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(Redirected from Library MaterialsFinder)
A developer-tool to work out materials entries
[hide]Feeble attempt at an Overview
Svengali: Updating OXPs can be time intensive and after taking a look in some older OXPs I've decided to write a WYSIWYG tool to speed up that process. It works directly "in the game" and materials settings can be applied easily. It is meant for OXPers and has no general use for playing Oolite.
The tool writes the settings to your Latest.log in a way in which Oolite's parser expects them, so simply copy these to your shipdata.plist.
More Detail
Written before v.1.1 came out Multiple weapons are already supported, positions and orientations of subentities is on the to-do list. The idea for the next versions is to work out ways to handle a) shader handling inclusive vs+fs shader, textures and uniforms, b) give users a way to find and set positions and orientations of subentities, c) find and set positions, colors, etc of flashers (this should be easy), d) find and set positions and sizes of exhausts (this would need a custom shader), e) find and set positions of weapon positions and aft_eject_position (this would need a custom shader).
Description of v.1.1 * Added note (by a_c) about shininess (gloss+specular) * Choices left-aligned * Handling for disallowed models via conditions * Added Mode: Positions: Handling and logging for aft_eject_position, exhaust, missile_launch_position, scoop_position, view_position_aft, view_position_forward, view_position_port, view_position_starboard, weapon_position_aft, weapon_position_forward, weapon_position_port, weapon_position_starboard. The Positions mode requires shader support to visualize them. * Testmode for view_positions * Search for entity
- Lib_MatFinder now has a feature to visualize exhaust and weapon positions.
- Unlike the old CCL_Matfinder no changes to scripts or shipdata declarations are necessary.
- The positions can be altered easily and can be written to Latest.log. User can cycle through already existing exhaust and weapon positions.
- It's possible to add a size (corresponding to exhaust scale for x and y) to visualize exhaust positions.
Once the OXP is added to Oolite, you will find a new Developer entry on the F4 page (you need Library.oxp running too) giving you access to the MatFinder modification
The companion OXP to this one (also written for Library.oxp). See the bottom of the Library OXP page and follow the links.
Another mysterious offering from User:Svengali (RIP).
- Lib_MatFinder 1.1 (oxz, 39.7 KB)
- See here for original description which is mangled above. (2 pages, 2018).
- Cabal Common MaterialsFinder - for the CCL precursor to Library (written between 2011-12). This will have formed the basis for Lib_MatFinder v.1.0