[hide]System: Achenar
Imperial capital. Seat of the Emperor.
Imperial capital on Achenar 6d, known as Capitol by the locals. 6c is still known as Conversion though it was terraformed in 2696. 6b was terraformed in 2850 to accomodate the population explosion which followed. Anyone without the quirky accent of Imperial citizens is shunned, especially if they are from a Federation world.
Government Type
Imperial Rule
Economy Type
Strictly capitalist - no social safeguards
More than 10 Billion
Sector Code
(1,-4), System number 0
System overview
Stable system with 28 major bodies
Primary star: Type 'B' hot blue star
Spaceports and orbiters
Yamaha's Grave: Barren rocky planetoid
Major starport: Schmidt
Orbiter: Baker Terminal
New World: Small sustained terraformed world
Major starports: Hoopertown, Swallow Landing
Orbiter: Bell Terminal
Conversion: Terraformed world with introduced life
Major starports: Shepherd City, Newtown, Morris Base, Chekovport
Orbiter: Macmillan Terminal
Capitol: World with indigenous life and oxygen atmosphere
Major starports: Duval City, Fortress Cambridge, Camp Denver, Maxwell's Camp
Orbiter: Fort Donalds
Major imports
Minor imports
Major exports
Minor exports
Illegal goods
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