Sector8/The Unified Tech-Core (Region)

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Revision as of 03:48, 13 May 2016 by Phkb (talk | contribs)
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The Unified Tech-Core consists of the systems Diesdi, Usmaedin, Zaonrixe, Zarila, Leater, Biatzate, Biered, Aletius, Ererso and Onatce.

ID Name HC Position Gov. Eco. TL Prod. Pop. Inhabitants
2168:216 Diesdi 2 (22,165) 2Logo64 MultiGovernment.png 5Logo64 RichAgricultural.png 06Logo TL6s.png 00067206720 MCr 2.8 Bln. Human Colonials
0138:13 Usmaedin 3 (36,189) 2Logo64 MultiGovernment.png 5Logo64 RichAgricultural.png 04Logo TL4s.png 00048004800 MCr 2.0 Bln. Small Black Bug-Eyed Frogs
1478:147 Zaonrixe 5 (26,192) 5Logo64 Confederacy.png 0Logo64 RichIndustrial.png 13Logo TL13s.png 003888038880 MCr 5.4 Bln. Fierce Yellow Horned Lizards
1378:137 Zarila 5 (18,200) 5Logo64 Confederacy.png 0Logo64 RichIndustrial.png 13Logo TL13s.png 003888038880 MCr 5.4 Bln. Human Colonials
0098:9 Leater 7 (29,211) 5Logo64 Confederacy.png 3Logo64 MainlyIndustrial.png 09Logo TL9s.png 002066420664 MCr 4.1 Bln. Human Colonials
2118:211 Biatzate 7 (44,222) 5Logo64 Confederacy.png 6Logo64 AverageAgricultural.png 05Logo TL5s.png 00080648064 MCr 2.8 Bln. Human Colonials
0888:88 Biered 4 (33,232) 2Logo64 MultiGovernment.png 0Logo64 RichIndustrial.png 10Logo TL10s.png 001872018720 MCr 3.9 Bln. Human Colonials
1718:171 Aletius 5 (39,234) 3Logo64 Dictatorship.png 2Logo64 PoorIndustrial.png 11Logo TL11s.png 002060820608 MCr 4.6 Bln. Human Colonials
0028:2 Ererso 4 (38,249) 7Logo64 CorporateState.png 1Logo64 AverageIndustrial.png 13Logo TL13s.png 004514445144 MCr 5.7 Bln. Human Colonials
2158:215 Onatce 4 (51,254) 2Logo64 MultiGovernment.png 6Logo64 AverageAgricultural.png 06Logo TL6s.png 00055685568 MCr 2.9 Bln. Green Furry Rodents
Routes and Regions in Galaxy Sector 8
Spaceway L1 "The Nemorican Arc" - Spaceway L2 - Centreward Flight - The Hitachi Trade Annex - Rimward Decamp
Beggars' Loop - The Ladle - The Far Arm Star Cluster - The Riven Hitachi Senate - Galcenter G8 - The Unified Tech-Core