YZ Canis Minoris
From Elite Wiki
[hide]System: YZ Canis Minoris
Strict communist regime. Permit required.
Famous as the first flare star system to be settled, in 3017. All surface habitations have flare shelters beneath them, which should be entered on hearing the flare warnings. The first planet, often known as Lenin, was terraformed by a group of rich idealists on condition it was run to strict communist principles. They endowed an enormous amount of wealth to the system, which is now very rich.
Government Type
Economy Type
10-100 Million
Sector Code
(2,0), System number 2
System overview
Stable system with 6 major bodies
Primary star: Type 'M' flare star
Spaceports and orbiters
New Australia: Terraformed world with introduced life
Major starports: Newtown, Chekovville
Orbiter: Fort Wagner
Major imports
Minor imports
Major exports | Minor exports
Illegal goods
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