Property:Ship is standard
From Elite Wiki
This property is a string. If it has the value "Standard" it will be interpreted as standard, every other value will be interpreted as OXP.
Pages using the property "Ship is standard"
Showing 19 pages using this property.
W | |
Woma + | OXP + |
WonderWorm + | OXP + |
Worker's Commuter + | OXP + |
Worm (Oolite) + | Standard + |
Worm Miner (Oolite) + | Standard + |
Worm Prospector + | OXP + |
Wyvern Explorer (Oolite) + | OXP + |
X | |
X-Wing + | OXP + |
Xarik + | OXP + |
Xeikil + | OXP + |
Xeikil MK2 + | OXP + |
Y | |
Y-Wing + | OXP + |
Yacht - Amen Class + | OXP + |
YellOo Cabs + | OXP + |
Z | |
Z-ships Asp Explorer + | OXP + |
Z-ships Cobra Commodore + | OXP + |
Z-ships Porcupine + | OXP + |
Z-ships Python Courier + | OXP + |
Zerstörer + | OXP + |