Deletion log
From Elite Wiki
Below is a list of the most recent deletions.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 02:18, 3 March 2021 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Powers and Organisations/Cat-Alliance (content was: "{{deleteme|almost no information, download link is broken}} {{Infobox ShipStats Oolite| title=Experimental Laser Tester |dimensions = CLASSIFIED |capacity = CLASSIFIED |gunmounts = 2x Fore |maxspeed = 0.1000 |maneuverability = Roll: CLAS...")
- 12:15, 24 January 2021 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page File:018a.gif (just a test)
- 17:25, 19 August 2016 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page File:Uploadtest.oxz (Duplicated file)
- 06:21, 31 May 2015 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page File:Jh145 04 ScannerAlertingEnhancement-1.1.oxz (Duplicated file: Request from author )
- 21:33, 17 July 2014 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Gameplay ans Balance Indicator (Author request: content was: "#redirect Gameplay and Balance Indicator {{deleteme|title typing error}}")
- 11:37, 27 June 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page User:Maik/Sandbox (Author request: page only served to test)
- 14:31, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page File:Whitetail thumb.png (not used, replaced by other image)
- 14:31, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page File:Rattle.png (not used, replaced by other image)
- 14:30, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page File:Monitor2bonus.jpg
- 14:30, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Wagargate (content was: "{{deleteme|there's nothing on this page ADCK 04:38, 21 May 2010 (UTC)}}")
- 14:29, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page RingpodAI4.plist (content was: "{{deleteme|The whole content gives no real information. And it shows an AI from a custom oxp.}} { GLOBAL = { ENTER = ("setStateTo: WAITING"); EXIT = (); UPDATE = (); }; : WAITING = { ENTER = (); EXIT = (); ...")
- 14:29, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page RingpodAI3.plist (content was: "{{deleteme|The whole content gives no real information. And it shows an AI from a custom oxp.}} { GLOBAL = { ENTER = ("setStateTo: WAITING"); EXIT = (); UPDATE = (); }; : WAITING = { ENTER = (); EXIT = (); ...")
- 14:29, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page RingpodAI2.plist (content was: " {{deleteme|The whole content gives no real information. And it shows an AI from a custom oxp.}} { GLOBAL = { ENTER = ("setStateTo: WAITING"); EXIT = (); UPDATE = (); }; : WAITING = { ENTER = (); EXIT = (); ...")
- 14:29, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page RingpodAI1.plist (content was: "{{deleteme|The whole content gives no real information. And it shows an AI from a custom oxp.}} { GLOBAL = { ENTER = ("setStateTo: WAITING"); EXIT = (); UPDATE = (); }; : WAITING = { ENTER = (); EXIT = (); ...")
- 14:29, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page RingpodAI.plist (content was: " {{deleteme|The whole content gives no real information. And it shows an AI from a custom oxp.}} { GLOBAL = { ENTER = ("setStateTo: WAITING"); EXIT = (); UPDATE = (); }; : WAITING = { ENTER = (); EXIT = (); ...")
- 14:28, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page RingPod.oxp (content was: "{{deleteme|The whole content also existed in the ringpod page.}} =Racing Rings= Author: Aegidian -------------------------------------------------------------------- ===Intro=== This OXP adds a series of racing rings to the Galaxy ...")
- 14:28, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Rickshaw AI (content was: "{{deleteme|The whole content gives no real information. And it shows an AI from a custom oxp.}} ''rickshawAI.plist'' { FLEE = { ATTACKED = (performFlee); "TARGET_LOST" = ("setStateTo: GLOBAL"); "TARGET_DESTROYED" = ("setSt...")
- 14:28, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page RacingRing AI (content was: "{{deleteme|The whole content gives no real information. And it shows an AI from a custom oxp.}} The prototype training ring system has a seperate AI for each single ring. However, they are linked together and are virtually identical. Th...")
- 14:28, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page User:Pirscillap (content was: "{{deleteme|was already marked as spam. Svengali 18:11, 4 April 2010 (UTC)}} twat spammer")
- 14:27, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page PirateCoves AI (content was: "{{deleteme|The whole content gives no real information. And it shows an AI from a custom oxp.}} Turns hermits into bloodsuckers! Defined states: *'''ATTACK:''' →IDLE *'''GLOBAL:''' →SCANPREY *'''IDLE:''' →ATTACK, →S...")
