Escort ships for EscortDeck. Find these in the equipment screen (F3) after you bought an Escort Deck.
Arachnid Escort ------------------- Arachnid Sniper ------------------ Ghavial Escort ---------------------- Ophidian Escort
S8 Escort ----------------------------------- S8 Sniper -------------------- Wolf MkI Escort ------------------------ Wolf MkI Sniper
Name Cost Energy Recharg Speed Pitch Mass t Eqipment Ophidian Escort 140000 220 3 360 1,4 28 Beam Laser, ECM, Injectors, Shield booster Ghavial Escort 180000 300 4 250 0,6 104 Beam Laser, ECM, Injectors, Shield booster Wolf MkI Escort 240000 320 4,25 400 1,4 104 Beam Laser, ECM, Injectors, Shield booster Arachnid Escort 350000 512 4 355 1,6 122 Beam Lasers, ECM, Injectors, Shield booster S8 Escort 450000 380 5 380 1,1 123 Military Laser, ECM, Injectors, Shield booster Wolf MkI Sniper 1240000 320 4,25 400 1,4 104 Military Laser, ECM, Injectors, Shield booster and enhancer Arachnid Sniper 1350000 512 4 355 1,6 122 Military Lasers, ECM, Injectors, Shield booster and enhancer S8 Sniper 1450000 380 5 380 1,1 123 Military Lasers, ECM, Injectors, Shield booster and enhancer
Escorts over 100t mass named to heavy escorts due to need at least a Python to the Escort Deck be able to hold the mass of these.
To hold the strongest heavy escorts over 120t you need a ship with at least 300t mass like an Anaconda or an exotic ship like these:
Name Cost Energy Rech. Speed Pitch Width Height Length Mass t Cargo Missile Arafura 375000 512 3 300 0,8 136 45 131 489 125 6 Asp Special 425000 350 4 400 1 138 34 142 571 0 1 Carriers 400000 768 3 200 0,5 180 30 240 945 50 8 Cruzer 320000 384 4 150 0,3 124 48 149 609 200 5 D.T.T. Atlas 675000 525 3 200 0,7 89 49 170 558 770 8 D.T.T. Cyclops 655000 515 3 314 0,9 80 30 170 390 700 6 Granite Python 220000 768 2 200 0,8 78 45 134 321 50 2 King Cobra 260000 380 4 365 1 140 28 98 321 25 4 Kirin CV 1200000 256 5 200 0,5 174 46 348 4202 400 12 Maelstrom 1750000 640 5 250 1 142 54 182 1157 100 4 PythonClassCr. 350000 450 3 350 0,8 86 47 139 312 145 4 Python ET Spec. 360000 350 3 350 1 74 40 140 352 100 3 SerpentClassCr. 475000 550 4 290 1,2 76 63 180 2020 185 4 StormBrewer 312000 365 4 385 1,6 166 32 88 372 48 6 Vector 692000 384 4 470 1,4 86 35 138 355 12 2 Vortex 2000000 512 5 450 1,3 130 60 92 421 30 5
[hide]Arachnid Escort
Arachnid is the largest existing heavy escort ship. Equipped with 8 energy banks, Beam Lasers, ECM, Injectors and Shield Boosters but slower than other heavy esorts. Costs 350000cr.
Arachnid Sniper
Elite sniper pilot ride the largest heavy escort ship with 8 energy banks, Military Lasers, ECM, Injectors, Shield Boosters and enhancers but still slower than other heavy esorts. Costs 1.35Mcr but not available at main stations.
Ghavial Escort
The cheapest heavy escort ship hold 5 energy banks but slower and less agile than others. Has Beam Laser, ECM, Injectors and Shield Boosters. Pythons and above can hold this mass on EscortDeck. Costs 180000cr.
Ophidian Escort
This is the largest small escort ship which can utilize the mini landing pads on the sides of a standard EscortDeck. Use a Beam Laser, ECM, Injectors and Shield Boosters. Costs 140000cr.
S8 Escort
S8 is the small brother of Chopped Cobra S9 without wings and cargo space to fit into escort decks and the winner of the best heavy escort title. Has a Military Laser, ECM, Injectors and Shield boosters. Costs 450000cr.
S8 Sniper
Elite sniper pilot ride the best heavy escort ship with all equipments but not available at main stations - do not miss this offer if you see it without extra charge over 1.45Mcr!
Wolf MkI Escort
This heavy pirate escort ship is useful for Pythons and above, as fast as an Asp and equipped with Beam Laser, ECM, Injectors and Shield Boosters. Costs 240000cr but not available at main stations.
Wolf MkI Sniper
Elite sniper pilot ride this heavy escort ship which is useful for Pythons and above, as fast as an Asp and equipped with a Military Laser, ECM, Injectors, Shield Boosters and enhancers. Costs 1.25Mcr but not available at main stations.
Arachnid use Shipbuilder's model and textures with small changes.
Ghavial and Ophidian Class Yacht are made by Staer9 and changed a bit by me.
S8 is derived from Staer9's Chopped Cobra S9 which is based on Griff's Cobra Mark III and got effects from Smivs.
Wolf MkI comes from Simon B's Favorites packed by spara.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License version 4.0.
If you are re-using any piece of this OXP, please let me know by sending an e-mail to norbylite at
EscortPack.1.2.oxz (downloaded 2128 times).
- Ship buying conditions added to do not offer too large ships.
- Created shiplibrary.plist.
- Subentity declarations updated.
EscortPack.1.1.oxz (downloaded 948 times).
- Ghavial gun fixed.
EscortPack.1.0.oxz (downloaded 498 times).
Required: EscortDeck
Quick Facts
Version | Released | License | Features | Category | Author(s) | Feedback |
1.2 | 2015.10.14 | CC BY-NC-SA 4 | Escort ships | Ships | Norby | BB-Link |