
A commodity found on the F8 markets screen.
Mild hallucinogens, trumbles, tobacco, Arcturian Megaweed. Illegal in many systems, wanted in most.
Traded in TCs & stored in the Cargo Hold for trade.
Illegal to transport unless protected by special Navy or Gal-Cop permit.
In the early days of Oolite, medicine was understood by some to be a variety of narcotic. Hence the discussions, for example, on the BioSphere station and what could be grown inside for export. And see the treatment in New Cargoes, below.
New Cargoes OXP
New Cargoes is an OXP which allows trade specifically in such items as catnip, lethal waters and megaweed.
The major specific variants of the narcotics commodity are:
- Anti-nausea medication: Medication used to suppress nausea. Due to the ease with which it can be processed into illegal hallucinogens, an export license is required.
- Catnip: Very popular among felines for the high it provides, but almost worthless to other species.
- Healing waters: The regenerative properties of the waters of some planets are not fully understood. As a precuation, Galcop has placed them under export bans, to avoid ecosystem contamination. There are, however, plenty of systems desperate enough to wish to circumvent this.
- Lethal water: Bima water and other 'waters' were originally transported as Food, until an alert customs official realised that they contained high proportions of easily extractable hallucinogens. Galcop regulations reclassifying them were rapidly introduced.
- Megaweed, Edinsoian Maarleil, Gelaedian So and other so-called Megaweeds are widely sought after, and Galcop has so far failed to prevent their widespread dispersal. Agreements have been made, however, to prevent their growth outside their native planets.
- Tobacco: An old Terran narcotic, but still popular among some species. Its rapid toxic effects, especially on avians, make transport a risky business.
- Vaccines: A variety of anti-plague medicines. Transport of vaccines requires special permits to ensure that they reach the right destination.
If you wish to start producing your very own narcotics, Hermitage OXP will allow you to do so inside your very own Rock Hermit! You will need to buy the equipment...