GalCop Missions

From Elite Wiki
(Redirected from Seismic Resonance Scanner)
Sample mission


This OXP adds some local missions to the Bulletin Board System, to hopefully add more things to do in and around each system. Very little by way of new ships, stations, equipment or AI's has been added to the game. The idea was to simply make use of the existing assets in new and (hopefully) interesting ways.

There are a number of different missions available, and the availability of these missions depends on a number of factors (score, system tech level, government type, installed equipment etc). Missions can be offered in a number of ways: via the Bulletin Board, from scooped escape pods, from passing ships, or from emails.

This OXP also includes the concept of "mission chains", in that completing one mission may trigger a second mission, which could then trigger a third mission, and so on. Sometimes the player is given an option as to whether they want to perform the secondary mission, and sometimes they won't be.

Generally, all the missions are optional. If you don't visit the Bulletin board, you won't see what's on offer, and very little in the game will change if you don't do the missions (although see the two sections below: Gameplay Impacts and Disease Outbreaks). You may occasionally be offered a mission when scooping escape capsules, and sometimes passing ships will pass on requests.

Gameplay impacts

Some of the missions in this pack can impact on other areas of the game. For instance, one type of mission, if completed successfully, will result in a higher frequency of mis-jumps to a particular system. Some missions can effect the commodities of a station, or the availability of equipment at a station. It will hopefully be obvious when these changes take place (ie as a result of completing a mission).

Disease Outbreaks

Another potential impact is on systems that are reported to have disease outbreaks. If a major outbreak occurs, GalCop might choose to lock down the system, preventing the disease from spreading off-world. When this happens, you might find you can’t jump to a particular system without a permit. Some pilots have reported there are ways around GalCop’s restrictions, but even if you do, you might find that GalCop stations in that system will physically prevent you from docking, and inattentive pilots might find their ship taking damage rather than entering the docking slot.

When a disease outbreak restriction is in effect, there might be missions you can undertake that will grant you the required permissions and passcodes to successfully enter the system and dock at the main station. These missions will likely be in systems close to where the outbreak is occurring.

Mission Categories

This mission pack contains over 60 different missions and variations, but most of the missions fall into one of these general categories.

  • Hunter - Hunt down and destroy certain ships (asteroids, pirates, traders, Thargoids, police, etc).
  • Recovery - Find and collect certain items (cargo, derelicts, black boxes, data packets, etc).
  • Rescue - Locate and collect escape pods, deliver critical equipment to stricken ships, deliver medical supplies.
  • Delivery - Take cargo between one point and another, but outside the normal cargo mission system.
  • Covert - Install spying software, disrupt station economies, hack witchpoint beacons.
  • Donation - Donate money or cargo to charities to gain economic or legal advantages.

Required Equipment

Fuel/Cargo scoops and the Advanced Space Compass are required for many of the missions. If your ship lacks these items, certain missions will be unavailable.

Broadcast Comms MFD is a requirement for many of the missions, as it provides an interface for ship-to-ship communications. If you have not purchased this item, some of the missions will be unavailable.

New Equipment

Some new equipment has been added with this OXP.

Range Finder (1).png
Range Finder (2).png

Range Finder MFD

When this item is purchased, installed and primed, you can press the "b" key (Mode) to switch the mode between escape capsules, black boxes, asteroids, ships, communication relays and cargo pods. Pressing the "n" (Activate) key will initiate a scan of the local area, up to a distance of 200km. The scan will take approximately 2 seconds to run, but will be run continuously until deactivated with the "n" key again. Any objects of the selected type within range will be displayed, along with the distance to the object. A "+" or "-" indicator will be displayed next to each item, showing whether you are moving away from (+), or towards (-), the target. When the target is less than 50km away, a simplified directional indicator will be shown instead, but outside this distance, the range finder does not provide directional information. The information returned by the scan is displayed in an MFD, so you will need to select an MFD slot (using the ":" key) and then select the Range Finder MFD (using the ";" key).

 Direction indicators when distance < 50km: 
   O - Target is generally ahead of you
   o - Target is ahead of you.
   X - Target is directly ahead of you.
   < - Target is to the left
   > - Target is to the right
   ^ - Target is above you
   v - Target is below you
   A - Target is behind you (ie Aft)
 Range Finder MFD
 Techlevel: 5
 Price: 250 cr

Note: When the Range Finder is activated, there will be a drain on your ships energy. If the Ship Configuration OXP is installed, engaging the Range Finder will also generate cabin heat.

Range Finder Extender

An additional device, a Range Finder Extender, which increases the range of the scanner to 500km, as well as boosting the range for the simplified directional indicator to 75km.

