Cobra Mk.3 (classic)
First seen in service in 3100 AD, manufactured by Cowell & MgRath Shipyard, Lave.
Larger, more popular version of the Cobra Mk I.
This ship is equipped with several special features, including Zieman Energy Deflection Shields, fore and aft, mountings for four Ingram Pulse Lasers, a Lance & Ferman Seek & Kill missile system, and Kruger "lightfast" motors Irrikan ThruSpace.
The Cobra is much favored by lone-wolf traders who wish to combine potential superior combat qualities with adequate cargo space.
The Cobra Mk I's popularity lead to the design of more Cobra type ships, the first of these was the Cobra Mk II.
The Mk 2 only reached prototype stage and was abandoned due to a design fault in the hull.
Cobra blueprints
Jannah Berihn (rabidvixen on our wiki) produced these back before 2007. The dimensions are those of the Cobra Mk.3 also found in Jane's Galactic Shipset.oxp.
Jannah Berihn: Lower deck plan with living quarters, upper deck plan with bridge, section.
George Hooper produced these before 2007.
At least one other different set of blueprints existed, but seems to have foundered in the dust of the aeons...
- Jannah Berihn's diagrams of the Cobra (link)
- - George Hooper's diagram of the Cobra