Missile Analyser
Missile Analyser | |
Name | Missile Analyser |
Cost | 17,500₢ |
TL Availability | 10 |
This oxp adds the equipment: Missile Analyser. This analyser reacts on an incoming missile alert. On such an alert it analyses the spectrum of the exhaust fumes, speed manoeuvrability etc. On comparing these data with its database it can predict quite accurately what type of missile it is.
All this information is displayed at the player console. It is up to the player how to react on this information.
Why this equipment
In the old days there were only Missiles and ECM Hardened Missiles. When you fired your E.C.M. System (Electronic Counter Measures system) and the missile was still coming, you knew what type of missile you were facing!
With the introduction of many new missile types, (eg from Missiles and Bombs & Armoury OXP) it is often not clear how to react on an incoming missile. Some have a q-bomb mounted and others don't react on chaff. You can wait till the missile is close enough to visually inspect the shape. When you are lucky you recognise it before impact takes place. Better to use this analyser for early recognition!
The analyser is connected to the default Missile Launch Detector that almost every ship has on board. Your MLD now activates the Missiles Analyser and the Missile Analyser then determines what type of missile is heading for the ship. When it is a plain missile it does nothing to avoid too much clutter on your screen. When it is a special missile, a warning is displayed on screen, giving the missile type and the name of the ship that fired it.
In normal use the pilot hears the alarm of an incoming missile. A well trained pilot will activate his ECM in a reflex. Only as a second reaction he should look at the screen. When the MA shows no message it is very likely a plain missile that will explode on ECM activation. When the MA does give a message the pilot should read it and act accordingly.
When the pilot also has a Target System Memory Expansion installed, the Missile Analyser is connected with it on installation. For an incoming, non-standard missile, it will transfer the missile location to the first position in the target memory. When the pilot has Anti-Ballistic Missiles on board he just has to press T (to target his ABM) followed by M (to fire the ABM). Sometimes even a normal missile, fired as ABM, is able to destroy an incoming missile.
This equipment can be purchased in all high-technical systems (10+) for a sum of 17,500₢.
Technical specifications
Missiles have no transponder for easy recognition such as ships have. The key for recognition of a missile is the exhaust flame of the projectile. Depending on the manufacturer of the fuel there are small composition changes that result in an slightly different flame spectrum. Besides this spectrum every burner gives a slightly different flicker of the flame. This analyser detects these differences in spectrum and flickering and compares this with an on-board database of known missiles.
This database has to be updated regularly when new manufacturers appear or a manufacturer switches fuel composition. Therefor the purchase costs of the MA includes a "live-time" update of the database. For this update it automated connects to a computer network during a maintenance. The pilot needs to do nothing for this.
This ultra-sensitive scanner makes the equipment expensive. What also is expensive is the pure information in the database. This information is very well protected. To make sure this information never appears for free on the market, every analyser is booby-trapped. When not opened with the right tools it will destroy itself without any rights granted on warranty.
The manufacture of the Missile Analyser will never guarantee the Missile Analyser always gives the right result. Because some pilot could have made modifications to the missile or manufacturers could have changed missile specifications that are not yet in the database, analyses by the MA can result in wrong conclusions.
Download Link
- Downloadable through the in-game Expansions Manager
- Missile Analyser 1.2 For Oolite 1.73+
Update Notes
- The version posted on the Expansions Manager is the latest version of this OXP. The .oxz version only runs on Oolite 1.79+
- Version 1.2: For Oolite 1.73+ (Updated 25/5/10).
- Version 1.1: For Oolite 1.72 & 1.73
- Version 1.0: First release for Oolite 1.71