 Range Finder Extender
 Techlevel: 9
 Price: 2650 cr

Comms Relay Beacon Switch

This device will be issued to the player when attempting particular missions, although it can also be purchased independently from TL3 systems for 60cr. It is a primable piece of equipment that will communicate with any communication relays in the system and request the beacon to be switched on for a short period of time. The device can be used 3 times before needing to be recharged. Using the device will incur a 5% penalty on whatever mission the communication relay relates to.

 Comms Relay Beacon Switch
 Techlevel: 3
 Price: 60 cr

Comms Relay Beacon Switch Recharge

This item will replace all the degraded parts of the switch, allowing it to be used 3 more times. The cost will vary, based on how degraded the current parts are. It is available in all systems.

Cargo Stopper

This device makes use of the tractor beam which forms part of the cargo scoops. When your ship is aimed at cargo cannisters that are floating away, it will automatically use the tractor beam to bring the cargo to a stop. Cargo must be within 2km of your ship, and in the centre area of your front viewscreen, otherwise the tractor beam can't reach it.

 Cargo Stopper
 Techlevel: 6
 Price: 30 cr

Ejection Damper

This device attaches to the end of the cargo scoop, and when engaged, will apply some force to any ejected item so that it will slow to a stop within a short period of time, rather than floating away at a constant rate.

Once purchased, the unit must be turned on before any cargo will be impacted. Prime the "Ejection Damper" equipment, and press either the "Mode" (b) or "Activate" (n) key to turn the unit on. Pressing those keys a second time will turn the unit off. The unit is automatically turned off whenever your ship docks.

When the unit is on, all cargo ejected will be slowed to a stop. The device can be used on 50 ejected items before it needs to be replaced.

 Ejection Damper
 Techlevel: 7
 Price: 100cr

Required OXP's

The following OXP's are listed as required:

  • Bulletin Board System - Required as all missions are accessed through this interface.
  • BroadcastComms MFD - Required for missions that need ship-to-ship communications to take place. Also used for accepting or declining secondary missions.
  • Email System - Provides another interface for missions to be offered.
  • GNN - Provides text randomisation system used for mission descriptions. Plus, some news items will be published periodically, which can add some flavour to game events.

Recommended OXP's

The following OXP's are listed as recommended, in that additional text and/or gameplay options will become available if they are installed.

  • Manifest Scanner - Can aid with finding cargo in other ships, which can be very important if you are on a mission to steal certain cargo.
  • Cargo Scanner - Can help with some missions to identify the contents of cargo containers.
  • Black Market - Some additional opportunities are available through the Black Market interface in this OXP.
  • Satellites - Some missions are available related to the various satellites created by this OXP.
F4 Reputation.png

What else is in the box?

Reputations: The missions available to the player originate from a number of different entities - governments, corporations, factions of every stripe. As missions are performed for these entities your reputation will increase. However, given the number of entities involved, a new F4 interface screen has been created that combines all reputation information into an easy to read display. Also, any awards received can be displayed as well.

If you have the Library OXP installed, you additionally have the option of importing a variety of internal and OXP reputations into the screen, rather than having those reputations displayed on the F5F5 Manifest screen.


Download GalCopMissions_0.8.2.oxz (downloaded 0 times).
Download v0.8.2 (extract OXP folder to AddOns)


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit

Thanks to Svengali and Disembodied for their PhraseGen tool.
Thanks to Ramirez for his remote mine model (from the "Missiles and Bombs" OXP).
Thanks to these forum members who have submitted bug reports or suggestions that have helped make the OXP better: Nite Owl, herodotus, Astrobe, Damocles Edge, Cody, Bogatyr, pagroove, gsagostinho, Cmd. Northgate, Balisongdalo, javirodriguez, and lohcek.gsagostinho, Cmd. Northgate, Balisongdalo, javirodriguez, and lohcek.
Special thanks to cim who has very kindly given permission to include his "Black Box" model from Rescue Stations in this OXP.

No entry sign image from
Warning sign image from
Tick image from
Pill image from
Star badge from (Free for commercial use)
Round badge from (Free for commercial use)
Star medal from (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Star medal on ribbon from (Free for commercial use)
Trophy image from
Cup image from
Candle image from
Family image from
Education image from
Head image from
Raining image from
Biohazard image from" Image by on Freepik
Tractor beam sound effect by Finnolia Productions Inc from (see licence here:
Sound effect from (license
Sound effect from (license
Sound effect from (license
Sound effect from (license
Sound effect from (license
Sound effect from (license
Sound effect from (license
Sound effect from (license
Sound effect from (license
Sound effect from (license
Sound effect from (license


This OXP is discussed at this forum link:

Version History


  • Fixed referencing errors in spawning scripts for "Recover special cargo" (type 24) and "Black Box recovery" (type 22) missions.
  • Fixed issue with mission state not being correctly recorded when the derelict is destroyed in black box recovery missions (types 22/23).
  • Fixed issue with invalid functions calls for meet ship missions (type 30).
  • Fixed issue with the meet ship mission, delivered by email (type 30), that wouldn't generate a second mission when you meet the target.
  • Added clarity to "Computer Delivery" mission (type 42), so when the target ship is destroyed, the mission is failed.
  • Removed "Computer Delivery" from being a follow-up mission.
  • Fixed reference error bugs with investigation missions (types 130-138).
  • Fixed issue with email missions causing a JS exception.
  • Fixed invalid descriptions lookup key.
  • Grammar corrections.


