Planet Forests and Oceans
Ensures that the Planet Textures reflect the F7 screen descriptions
The vanilla-game planet textures are often wildly different from the descriptions on the F7 screen.
This OXP rectifies the matter for the vanilla-game code planet textures where they are described as containing forests or oceans.
More detail
The Oolite planets are either generated by the game engine or are created by planet-texture images which are then wrapped around the planet. The first are created from a number of variables which are either specified in the Planetinfo.plist - or are scripted (Oolite JavaScript Reference: Planet).
Classic Elite (1984) had no planet textures - just wire frames. And the F7 screen descriptions were added in by the infamous Goat-Soup recipe. As computing improved, planet textures were added. And... the one did not always match the other!
This was originally two separate OXPs (Planet Oceans and Planet Forests).
- Author: Phkb
- License: CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0
Version History
- - Increased cloud cover on planets with "rain forests".
- - Initial release.
- BB Thread (2019-date)
- Phkb (OXP author)
- Guide to Ambience OXPs - includes details on Planet Textures OXPs
Gameplay and Balance Indicator
This OXP merely affects the look of planets, having no effect on gameplay.