Laser Combat Reimagined

From Elite Wiki
(Redirected from Thargoid ER Laser)
Pulse Laser

There are now SIX categories of player laser.

  • Defence lasers are new: the cheapest laser.
  • Pulse lasers
  • Beam lasers have speed and are good for dogfights.
  • Military lasers are expensive all-rounders which heat up too quickly
  • Mining lasers are slow and powerful
  • Burst lasers are new: a weaker version of the military laser.


Lasers and typical roles (non-exclusive)
Lasers and range
Lasers and power (adjusted for speed)

OXP purpose:

To avoid the extremes of being consistently outgunned at game start and of having minimal challenge once acquiring a military laser.
To break up the Pulse -> Beam -> Military progression with its doubling power progression, thus making each step too large.

OXP method:

Defence Laser, lower power than pulse, granted to non hyperdrive fighters (you no longer start with the worst laser)
Burst Laser, between beam and military (although nearer to former), granted to slow freighters (you can run but they put up a better fight)
Mining Laser updated to be combat practical and slightly superior to pulse


  • New Player progression: Pulse -> Mining -> Beam -> Burst -> Military
  • New Non-player progression: Defence -> Pulse -> Mining -> Beam - > Burst

Player has the same range of progression as before but it's now less extreme (may need to increase pricing progression in future...)

Non-players now have an expanded range with (crucially) options between both pulse to beam and beam to military.

Thargoid laser might seem terrible but it always has facing (a huge advantage), and once it's in trouble it soon has friends too! (I've changed nothing with regards to this weapon)

Range vs Shot Power

  • Inceased range representing increased shot power.
  • Beam and defence are actually the same in this regard but I want to try encouraging the fighters to come in closer.

Military laser is the most powerful but not the most powerful per shot, that award goes to the mining laser albeit with much reduced rate of fire.

So pulse and mining lasers compensate their low damage potential with relatively long range, while the super-fast beam and military lasers don't have the best range but are more formidable.

As explained in the older sumarries: grant short range lasers to the smaller, faster ships and you encourage them to come up close; grant longer range lasers to the slower ships and you inhibit rear laser sniping being used against them.

The burst laser might look to be the best of the bunch but bear in mind that it is closer in damage potential to the beam than the military.

The extent of the scanner is 26.5km if I recall/remember correctly, so there's room for an über version of each laser that extends its reach by another 5km (mining laser at 30 km would only match current default range of military laser).


The Expansions Manager is currently making it impossible for Redspear to upload v.0.6 of this oxp - so until it relents, click here and then place the oxz in the AddOns/ManagedAddOns folder of your choice - see OXP for more details if needed.

Older summaries and analysis

Show older

Compatibility with New lasers OXP

Re.: my New lasers, the two oxps currently don't mix very well although I have a plan to address this without requiring significant changes to the UBER new lasers that some people seem to be fond of. Fully compatible? No, at least not in any way that makes much sense. I've only recently removed the exclusive requirement to this oxp in anticipation of updating New lasers.

(New Lasers introduces 3 new categories of laser in addition to the burst laser: bolt, variscan & defence lasers. There are also 3 varieties of each of the 8 laser types. One variety of each is an über-laser, buyable only in one system in the galaxy!).
