Ulite: Research
[hide]3.12 Research
In Ulite, there are a number of things you can build when the Alliance has collected a certain amount of research points in a particular area. The research can start as soon as the first station was established. From this point onwards, the research kit of the founder of the station will be integrated into Allianz research. Later, each station itself (as soon as it has a researcher or research building) will also contribute to your research.
3.12.1 Techtree
What to research everything and what research points in which areas to be required can be the tech tree refer. The columns indicate the research areas, the rows the research points in the overview. Green entries are searchable buildings for the stations. Blue entries are searchable equipment for ships. Red Entries Global research results that can affect several areas.
Clicking on an entry in the Techtree displays details on the searchable object. Here are the following possible entries:
Type: This is whether a building, equipment or a global research object is involved. Group: The research area is located here. Research points: Here are the points needed for the research. Required: Here it is whether there is another research which may have previously been researched. Enables: Here is what research is based on the current one. Construction costs: In buildings, the cost of construction on a station at production units. Operating costs: The costs of the building after the construction are constantly being incurred. Equipment: Here is what equipment will be built through the research.
3.12.2 Research
In V4, as already mentioned above, is not investigated for the player, but for the alliance.
Once research is possible appears in the menu bar under Players a new button "Research".
There, the alliance leader (permission can be granted to other players in the Alliance) can manage the current research.
Details on the operation it under the documentation for the menus
3.12.3 Advanced research
If an Alliance has completed the Tech-Tree, then the compulsory program is over and the advanced research starts.
From now on, Alliances can begin to adapt existing ship types.
Under the menu item research there from this time a new entry "Advanced ships"
Here you can select a hull of standard vessels to improve this. The name given for the new ship must be at least 3 characters long.
The following categories are available for improvement: fuselage, capacity, acceleration, reverse acceleration, active crew, and artillery.
If a basic design has been chosen and a name given, the new vessel with its possible research classes appears as possible research objects, which can then be moved into the planned research series and researched.
It is, however, only possible to push a category at the same time into the planned research, because the costs increase not only with the steps, but also with the total number of improvements.
There are some dependencies for possible research projects. Thus, for example, the fuselage has to be upgraded for the purpose of researching acceleration enhancements. Or at least a second crew member is required for a second weapon.
After the creation of the own ship type it is possible to select this in the ship design. Your own designs appear in the list at the bottom.
The class info is displayed both in the fleet display and in the ship configuration.
A list of all your own ship types can also be found in the research menu.
It is also possible to expand a created ship whether schoin with research or not again.
In this case it will also be deleted from the ship's design, active production and production queue!
Except for hull and capacity, a research stage increases the research area by 1.
Hull per research stage
Ship class Additional hull class 1 1t (except IS) 2nd grade 2t Class 3 3t Class 4 4t Class 5 10t Class 6 20t Class 7 35t class 8 50t (up to including Griffin Carrier) class 8 100t (all Kl.8> Griffin Carrier) class 9 150t grade 10 300t Capacity per research stage
Ship class Additional capacity class 1 2t (except for IS) 2nd grade 3t Class 3 4t Class 4 7t Class 5 15t Class 6 40t Class 7 80t class 8 120t (up to Griffin Carrier) class 8 150t (all Kl.8> Griffin Carrier) class 9 300t grade 10 500t
It should also be mentioned that the cost of research does not only increase from project to project, but the order also plays an important role. The value of the research areas corresponds to the order listed above, from the smallest to the greatest. In other words, each further research project receives a malus factor that makes research more difficult. This factor is of course more pronounced, the larger the project.
The formula for the required research points is:
FP = (1 + AM / 10) * (100 * FS) ^ (1 + FG / 3 + SK / 20)
FP: research points (of the respective object) FG: research area (hull = 1, free space = 1.5, forward acceleration = 3, Backward acceleration = 3.1, active crew = 3.2, gun positions = 4) SK: ship class (1..10)
If a ship expanded by research is sold, or the "fleet" it forms, it loses its special qualities. It is therefore not possible to exchange such ships with other players. Furthermore, research extensions are not extensively applied to fleet vessels. Additional weapon lots are not used, for example, by fleets.