EliteWiki:Current events
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[hide]Oolite Version 1.77 released
Oolite v1.77-test released on Tuesday 8th January 2013. Download from Oolite.space.
Elite:Dangerous hit its funding target
The Kickstarter for Elite: Dangerous hit its funding target of £1.25 million today, 52 hours ahead of the deadline. This means that the game WILL be made, with release estimated for March 2014.
Elite:Dangerous Novels
There are currently four crowd source funding projects to create official/canon Elite novels to be released with the game in March 2014.
The links are:
John Harper: http://www.indiegogo.com/EliteDangerous-And-here-the-wheel?show_todos=true&a=1801378
Drew Wagar: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1245019716/reclamation-an-elite-novella-by-a-fan-for-the-fans?ref=live
'Commander Boz': http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/336512366/the-cost-of-exploration-an-elite-dangerous-world-b?ref=live
Vasileios Kalampakas: http://www.indiegogo.com/elite-dangerous-novel?a=1801378
Stop by, check them out and please (if you can) help us get some real stories into the Elite universe.
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