[hide]SMax's OXPs
Sources of all OXPs available on Bitbucket.
Zero Map - Explore the galaxy by yourself!
Plugin clears a map of the Galaxy.
The map opens as you progress through:
- Visited systems - all information about system is available.
- Systems in 7LY from the visited systems - only system name and coordinates are available.
- Systems in 10LY from the visited systems - only system coordinates are available (allows finding isolated areas).
Automatically imports the history from the Explorers Club.
Difficulty levels (at F4 screen):
- Easy - shows full map of the Galaxy without names of systems.
- Visited systems - all information.
- Systems in 7LY - all information.
- Systems in 10LY - only name of system.
- Normal - hides map of the Galaxy. Some information about the surrounding systems are available. Isolated regions can be founded.
- Visited systems - all information.
- Systems in 7LY - only name of system.
- Systems in 10LY - without name of system.
- Hard - hides map of the Galaxy. Minimum information about the surrounding systems are available.
- Visited systems - all information.
- Systems in 7LY - without name of system.
- Disable - shows standard map of the Galaxy.
- Required: Oolite 1.83+.
- Recommended: Oolite 1.85+ (some issues have been fixed).
Available in Expansions Manager (Mechanics).
- Download: ZeroMap_0.6.oxz (downloaded 539 times).
- Previous versions: ZeroMap_0.5.oxz (downloaded 111 times).
- Discussion: Oolite forum
- Galaxy Seeds - how to create a new galaxy to explore!
Asteroid Randomizer
Moves static asteroids on a really random position
Available in package manager (Ambience).
Download: AsteroidRandomizer_0.1.oxz (downloaded 1046 times).
Discussion: Oolite forum
Asteroid Remover
Remove blasted asteroids between save games. Reset after witchspace jump.
Incompatible with Asteroid Randomizer.
Warning! System populator set some asteroids on different position afret load game and after witchspace jump (depends on the installed OXP). In this case OXP may not work as expected.
Available in package manager (Mechanics).
Download: AsteroidRemover_0.3.oxz (downloaded 470 times).
MFD Restore After Load
Restore MFD configuration after game loading.
Available in package manager (HUDs).
Download: MFDRestoreAfterLoad_0.1.oxz (downloaded 786 times).
Discussion: Oolite forum
PlanetFall Market Saver
Store market state of PlanetFall stations in save-file.
Works with PlanetFall-based OXPs.
Works with OXP, changing economy model.
Available in package manager (Dockables).
Download: PlanetFallMarketSaver_0.1.oxz (downloaded 1216 times).
Discussion: Oolite forum
RRS Black Box - Hot&Cold game
Play the Hot&Cold game while looking the Black Box for RRS Groups.
Available in package manager (Activities).
Download: RRSBlackBoxHC_0.1.oxz (downloaded 753 times).
Discussion: Oolite forum
Fuel Generator
Fuel generator allows to synthesize fuel from energy.
Synthesizes 1LY fuel per 1 energy bank. Damage shields due subspace disturbances.
Takes up 5t of cargo space.
Tech Level: 13+.
Price: 20 000 Cr.
Available in package manager (Equipment).
Download: FuelGenerator_0.2.oxz (downloaded 1616 times).
Discussion: Oolite forum