Oolite JavaScript Reference: EquipmentInfo
Prototype: Object
Subtypes: none
objects provide information about a type of equipment. To acquire an EquipmentInfo
object, use the infoForKey()
method, as in:
var missileInfo = EquipmentInfo.infoForKey("EQ_MISSILE");
[hide]- 1 Equipment Expressions
- 2 Properties
- 2.1 calculatedPrice
- 2.2 canBeDamaged
- 2.3 canCarryMultiple
- 2.4 damageProbability
- 2.5 description
- 2.6 displayColor
- 2.7 effectiveTechLevel
- 2.8 equipmentKey
- 2.9 fastAffinityDefensive
- 2.10 fastAffinityOffensive
- 2.11 incompatibleEquipment
- 2.12 isAvailableToAll
- 2.13 isAvailableToNPCs
- 2.14 isAvailableToPlayer
- 2.15 isExternalStore
- 2.16 isPortableBetweenShips
- 2.17 isVisible
- 2.18 name
- 2.19 price
- 2.20 provides
- 2.21 requiredCargoSpace
- 2.22 requiresAnyEquipment
- 2.23 requiresCleanLegalRecord
- 2.24 requiresEmptyPylon
- 2.25 requiresEquipment
- 2.26 requiresFreePassengerBerth
- 2.27 requiresFullFuel
- 2.28 requiresMountedPylon
- 2.29 requiresNonCleanLegalRecord
- 2.30 requiresNonFullFuel
- 2.31 scriptInfo
- 2.32 scriptName
- 2.33 techLevel
- 2.34 weaponInfo
- 3 Static properties
- 4 Static methods
- 5 See also
Equipment Expressions
Many methods can take either an EquipmentInfo
or an equipment key. For instance, ship.hasEquipment("EQ_ECM")
is equivalent to ship.hasEquipment(EquipmentInfo.infoForKey("EQ_ECM"))
. In specifications, this is represented by arguments typed equipmentInfoExpression
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.89.
calculatedPrice : Number (read-only nonnegative integer)
If an equipment item utilises the updateEquipmentPrice()
condition script, this will be the price as calculated by that script. If no condition script is in use, the value returned will be the same as the price
property. Divide this by ten for the real value in credits.
canBeDamaged : Boolean (read-only)
if the equipment type can be damaged (either in combat or using Ship.setEquipmentStatus()
), false
otherwise. Currently, this is hard-coded: trumbles, passenger berths, cargo bays and external stores are invulnerable.
canCarryMultiple : Boolean (read-only)
if multiple instances of the equipment type can be used at once, false
otherwise. Currently, this is hard-coded to trumbles, passenger berths and external stores.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.77.
damageProbability : Number (read-only nonnegative)
The relative probability of this item of equipment being damaged, as specified by the damage_probability
key in equipment.plist. This is always zero for mines and missiles, and defaults to one for other equipment. The chance of a particular piece of equipment being damaged is its damageProbability divided by the total damageProbability of all remaining undamaged equipment.
description : String (read-only)
A short description of the equipment, as seen on the Outfitting (F3) screen.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.85.
displayColor : Color (read/write)
Gets and sets the color to be used for this item on the Outfitting (F3) and Status (F5) screens. Any valid color specifier can be used. Setting a value of null
will reset the color to use the default.
effectiveTechLevel : Number (read/write nonnegative integer)
The effective tech level required to purchase this item. Unlike techLevel
, this takes the special meaning of 99 and TL_FOR_EQ_WHATEVER
mission variables into account. If the raw tech level is 99, changing the value of effectiveTechLevel
is equivalent to setting the appropriate TL_FOR_EQ_WHATEVER
mission variable. If the raw tech level is not 99, changes to effectiveTechLevel
are ignored.
Setting effectiveTechLevel
to null
, will remove the corresponding TL_FOR_EQ_WHATEVER
mission variable.
See also: techLevel
equipmentKey : String (read-only)
The equipment key for the equipment described by this EquipmentInfo
object. For EQ_MISSILE, this is "EQ_MISSILE"
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.79.
fastAffinityDefensive : Boolean (read-only)
If this is true
, the equipment will be preferentially assigned to the "fast activation (defensive)" key for primable equipment. This is always false
for non-primable equipment.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.79.
fastAffinityOffensive : Boolean (read-only)
If this is true
, the equipment will be preferentially assigned to the "fast activation (offensive)" key for primable equipment. This is always false
for non-primable equipment.
incompatibleEquipment : Array (read-only)
An array of equipment keys (in arbitrary order). In order to be installed, no item in this array may already be installed.
