MFD Fast Configuration
This OXP aims to add flexibility and control to the layout of MFD displays. MFD's can be useful, but they also take up screen space and can be distracting in certain conditions. This OXP gives you the ability to define different MFD "sets", which can then be quickly activated when required.
Installation and Operation
After purchasing the MFD Fast Configuration device, and launching your ship, you will be able to prime the device by using the "Shift-N" key sequence. Once it is primed, you can change the mode by pressing the "B" key, and activating the mode by pressing the "N" key.
In short, you set up your MFD's in a particular way, and then store that "set" in one of 6 different positions. These sets can then be recalled to restore the MFD layout as you had it.
The available modes are:
Mode | Description |
Set current config as set 1 | This sets the current MFD layout as "Set 1". |
Set current config as set 2 | This sets the current MFD layout as "Set 2". |
Set current config as set 3 | This sets the current MFD layout as "Set 3". |
Set current config as green condition set | This sets the current MFD layout as the set to apply when the alert condition changes to "Green". |
Set current config as yellow condition set | This sets the current MFD layout as the set to apply when the alert condition changes to "Yellow". |
Set current config as red condition set | This sets the current MFD layout as the set to apply when the alert condition changes to "Red". |
Make set 1 default | This makes "Set 1" the default set (which will be activated when docking and launching). |
Make set 2 default | This makes "Set 2" the default set (which will be activated when docking and launching). |
Make set 3 default | This makes "Set 3" the default set (which will be activated when docking and launching). |
Make green condition set default | This makes the "Condition Green" set the default set (which will be activated when docking and launching). |
Make yellow condition set default | This makes the "Condition Yellow" set the default set (which will be activated when docking and launching). |
Make red condition set default | This makes the "Condition Red" set the default set (which will be activated when docking and launching). |
Delete set 1 | This deletes "Set 1". |
Delete set 2 | This deletes "Set 2". |
Delete set 3 | This deletes "Set 3". |
Delete green condition set | This deletes the "Condition Green". |
Delete yellow condition set | This deletes the "Condition Yellow". |
Delete red condition set | This deletes the "Condition Red". |
Hide all setting functions from this list | This will hide all the above modes, leaving only the ones below. Do this once you have defined all your sets. |
Activate default set | This will activate whatever set is the default. |
Activate set 1 | This will activate "Set 1". |
Activate set 2 | This will activate "Set 2". |
Activate set 3 | This will activate "Set 3". |
Activate green condition set | This will activate the "Condition Green" set. |
Activate yellow condition set | This will activate the "Condition Yellow" set. |
Activate red condition set | This will activate the "Condition Red" set. |
Restore all settings functions to this list | This will restore all the above modes. |
Once you have defined all your different sets, it is recommended you activate the "Hide all setting functions from this list" option. This will reduce the number of modes to only the activation modes, allowing for a more streamlined operation.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit
Download config v1.2 MFDFastConfiguration.oxz (downloaded 1924 times).
Also available via the download manager.
Version History
- Fixed Javascript error that can occur when player ship is destroyed.
- Fixed issue where deleting sets would fail, because the function name had a spelling mistake in it.
- Fixed issue where attempting to update an existing set fails.
- Removing equipment will now reset all configuration items.
- Fixed spelling mistake in mode list.
- Better MFD handling if HUD Selector is not installed.
- Moved the "Restore all setting functions to the list" item to end of the list of modes.
- Code refactoring.
1.0 - Initial release
Quick Facts
Version | Released | License | Features | Category | Author(s) | Feedback |
1.2 | 2017-01-10 | CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 | Hud MFD | HUDs OXPs | phkb | BB Forum |