- 14:26, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page OXPTest (content was: "{{deleteme|This page was used to test including the full list of OXPs into the main OXP page and has since been discarded.}}")
- 14:26, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page OXP OldPage (content was: "{{deleteme|This was a test page}} == What are OXPs? == 128px|right|OXP icon An '''OXP''' (Oolite eXpansion Pack) is an enhancement to the game Oolite. Typically, an OXP is downloaded as a ZIP file, whic...")
- 14:25, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page OXP new (content was: "{{deleteme|this was a test page}} == What are OXPs? == 128px|right|OXP icon An '''OXP''' (Oolite eXpansion Pack) is an enhancement to the game Oolite. Typically, an OXP is downloaded as a ZIP file, whic...")
- 14:22, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page FighterInterceptAI.plist (content was: "{{deleteme|The whole content gives no real information. And it shows an AI from a custom oxp.}} { "ATTACK_SHIP" = { "ENERGY_LOW" = ("setStateTo: FLEE"); ENTER = (switchLightsOn, performAttack); EXIT = (); ...")
- 14:22, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page FighterDockingAI.plist (content was: "{{deleteme|The whole content gives no real information. And it shows an AI from a custom oxp.}} { "AWAIT_COORDS" = { ATTACKED = (setTargetToPrimaryAggressor, "setAITo: fighterInterceptAI.plist"); "INCOMING_MISSILE" ...")
- 14:22, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Elite Multiplayer (content was: "I am now accepting signups to the alpha testing, if your interested head on over to and click on the forum. After you signup to a free account post in the alpha testing post and I will add you to the alpha testing team. W...")
- 14:21, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Debug Keys (content was: "{{deleteme|Covered in Oolite_Keyboard_Controls already. Svengali}} The oolite debug keys are accessable by pausing the application with 'p'. * �0�: dump a list of all entities, then disable all debug flags. * ...")
- 14:20, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Conditions (content was: "{{deleteme|This has become redundant. A_H}} '''Conditions''' Whether scripted actions should occur, is determined by a conditions entry. Below is a compilation of used conditions and the proper parameters used. == Player States ...")
- 14:19, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Cat-Alliance (content was: "{{deleteme|no information, broken download}} {{Oolite-ship-stub}} {{Infobox ShipStats Oolite| title=Cat-Alliance Experimental Super-Laser Tester |dimensions = CLASSIFIED |capacity = 500 |gunmounts = 2x Fore |maxspeed = 0.1000 |maneuvera...")
- 14:19, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page CarrierPatrollAI.plist (content was: "{{deleteme|The whole content gives no real information. And it shows an AI from a custom oxp.}} { "ATTACK_TARGET" = { "ENERGY_LOW" = ("setStateTo: FLEE"); ENTER = (checkGroupOddsVersusTarget, performAttack); EXIT = (); ...")
- 14:18, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Behemoth AI (content was: "{{deleteme|The whole content gives no real information. And it shows an AI from a custom oxp.}} Several AI's make up the Behemoth OXP's militant behaviour. * '''CarrierPatrollAI.plist''' * '''FighterInterceptAI.plist''' * '''f...")
- 14:17, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Aesbion Conflict (content was: "{{deleteme|there's nothing on this page ADCK 04:38, 21 May 2010 (UTC)}}")
- 14:16, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page User:Qtac8rn1s0i862q (content was: "{{deleteme|was already marked as spam. Svengali 18:13, 4 April 2010 (UTC)}} (spam removed) please delete user Greetings: Makarius 10:26, 3 August 2009 (BST)")
- 14:16, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Python EQ (content was: "{{deleteme|content has been added to Python (Oolite) and its respective variants}} Equipment available to the standard off-the-dock Python and its many variants. == Standard Python == (*) = Fitted as standard. === Miscelaneous ===...")
- 14:15, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Moray EQ (content was: "{{deleteme|content has been included in Moray Star Boat (Oolite)}} (*) = Fitted as standard = Moray = == Miscellaneous == *FUEL_SCOOPS *PASSENGER_BERTH *ESCAPE_POD *DOCK_COMP *FUEL_INJECTION *SCANNER_SHOW_MISSILE_TARGET *MULTI_TARGE...")
- 14:15, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page FDL EQ (content was: "{{deleteme|contents have been included in Fer-de-Lance_(Oolite)}} == Complementary Features == Fer de Lance equipment bays come prefitted with high quality, custom designed equipment. Fittings are standardised though, so one could -...")
- 14:15, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Cobra1 EQ (content was: "{{deleteme|content has been included in Cobra Mk.1 (Oolite) page}} (*) = Fitted as standard == Miscellaneous == *FUEL_SCOOPS *PASSENGER_BERTH *ESCAPE_POD *DOCK_COMP *FUEL_INJECTION *SCANNER_SHOW_MISSILE_TARGET *MULTI_TARGET *GAL_DRI...")
