Charlie was active in the Oolite community for a short while between 2006-8.
Creative, and pushing the game code to its limits, he designed a large number of ships.
He tried to create a Black Hole, he did create an oxp introducing new planets in each system (Plannets.oxp), the asteroids eventually used in Asteroid Storm and created a bizarre new ship, the Orb, which never quite worked!
[hide]OXPs (wiki pages)
- Benulobiweed Inc.
- Kestrel & Falcon OXP - the only one available on the in-game Expansions Manager
Charlies Box of goodies
- Charlie's Collection in his Box account: (2006-8): (link thanks to Cbr)
- Adds - 20 advertisements for Benulobiweed Inc. ships
- For Ahruman - Cobra Mk.3 and Orb demos (See here for why the Cobra)
- Orb - a month older than the demo above, but worked on Oolite v.1.65
- Ships - Condor, Falcon, Kestrel, Merlin, Navy Starships (Navy Interceptor & Constitution), Pallas & Swift (with older versions)
- Ordinance - empty
- Black Hole - empty (unfinished project) - but see his comments here (2006)
- Beta - Asteroids & planets+moons (new skins - 2006): See plannets.oxp - is it still working? (2008)
- Benulobiweed text - more on the background of this great company.
- - The various Python-language Oolite "ship model converters" (Meshwork graphics; not a recommended package for post-v.1.65 Oolite).
Planets/Plannets OXP
Charlie's Planets.oxp added planets randomly to every system (from a pool of about 20 odd different ones). But it was really a test OXP. He probably planned to script them individually but then got side-tracked with his Orb. As it was an early alpha, he did not put it up on Oosat (which also had problems at the time). It is in his Box account (under "Beta").
This was contrasted with the other early moon/planet-adding OXPs (Lave, Diso, The Assassins Guild) which only added them at specified systems.
From Littlebear's 2007 post
[quote=Charlie post_id=48668 time=1205278219 user_id=930] Apologies for lurking more than talking. My poor excuse is Life(tm). @Lestradae: I hope you've already got my PM :) Considering I haven't been about for months (life again) it's most gratifying that my .oxp's spark any interest at all these days - especially as most don't work that well with Oolite v.1.70. What do you mean they never worked that well..? Thanks to Kaks some of them are rather less dodgy than they were. I've not given up on making .oxp's & do have some in the pipeline. FWIW: * To any who may be interested, in case I continue to prove a pain to contact, please regard all my .oxp's (past & future) as free for use by others as they see fit. (or indeed, bits of) * Orb.oxp - please ask about this one first as it's now jointly developed with Kaks. [/quote]
Charlie last reappeared on our BB (posting the above) back in 2008 (just after Kaks joined); Kaks himself was eviscerated by the Witchspace Lobster back in 2013.
Interesting/Enjoyable Links
- New Company, New Ships...;) BB thread 2006
- Charlie!!! Are you up there, somewhere in the clouds? BB Thread 2008
- History of Benulobiweed (BB thread 2008)
- Ships - Condor, Falcon, Firefly, Kestrel, Merlin, Navy Starships (Navy Interceptor & Constitution), Pallas & Swift (with older versions)
- Follow the links in this one: Orb!
- Alcubierre Warp Drive Ship for 3-D Desk Top Manufacturing (2018, updated April 2021)