Simon_B's rare high-tech über-ship
Taniwha NG | |
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Size (metres, W×H×L) | 63 x 36 x 96 |
Cargo capacity | 5 TC |
Cargo bay extension | 15 TC |
Maximum speed | 0.600 LM |
Manoeuvrability | Roll: 2.5 Pitch: 1.75 />Yaw: 1.75 |
Energy banks | 8 |
Energy recharge rate | extreme (15.0) |
Gun mounts | Forward Military |
Missile slots | 3 |
Shield boosters available | No |
Military shields available | No |
Hyperspace capable | No |
OXP or standard | OXP |
Available to player | No |
Base price | N/A |
Taniwha is the Maori for a powerful water-spirit ((noun) water spirit, monster, dangerous water creature, powerful creature, chief, powerful leader, something or someone awesome - taniwha take many forms from logs to reptiles and whales and often live in lakes, rivers or the sea. They are often regarded as guardians by the people who live in their territory, but may also have a malign influence on human beings. - from https://maoridictionary.co.nz)
This is an unfinished OXP without lore, unmodernised for Oolite v.1.80+ and with a typo (named "Tanipha NG" in the shipdata.plist).
There was an earlier version in the Wakotoro oxp (his neolites ships "Box" collection) which came with its own HUD (missing in this OXP)
Got another hyperwave message from my old friend "Slippy" Jim Inskipp making his way through G5 en route to G7 -
So I'd arrived in the Geonbi system after witching out of Veveesve, and was making my way towards the station, when halfway in Angelina got bounced by a bunch of pirates. The lead ship - a Griffin Mk I, something I'd never seen before - claimed to be from "the people's revolution" and demanded 11TC of cargo to 'donate' to the cause before immediately opening fire. Now I don't take kindly to this kind of 'charity with menaces' approach, regardless of how worthy the cause is and especially when driving a Serpent-class cruiser, so I told Falcon of Mayhem II that he could suck quirium vapour and turned Angelina around to engage. Locked up his Mamba friend Admiral Lydia and sent several full-power mil-laser bursts into him before loosening a hard-head missile off in his general direction - which of course sent him off running while screaming "I'm taking too many hits!" and frantically hitting his ECM to no avail.
Unfortunately the rest of his mates had closed to within knife-fighting range and Angelina was taking some serious hits, so as a distraction I released a few tons of 'pirate kibble' - literally in this case as it was 3TC of Veveesveian swamp wheat - and hit the injectors to escape. The plan worked, for most of them immediately went after the dropped cargo... but one ship, a Wolf Mk II, decided that Angelina was a tastier prize and continued to pummel my aft shields. By now having separated him out and gained enough manoeuvering space I started to bring Angelina's forward lasers around to bear - when a Taniwha NG seemingly appeared out of nowhere, barrelling in towards us at an astonishing rate. Now I'd never come across one of these before either, but Ranthe, you've told me enough about these ships to make me seriously worried that even one Taniwha NG would be enough of a challenge for a Serpent-class cruiser!
Then the Taniwha opened his comms: "It's the Wolf Mark II: Iron Skull [...] Open fire!" Almost immediately Scimitar II made good on his word with his lasers tearing into the Wolf Mark II, forcing the aforementioned Iron Skull to, shall we say, realign his battle priorities!
I guess he must have owed the Taniwha pilot money, or slept with his sister, or something... either way, I wasn't going to hang around to find out. So I flashed a quick message of thanks to Scimitar II and left them to it!
- SimonB's re2dux box stash
- SimonB's neolite box stash with older HUD'ed version in wakatoro oxp
None yet found
- New Taniwha? (2013) - BB Release Thread
- Development: Waka Ships (2008) - Original BB Release Thread with development plans and Maori dictionary!
- Author: Simon_B