Talk:Sector1/The Devil's Triangle (Region)
The name
It's a bit painful. I can't help feeling that it is meant to be The Devil's Triangle. Of course if it is a triangle of many devils, I yearn for a confirmation that this is intentional. OLDMURGH talk 07:00, 3 February 2022 (UTC)
Might be from coding, I am not sure if Devil's is accepted by a Mac, even as text variable. Btw I intend to add some background story to this region, starting with the inhabitants today.
Montana05 2022-02-03, 17:14
Had a search on the BB and found nothing about the name. I posted a query for Cmdr Cheyd who might be able to answer (he drops in occasionally).
Montana - do we need to worry ourselves into a psychotic state about being sued by the creators of these pictures of yours? Where do they come from? I'm sure its a needless worry (free game, etc., etc., ...) but...
Do Murgh and I need to sell everything we own and leg it out east to join you in the Devil's Triangle?
- Cholmondeley 10:37, 3 February 2022 (UTC)
Most of the pictures are from free to use webpages, tweaked and merged together. 1 picture {Edzaon} I am not sure about the source, I will do some research before I publish it.
Montana05 2022-02-03, 18:51