This is Captain Solo's personal HUD that has been tweaked time and again during many galactic voyages. It uses HUD image with alpha = 0.40 and overall HUD alpha = 0.75, so quite transparent. You will be able to see objects beneath the HUD, so if you do not like that feature then this OXP may not be for you. Utilizes a balanced array of flight and combat indicators. Four directional vector control for pitch, roll, and yaw. You should know that the energy gauge selector is set with n_bars = 1. So if you prefer to visualize how many banks you have, then this HUD is not for you. Pylon display will accommodate a large number of missiles. The message GUI is located directly centered and above the HUD.
The greatest thing about this HUD is that it is connected to Thargoid's genericHUDswitch script to change the HUD based on alert status. The script has been expanded for the docked condition as detailed below.
With condition docked some elements are taken offline because they serve no purpose. One of these is the IFF Scanner. In its place is displayed a greeting from the station, whether it be the Main Station, Rock Hermit, or an OXP station from the following:
Anarchies OXP
Commies OXP
Dictators OXP
Random Hits OXP
The Feudal States OXP
Upon launching, all the relevant indicators are brought back online. The greetings only work with the core or replacement shipsets, not with any 'Addition' shipsets.
To make this HUD default at startup you can do one of two things:
1) Edit the shipdata.plist for the ship you fly and add this bit of code: hud = "dockedhud.plist";
2) Create a Config OXP folder inside AddOns. Inside this create another folder named Config.
Create a new text file named shipdata-overrides.plist. Then enter this code:
"myship" = //Your player ship name
hud = "dockedhud.plist";
Just be aware this will only work with the core or replacement shipset and not with any addition shipsets or OXP ships.
Video Displays
Best at 1024 X 768 and 1152 X 864. Not recommended for widescreen monitors.
Minimum Requirements
This OXP should work with Oolite 1.74 and onward. Tested successfully with Oolite 1.77.1. No dependencies.
After unzipping, move or copy the folder, "SoloHUD.oxp" into your AddOns folder. Where that resides depends on your Oolite installation.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License version 3.0
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