- 14:15, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Cobra Mk.III EQ (content was: "{{deleteme|content has been included in Cobra Mk.3 (Oolite)}} (*) = Fitted as standard == Miscellaneous == *CARGO_BAY *FUEL_SCOOPS *PASSENGER_BERTH *ESCAPE_POD *DOCK_COMP *FUEL_INJECTION *SCANNER_SHOW_MISSILE_TARGET *MULTI_TARGET *...")
- 14:15, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Boa2 EQ (content was: "{{deleteme|content has been included in Boa 2 Class Cruiser}} (*) = Fitted as standard issue. == Misc. Equipment == *ADVANCED_COMPASS *DOCK_COMP *ESCAPE_POD *FUEL_INJECTION *FUEL_SCOOPS *GAL_DRIVE *MULTI_TARGET *PASSENGER_BERTH *SCA...")
- 14:14, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Boa EQ (content was: "{{deleteme|content has been included in Boa (Oolite)}} (*) = Fitted as standard issue. == Misc. Equipment == *ADVANCED_COMPASS *DOCK_COMP *ESCAPE_POD *FUEL_INJECTION *FUEL_SCOOPS *GAL_DRIVE *MULTI_TARGET *PASSENGER_BERTH *SCANNER_SH...")
- 14:14, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Asp EQ (content was: "{{deleteme|content has been included in Asp (Oolite)}} == Asp Mk2 'Classic' == (*) = Fitted as standard. === Miscelaneous === *ESCAPE_POD *DOCK_COMP *FUEL_INJECTION *GAL_DRIVE *ADVANCED_COMPASS *SCANNER_SHOW_MISSILE_TARGET * *MULTI...")
- 14:14, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Anaconda EQ (content was: "{{deleteme|content has been included in Anaconda (Oolite)}} (*) = Fitted as standard == Miscelaneous == *FUEL_SCOOPS *PASSENGER_BERTH *ESCAPE_POD *DOCK_COMP *FUEL_INJECTION *SCANNER_SHOW_MISSILE_TARGET *MULTI_TARGET *GAL_DRIVE *ADVA...")
- 14:14, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Adder II EQ (content was: "{{deleteme|content has been in included in Adder Mk II}} == Misc. Equipment == * EQ_CARGO_BAY * EQ_FUEL_SCOOPS * EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH * EQ_FUEL_INJECTION * EQ_MULTI_TARGET * EQ_GAL_DRIVE * EQ_DOCK_COMP * EQ_ADVANCED_COMPASS == Weaponr...")
- 14:14, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Adder EQ (content was: "{{deleteme|content has been included in Adder (Oolite)}} Standard equipment marked with *. == Misc. Equipment == *DOCK_COMP *ESCAPE_POD *FUEL_INJECTION *FUEL_SCOOPS *GAL_DRIVE *MULTI_TARGET *SCANNER_SHOW_MISSILE_TARGET == We...")
- 14:12, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page User:VolkSukaHiter821 (content was: "{{deleteme|was already marked as spambot. Svengali 18:15, 4 April 2010 (UTC)}} Someone please delete this SPAM BOT")
- 14:12, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page User:VolkSukaHiter81 (content was: "{{deleteme|was already marked as spambot. Svengali 18:14, 4 April 2010 (UTC)}} THIS USER IS A SPAM BOT! I've deleted spam from it twice now. If anybody has got an idea how to remove this user comletely, please do so.")
- 14:11, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Category:Weapon OXPs (content was: "{{deleteme|has been succeeded by Category:Weapons OXPs}} This is an index of articles about OXPs introducing new weapons. ZWeapon OXPs")
- 14:11, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Category:Unclassified OXPs (content was: "{{deleteme|has been succeeded by Category:Misc OXPs}} This is an index of articles about OXPs which do not fall into one of the other categories listed at Category:Oolite expansion packs. Category:Oolite expansion packs|...")
- 14:11, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Category:Station OXPs (content was: "{{deleteme|has been succeeded by Category:Dockables OXPs}} This is an index of articles about OXPs containing stations. ZStation OXPs")
- 14:10, 28 May 2012 Maik (talk | contribs) deleted page Category:Ship OXPs (content was: "{{deleteme|has been succeeded by Category:Ships OXPs}} This is an index of articles about OXPs containing ships. ZShip OXPs")