  • Fixed referencing error in data cache missions (type 41) that was preventing the mission from being completable.


  • Added a 10% penalty to cargo recovery missions (type 6) for each cargo pod the player destroys.
  • Destroying a cargo pod in a "Cargo Recovery" mission will now trigger a mission status update.
  • Fixed multiple issues with the descriptive text for "Cargo Recovery" missions (type 6).
  • For type 6/7 missions, changed reward calculation to be based on the value of the commodity being collected.
  • Excluded escape pods from being considered in the "Pirates for Hire" mission (type 8) when slaves are being sought.
  • Adjusted spawning rules for ship with stolen items (type 33), to ensure they always spawn in scanner range of the player.
  • Fixed bug in special delivery mission (type 40) that was preventing key information from being updated.
  • Tweaked special delivery mission (type 40) so mission complete percentage doesn't go above 100%.
  • Added missing position to a "Computer delivery" mission (type 42) description.
  • Bug fixes in disease outbreak script (types 50-52).
  • Fixed issue with disease outbreak systems, where system traffic wasn't being reduced, and GalCop station docking wasn't being prevented, in the case where the player doesn't have a valid permit.
  • Added a screen displayed when docking at a station to inform player of disease lockdown systems with 7LY.
  • Fixed grammar in descriptive text for "Hacking the witchpoint" mission (type 60).
  • Fixed issues with mission details and grammar for station disrupt missions (type 63).
  • Fixed issues preventing the disrupt station missions (type 63/64) from being completable.
  • Reduced eject distance for the "Acquire GalCop Software" mission (type 65).
  • Fixed issues preventing the "Acquire GalCop Software" mission (type 65) from being completable.
  • Beacon labels are now turned off after collecting data from Solar Monitors (type 71).
  • Updated manifest and BB status entries for donation missions (types 80-87) so that after a partial donation the status shows how much is remaining to donate.
  • Removed waypoints from terminated or failed Seismic Scan missions (type 100).
  • Fixed issue with manifest entry for "Asteroids in low orbit" mission (type 102), where it did not show progress towards completion.
  • Fixed issue with completing the "Deliver Seismic Scan Data" mission (type 104), where the equipment item wasn't being removed.
  • Destroying a satellite will now update the mission objectives (types 110-124).
  • Corrected issue preventing some satellite missions from being completable if the Galactic Almanac OXP is installed.
  • Fixed bug when spawning satellite defenders that was preventing the AI from being switched.
  • Tweaked how far you have to go past the reference point before the unidentified signal is started in an Investigation mission (type 130-138).
  • Tweaked descriptions for investigation missions to include a "reference point" past which a fair distance must be travelled in order to find the signal.
  • Tweaked the location of unidentified signals in Investigation missions (type 130-138).
  • Fixed spelling in "Defend station from attack" mission (type 152) description.
  • Added some lurking pirates outside pirate bases.
  • Added some extra details to manifest entry for missions that send to you a specific location in a system.
  • Ejection damper now includes "uses left" in a console message when turned on and again when used.
  • Switched a few mission types to stop the clock when complete.
  • Switched a lot of mission types to be completable at any main station.
  • Fixed issue that was preventing the Range Finder equipment from detecting mission-based escape pods.
  • Fixed issue that was preventing the Range Finder equipment from detecting derelict ships.
  • Added a simplified directional indicator to the Range Finder for when scanned items are less then 50km distant.
  • Fixed issue where cargo collected for missions wasn't being handed over correctly and removed from the player's hold.
  • Fixed issue where scooping more cargo than the mission requirement would cause some display and calculation irregularities.
  • Fixed issue where the F5F5 manifest page wasn't getting updated correctly for missions that have multiple items to collect if items had been destroyed.
  • Fixed various other grammar issues in mission text.
  • Fixed grammar in readme.txt.
  • Set global debug flag to false.
  • Code refactoring.
Show older

Quick Facts


Minimum Oolite versionCPU usage averageMemory usage averageGPU usage lowisConfigurable

Config options available through 'Library'
Missions offered through the 'Bulletin Board System'
News items displayed through GNN
Version Released License Features Category Author(s) Feedback
0.8.2 2024-05-27 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Missions Missions OXPs phkb Oolite BB

Gameplay and Balance indicator
