This is the filename of the file that contains all the text relevant to scripted missions. It should be placed inside the /Config - folder (see OXP HowTo). See the Property List page for more detail on plists.
The file is organised as a dictionary { }. Every entry consists of the key name, followed by a '=' and then the text in quotes.
conhunt_short_desc1 = "Hunt for the constrictor stolen from Xeer.";
Special Expansions
These can be included in your text, inside the quotation marks in openStep, to automatically insert the following details:
[commander_name] - Displays the name of the saved game file.
[commander_shipname] - Displays the name of the player's ship, as specified by shipdata.plist.
[commander_shipdisplayname] - Could be different from commander_shipname.
[commander_rank] - Displays the player's Elite rating.
[commander_legal_status] - Displays the player's current legal status.
[commander_bounty] - Displays the current bounty on the player. (Oolite v1.74 & up)
[mission_xxxx] - displays the missionVariables.xxxxx.
[nom] - Generate a random surname.
[thanks-for-assist] - Err, thanks the player for their assistance.
[police-thanks-for-assist] - the police thanks the player personally.
[describe-pirate] - Random description for an outlaw.
[describe-Pirate] - Capitalized random description for an outlaw.
[thargoid_curses] - Random Thargoid curses.
[police_warning] - Random impending fines notifications.
[police_attack_warning] - Random warning of immediate(?) attack.
%H - Will display the current system name i.e. Isinor.
%I - Displays the current system name with "ian" attached i.e. Isinorian.
%R - Random word. (Use %N for a better result)
%N - Random name. More variation than with %R. Multiple repetitions of %N in the same string generate the same expansion. (Feature added with Oolite 1.73)
%Jxxx - Will display the system name of system with ID number "xxx". xxx must be a 3 digit number or no replacement takes place. e.g. %J007 is Lave. This replacement follows any system renaming by other OXPs. (Feature added with Oolite 1.73)
%Gxxxyyy - Will display the system name of system with ID number "xxx" in galaxy with ID "yyy". xxx and yyy must be 3 digit numbers or no replacement takes place. e.g. %G007000 is Lave. This replacement follows any system renaming by other OXPs. (Feature added with Oolite 1.87)
[oolite_key_FOO] - A human-readable description of the keyconfig.plist entry key_FOO
, if one exists. (Feature added with Oolite 1.79) It is discouraged for OXPs to use these, instead it is recommended to use oolite-keycode-
prefixed entries found in descriptions.plist.
If the message contains elements enclosed in square brackets [like_this] that correspond to mission_variable names or keys in descriptions.plist, or several other variations, then these also will be expanded and substituted into the original message.
Several spacial characters are used in determining the layout of the text, just as in Wiki.
- \" Enables the use of colons.
- \\n Insers a hard Enter.
- \n Inserts a hard Enter.
trumble_offer = "Commander,\\n\\nYou look like someone who could use a Trumble!...";
Most missions offer a choice, that is the spirit of elite.
nova_yesno = { YES = "Okay, I'll help"; NO = "No, sorry."; }
On the missionscreen the choices are sorted by key.