Save In Flight

From Elite Wiki
Revision as of 05:12, 27 May 2024 by Phkb (talk | contribs)

v1.0.1, by Dybal

Save In Flight allows the player to save the game in mid-flight (i.e., while not docked at a station).

For saving in flight, the player have the the Save In Flight equipment, available in SHip Outfitting at Tech Level 1 and above for 0.1 credits).

For saving, there must be nothing in scanner range (no ship, asteroid, cargo container, wreckage, nothing... gotta not to scare the locals by having those extra-dimensional beings getting in or out in their sight...), so move away until the scanner is empty, then reduce the speed to zero, stopping in space, prime and activate the Save In Flight equipment: you will be moved to the Station at the End of Universe, where you can save the game... when you launch from that station, you will be moved back to the point where the Save In Flight equipment was activated.


CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (


This OXP is based on suggestions by cim in a discussion in the forum (

Change log


  • Restore original Fuel Leak Rate after launch (Battle Damage OXP might cause a fuel leak upon launch if the hull was damaged before saving;
  • Restore TC use for scooped marshallable commodities (those in g and kg) after launch (the core game marshalled them at launch) - thanks to Massively Locked for the heads up and code;

v1.0.0 - Initial version