See also: requiresAnyEquipment
, requiresEquipment
isAvailableToAll : Boolean (read-only)
if the equipment type can be used with any ship, regardless of its shipyard settings. It only has effect on player ships. npc ships always can have it, unless they are explicit excluded with the isAvailableToNPCs
isAvailableToNPCs : Boolean (read-only)
if the equipment type can be used by non-player ships (available_to_NPCs
in equipment.plist, default true
isAvailableToPlayer : Boolean (read-only)
if the equipment type can be used by player ships (available_to_player
in equipment.plist, default true
isExternalStore : Boolean (read-only)
The value of the is_external_store
equipment.plist key, if specified; otherwise, true
for _MISSILE and _MINE equipment types, and false
for others.
isPortableBetweenShips : Boolean (read-only)
if equipment of this type is kept when buying a new ship.
isVisible : Boolean (read-only)
if the equipment type is visible on the Status (F5) screen (visible
in equipment.plist, default: true
name : String (read-only)
The display name for the equipment described by this EquipmentInfo
object. This string is localized. For EQ_MISSILE in English, this is "Missile"
price : Number (read-only nonnegative integer)
This is the value as used in the equipment.plist. Divide this by ten for the real value in credits.
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.81.
provides : Array (read-only)
Returns an array of equipment keys which define the function(s) this equipment is providing to the ship, as defined in the provides
element in equipment.plist.
requiredCargoSpace : Number (read-only nonnegative integer)
Until Oolite 1.76, this was only used to decide if an item could be displayed on the Outfitting (F3) screen. Starting with 1.77, this key will actually ensure that the equipment uses cargo space when installed.
requiresAnyEquipment : Array (read-only)
An array of equipment keys (in arbitrary order). In order to be installed, at least one item in this array must already be installed.
See also: incompatibleEquipment
, requiresEquipment
requiresCleanLegalRecord : Boolean (read-only)
See also: requiresNonCleanLegalRecord
requiresEmptyPylon : Boolean (read-only)
for equipment that requires at least one pylon to have nothing on it.
See also: requiresMountedPylon
requiresEquipment : Array (read-only)
An array of equipment keys (in arbitrary order). In order to be installed, all items in this array must already be installed.
See also: incompatibleEquipment
, requiresAnyEquipment
requiresFreePassengerBerth : Boolean (read-only)
requiresFullFuel : Boolean (read-only)
See also: requiresNonFullFuel
requiresMountedPylon : Boolean (read-only)
for equipment that requires at least one pylon to have a store (missile, mine or equipment) on it.
See also: requiresEmptyPylon
requiresNonCleanLegalRecord : Boolean (read-only)
See also: requiresCleanLegalRecord
requiresNonFullFuel : Boolean (read-only)
See also: requiresFullFuel
scriptInfo : Object (read-only)
The contents of the script_info
key in the equipments’s equipment.plist entry, if any. This may be any property list object, but the reccomended approach is to use a dictionary whose keys have a unique prefix (such as you should be using for file names, ship names etc.). A property list dictionary is converted to a JavaScript object with properties corresponding to the dictionary’s keys. All other property list types used with Oolite have directly corresponding JavaScript types.
scriptName : String (read-only)
The name of an attached script.
techLevel : Number (read-only nonnegative integer)
The raw tech level required to purchase this item. Unlike effectiveTechLevel
, this does not take the special meaning of 99 and TL_FOR_EQ_WHATEVER
mission variables into account.
See also: effectiveTechLevel
This property was added in Oolite test release 1.91.
weaponInfo : Object (read-only)
Provides access to the weapon_info
section of the equipment item (if defined).
Static properties
allEquipment : Array (EquipmentInfos, read-only)
Returns a list of all known equipment types.
Static methods
function infoForKey(equipmentKey : String) : EquipmentInfo
Returns the equipment info object for a given type of equipment, or null
for an unrecognised key. Example: var missileInfo = EquipmentInfo.infoForKey("EQ_MISSILE");