MCr
Biorve 6.8 LY 0Logo64 Anarchy.png 6Logo64 AverageAgricultural.png 04Logo TL4s.png 1.9 Bln. 0024322432 MCr


Item Price Quantity Avail-
Min Avg Max Min Avg Max
Food 5.2 5.4 5.6 12 12.5 13 100.0%
Textiles 6.8 7.3 8.0 13 14.5 16 100.0%
Radioactives 22.4 23.7 25.2 11 14.5 18 100.0%
Slaves 10.0 16.2 22.4 0 8.5 16 50.0%
Liquor/Wines 27.2 30.1 33.2 10 17.5 25 100.0%
Luxuries 88.0 88.6 89.2 30 31.5 33 100.0%
Narcotics 26.4 50.3 74.4 0 21.0 41 37.5%
Computers 78.4 79.0 79.6 14 15.5 17 100.0%
Machinery 54.0 55.3 56.8 22 25.5 29 100.0%
Alloys 32.4 38.5 44.8 14 29.5 45 100.0%
Firearms 65.2 66.6 68.0 0 0.0 0 0.0%
Furs 59.6 72.2 84.8 0 27.5 54 84.3%
Minerals 11.6 12.2 12.8 56 57.5 59 100.0%
Gold 37.6 39.0 40.4 5 8.5 12 100.0%
Platinum 66.0 72.1 78.4 0 19.0 63 96.8%
Gem-Stones 16.8 19.8 22.8 0 6.5 12 75.0%
Alien Items 39.2 40.6 42.0 0 0.0 0 0.0%
Average prices are based on long-term established averages (the so-called arithmetic mean). The average quantity is based only on quantity values greater zero. Availability gives a percentage whether a good is available in this system. Please note that these are statistical data. GalCop regulations expressively forbids the broadcasting of actual prices beyond the current system.


Famous Planets

The Bug-Eyed lizards on Lebedixe are of the most friendly life forms you will find anywhere in the eight. As such they have become reasonably noted for their eccentric love of tourists. If it wasn’t for their love also of industry this planet could become the jewel of the seventh, but with a technology level at a low six, it will always be the holiday destination of the working classes.
