Submersible Nebulae
From Elite Wiki
Different Nebulae
Announcing the latest in intergalactic wallpaper - 4 updated nebula maps for Oolite.
These maps rendered in Apophysis fractal flame generator and tweaked by hand to fade out the edges. No manipulations of the nebula/sky/star settings are made by this OXP - just replacement of the traditional 4 nebula textures.
- License: None attached
- Author: Submersible
- Submersible Nebulae ~100KB
Download the oxp, unzip, and place in your AddOns folder. See OXP if you have trouble with this.
- BB Thread (2011-8)
- Povray Planets - Submersible's magnum opus! His BPlanets is an unfinished attempt to update this for the enhanced graphics of the newer Oolite.
- Guide to Ambience OXPs