Sector3/The Prodigal Suns (Region)

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Revision as of 22:50, 18 January 2015 by Phkb (talk | contribs)



The Prodigal Suns consists of the systems Atlaar and Ditere.

ID Name HC Position Gov. Eco. TL Prod. Pop. Inhabitants
2063:206 Atlaar 1 (66,1) 1Logo64 Feudal.png 3Logo64 MainlyIndustrial.png 10Logo TL10s.png 001404014040 MCr 3.9 Bln. Human Colonists
1333:133 Ditere 1 (68,10) 7Logo64 CorporateState.png 2Logo64 PoorIndustrial.png 10Logo TL10s.png 003238432384 MCr 4.6 Bln. Human Colonists
Routes and Regions in Galaxy Sector 3
Spaceway L1 - Spaceway L2 - Triskelion Conduit - Chancers Ally - Glasnost Corridor - Broken Circle
The Outer Reach - The Prodigal Suns - The Inner Reach - The Sidewinder Expanse - Galcenter G3 - The Starbridge Cluster - The Yeon Pass