Station Bulletins
From Elite Wiki
Station News - a WIP
This oxp creates station news about events at the station. On docking with any station, there may be some station bulletins to read via the Ship-Systems Interface (F4) screen. Note that this OXP does not affect game play at all. There are no missions to start, no actions to take, no events to see. This is purely "flavoring". It's eye-candy, Infocom-style. Also, there are not that many bulletins written at the moment, so sooner or later you'll see some repeats. This is currently a WIP.
- Author: Copyright Feb 2013 by Massively Locked
- License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
- This requires Oolite v1.77
To install - decompress the OXP and copy the "StnBulletins-WIP0.11.oxp" folder into your Add-ons folder.
For any questions or comments, post them on the Oolite forum's thread for this OXP.
- v0.11- bugfix: corrected file name of "missiontext.plist" which affects Mac/Linux users (flagged by cim)
- v0.1- initial version